CalTPA_C1_S1_A_GettingToKnowYourStudents (1).docx
California State University, Long Beach *
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Dec 6, 2023
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Step 1: Plan—Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
Provide the information listed below about your whole class, their assets
and learning needs, classroom context, and each of the three focus students by
responding to the following prompts (no more than
9 pages). To protect the privacy of the focus students, refer to these students as Focus
Student 1 (FS1), Focus Student 2 (FS2), and Focus Student 3 (FS3). Type your
responses within the brackets following each prompt.
Do not delete or alter the prompts.
Whole Class
1. Description of Students’ Assets and Learning Needs
a. Prior academic knowledge related to the specific content you plan to teach
[ Students in this class are 10th-grade students who are in their second year of PE unless they
were in a sport during their freshman year of high school. Students in this class have some
background knowledge related to the five fitness components.
Students listen have already participated in a run, walk, jog activity that is very similar to
the formatting of the activity today so they should pick up on the slight adjustments fairly
quickly. (
students have been taught a brief overview of the five fitness concepts and are familiar
with each of the terms (
Students are unable to clearly distinguish examples for the majority of the five fitness
concepts. (
Students need extra accountability and motivation in order to run for the entire duration.
b. English language proficiency levels for English learners (including reclassified English
[ Within this group of students there is a total of 5 English learners, with the majority of them
speaking Spanish as their first language except for one student. This student’s first language is
Punjabi and she is at the emerging level, however, I would have never guessed that this student
was an English learner based on the conversations that I have had with her. Two of the
Spanish-speaking students are at the bridging level and can speak English very clearly. They
are the two students who are always helping out with translating for the other Spanish speakers
in the class. The remaining 2 Spanish-speaking English learners are at the emerging level and
know very little English so I will typically ask students in the class who are bilingual to help
translate. ]
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
c. cultural and linguistic resources and funds of knowledge (i.e., knowledge and skills derived
from cultural experience)
[ The various cultural and linguistic resources and funds of knowledge that the students of this
class obtain consist of a wide range resulting in a culturally diverse community. One of the most
present cultures within this group of students is the Hispanic/Latino culture. These students
have made it clear that they love merengue music and dancing, so I have created a PE music
playlist to incorporate some of their favorite songs to create a culturally diverse environment.
Many students in this class also come from Asian cultures. Asian cultures are known for
respecting their teachers and valuing education. Students express great respect towards me as
the teacher by following the rules. providing eye contact when receiving information, and never
speaking out of turn. These students set an example for others by always participating in class
and getting their work in on time due to their discipline with schoolwork. ]
d. prior experiences and interests
related to the content
you plan to teach
[The majority of the students within this class have taken freshman physical education, so they
have already been physically tested on all five fitness components but lack the academic
vocabulary that goes along with the fitness components. Their prior course revolved around
fitness and getting them ready to pass the fitness gram, but they barely learned about other
activities that can help them in all areas of fitness which is what they will be learning in the
lesson. Once students understand that pushups, sit-ups, and running are not the only ways to
be fit, it changes their whole mindset, and working out now becomes something enjoyable. ]
2. Contextual Information for the Class
a. grade level(s)
[ 10th grade ]
b. age of students
[ 15-16 years old. ]
c. content area
[ Physical Education ]
d. instructional setting (in-person, online synchronous, hybrid)
[ In-person - mainly in the gym and black top with access to track/field as well as weight room. ]
e. resources and materials you have access to and plan to use in the lesson
[ Speaker, TV, Cones, dumbbells, mats, task cards, google translate/Spanish speaking person
to translate task cards ]
f. number of students:
total number of students (whole class)
[ 34 ]
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
number of identified English learners (including reclassified English learners)
[ 5 ]
number of students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP)*
[ 2 ]
number of students with a 504 plan*
[ 0 ]
number of students identified for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)*
[ 0 ]
* Include a note if IEP/504/GATE goals/plans are not applicable for your students given their
age (e.g., TK–3 classroom).
g. dual-language setting, if applicable; indicate setting and language of instruction:
[ ]
one-way immersion
[ ]
two-way immersion
[ ]
Focus Students
3. Description of 3 Focus Students’ Assets and Learning Needs
To protect the privacy of the 3 different focus students, refer to these
students throughout your submitted evidence as Focus Student 1
(FS1), Focus Student 2 (FS2), and Focus
Student 3 (FS3). Remember: Do not use an actual school name, the
names of other adults in the classroom who support students, or the
names of any students in the evidence you submit for Cycle 1.
