Dimensions of Religion Paper Proposal 1) What is the primary source on which you will be writing your paper? Bhagavad Gita 2) Which 2 of Smart’s 7 dimensions will you be using to analyze your primary source? Mythic and Ethical 3) In one or two sentences, write out a thesis statement for your paper. A thesis statement should summarize the argument you will make in your paper. After reading your thesis statement, your reader should know the main point that your paper will make and have a sense of how you will back up your claim. For more on writing a strong thesis statement, I recommend utilizing the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) –
here is a link to get you started: Purdue OWL The Bhagavad Gita is a holy Hindu scripture part of the Mahabharata, throughout the reading the dimensions of Mythic and Ethics revolve around the decisions of what is seen as righteous and purposeful through the narration of Lord Krishna.