Focus Student 1
a. current proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking/listening in English and mastery of the
primary language
[ Focus student one is currently at the emerging level of English proficiency. This student’s
profile displays that she is at the emerging level for oral language, and the ELPAC report reveals
that her speaking is well-developed, however, her written language is minimally developed. After
conducting conversations with this student I would have never thought that she is an English
Learner because of how well she speaks (
). There are some instances where this student
will pause and have to think about what she is about to say, however, for the most part, her
speech is very solid and understandable. This student
help when it comes to utilizing
content-specific vocabulary in writing and speaking. The lesson is designed to enhance the
student's understanding of content-specific vocabulary by providing time for the student to talk
about content-specific vocabulary with peers and a graphic organizer for her to be able to
clearly organize new knowledge. ]
b. prior academic knowledge related to the specific content you plan to teach
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
[ In the welcome back surveys that the students filled out, focus student 1 has stated that she
hated PE last year and is not looking forward to it this year because all they did was run on the
track, however, she does not know PE will look very different this year. Students will learn how
to utilize fitness for life so hopefully their perceptions of fitness will shift. The student lacks an
understanding of how to incorporate fitness into her day-to-day life because her PE class last
year, FS1 gained
background knowledge of why exercise is important but has made it
clear that she believes running is the best way to achieve fitness because it was the main focus
of their class last year. This student stated that she likes her badminton practices because they
do interval training rather than just running, so she should enjoy the movement-based activity
from the lesson. Once she understands that this class is nothing like her last year's physical
education class she will have a new understanding of fitness and how to incorporate it into her
own personal life. ]
c. social identity (student’s expressed self-concept derived from a social group that is evident
through peer and/or adult interactions inside or outside of school)
[ Focus student 1 identifies with the Punjabi culture and expresses that her family and culture
heavily values music and dance. During the lesson, it will be my duty to create an inclusive
music playlist in order to make all students feel connected to the content. This student is
extremely polite and soft-spoken when communicating with teachers, but she always makes it a
point to say hello to the teacher when walking into class. At the beginning of the semester, this
student was very shy and would not often be seen hanging out and talking with peers, but now
that this student has been in school for a little over a month she has started to come out of her
shell. This student is a student who does not care what anyones background is and will give
everyone a chance which has been proven by the way that she constantly switches who she
groups up with in class. ]
d. cultural and linguistic resources and funds of knowledge
[ Focus student one is an Indo-Aryan girl whose native language is Punjabi. Family is a large
part of this student’s identity because the Punjabi culture heavily values close-knit families and it
is very normal for multiple generations to live within the same household. This student lives with
her mom, dad, younger brother, and grandmother and said she is going to be expecting her
other grandparents to be moving in with them soon. In the Punjabi culture, it is normal for the
younger generations to consistently be helping out around the house which translates to the
classroom for this student by the way that she is always collecting equipment and staying later
than most students to organize the equipment. The Punjabi culture also heavily values
education as this culture has a high presence in business and trade. This student shows her
care for her education by always turning in her assignments on time and participating to her
best capabilities.]
e. prior experiences and interests (as they relate to the content you plan to teach)
[Focus student one was a freshman in PE last year so her entire course revolved around the
five fitness concepts, however, they did not develop the proper academic language that reflect
the components, rather focused on certain exercises within each component so they were able
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
to pass the fitness gram. The student does not understand the differences between the
components of fitness (
) and
help organizing her thoughts on paper. The main
focus of this lesson is to
re-introduce these academic fitness concepts
in a completely new
way that makes it fun and engaging and she
will be able to apply this knowledge outside of
. In order to support this student’s learning she will be provided extra handouts with
visuals so that her learning is not hindered by the potential language deficit of not knowing a
certain exercise which will immensely help her with the component slide deck review informal
assessment and exit slip. This student also is interested in joining the badminton team and
stated that she is excited to use PE as a way for her to get in shape for badminton because she
stated that they do a lot of interval runs for badminton which is very similar to the walk, jog, walk,
and stop to exercise activity we will be doing in this lesson (
). ]
f. developmental considerations (e.g., social-emotional, physical)
[ The development considerations that apply to focus student 1 revolve around strengthening
their content-specific academic vocabulary. FS1 has a hard time using academic vocabulary in
the physical education setting because she is still not familiar with the English terms for the new
exercises we will be doing. To improve this student's academic vocabulary, I plan to provide the
necessary tools for her success. One will be a handout with a list of exercises translated into
Punjabi (with use of Google Translate) for the student to use for the exit slip. I will also provide
the student with a word bank for the exit slip where she will have to correctly choose the five
fitness-health-related components we covered in class out of many different, similar fitness
terms. ]
that has pictures to describe each one rather than each being translated to her language so she
begins to connect each exercise with the content-specific vocabulary
g. ELD goal(s)
[ FS1 struggles with her confidence when speaking and writing, especially with new
content-specific vocabulary and concepts. In this lesson, the students will have an opportunity to
talk with their peers in self-chosen groups. FS1 is more likely to participate in self-chosen
groups because she will be with peers she is comfortable with. During the main activity, before
the students perform each exercise, I will state the exercise a couple of times and give a live
demonstration to help FS1 learn the academic vocabulary. After each exerise, I will ask the
students who can name what fitness component that exercise would be categorized under for
FS1 more opportunities to familiarize herself with the content-specific vocabulary of the lesson.
for the lesson will be to answer at least one of the check-for-understanding questions
that the teacher asks throughout the lesson, be able to recall all five fitness components and
choose one example/exercise from the exercise sheet provided that matches 3/5 of the
components, and conduct meaningful conversations with peers using the content-specific
vocabulary. ]
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
Focus Student 2
a. learning challenge (identified disability and IEP goals, focus of 504 plan or Multi-Tiered
System of Supports [MTSS], or need for greater instructional challenge through GATE
[ Focus student two has an IEP for ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia. He mainly struggles in the
classroom, but physical education is typically his best subject because he does not have to sit
still and focus on one thing for too long. This student stated that the way he learns best is by
doing so physical education is typically his favorite subject because he gets to be moving
throughout the entirety of the period. One of this student's
is to participate in group
activities without causing his group to get off-topic. FS2 is an extremely hyperactive student with
many impulse controls which is something that this student is trying to work on this year and in
this class that will consist of not blurting out when the teacher is talking and not getting carried
away with side conversations while a lecture is going on.]
b. prior academic knowledge related to the specific content you plan to teach
[ Focus student 2’s prior knowledge pertaining to the components of fitness comes from past
lessons in PE that he has been given and his experience in PE last year. In past lessons, this
student has gotten
exposure to the five fitness components and has participated in
various forms of exercises (
), but is still lacking the knowledge to be able to define each
component of fitness (
). Due to this student's ADHD, he easily gets bored and easily gets
off task when doing the same activity for a prolonged period so the walk, jog, walk, and stop to
exercise activity should be perfect for this student because he will be constantly changing
activities. With fitness interval stations the student will not be doing the same activity for more
than 2:00 at a time which will prevent him from getting bored and causing him to become off
task. ]
c. social identity (student’s self-concept derived from a social group that is evident through
peer and/or adult interactions inside or outside of school)
[ Focus student two identifies a Jewish-American gay boy who loves Disney. He typically hangs
around females and does not tend to have many guy friends but they all respect him because
he is outgoing and talks to everyone. FS2 is also in leadership so he is well known around
campus and wears his pride gear loud and proud. His parents are aware and are supportive of
him. They are also very involved when it comes to this student's academics which is obvious
through how often his parent checks his grades on the online portal. Prior teachers of FS2 have
revealed that they are both always at his meetings and are always making sure he gets the
accommodations and modifications that he needs. ]
cultural and linguistic resources and funds of knowledge
[ FS2 brings many cultural and linguistic resources and funds of knowledge stem from his
identity and family. This student’s family is very aware that FS2 is gay and fully supports him as
a result, FS2 is friendly with all students during class and partners up with students who are left
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
without a partner because he knows that one of his assets is people skills. FS2 is incredibly
wise for his age and is one of the students that the coaches say is always helping out in the
locker room which this student states comes from his ADHD. FS2 says that helping out in the
locker room gives him something to do rather than going out and waiting for the coaches to get
there because when he goes out to the numbers he knows that he will want to run around with
his friends but will get in trouble if he does. Lastly, this student is Jewish and is able to bring with
him to class the funds of knowledge of his religion and is able to educate the class a little bit
whenever holidays arise especially if he misses school for them. The way that this student can
receive credit for missing a day due to a high holiday is by educating the class in a short 5-10
minute mini lecture about the specific holiday and why he is not supposed to go to school on
that day.
e. prior experiences and interests related to the content you plan to teach
[ Focus student 2 has expressed that his sister makes him exercise with her roughly 2-3 days a
week and stated that she has introduced him to way more exercises than just sit-ups, push-ups,
and running. Because this student is familiar with a variety of exercises he is a perfect student
to have show demonstrations of each exercise. This will play a role in boosting the student's
confidence and encouraging them to continue to try his best in PE. FS2’s physical education
class last year was heavily focused on the fitness gram and this student did not pass the
push-up test which was not detrimental to their progress in school, but he mentioned that it is
one of his
personal goals
to be able to do 12 pushups without stopping which he will be able to
work towards during this lesson because pushups will be incorporated into the walk, jog, walk,
and stop for exercis activity. ]
f. developmental considerations (e.g., social-emotional, physical)
[ FS2’s developmental considerations are based upon their social-emotional aspects and
learning disability. This student often times zones out while listening to directions and has a hard
time keeping up with the lesson, so providing this student with a written set of directions can aid
not only FS2’s productivity but also other students so that he does not have to disturb peers to
ask for clarification with directions.In this leson, the information will also be up on the board in
case the student misses anything he can always refer back to the slides which I will send to him
after class. Calling on this student in class when asking reflection questions or during other
informal assessments will also help keep him focused during the lessons. ]
g. assistive technologies as appropriate
[ The assistive technologies that FS2 is able to utilize are a result of his dysgraphia. FS2 has
really bad handwriting and when they do need to handwrite something legible it takes them an
incredibly long time to complete so this student’s work must be available for them to complete
on their Chromebook. For this lesson, the student will be provided with the option to complete
the exit slip as a homework assignment that is due that night by midnight or I can transcribe it
for him since he is the only student in the class with this accommodation. The student is also
typically provided with a personal copy of any videos we may watch in class and/or notes from
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
the lesson because the student often times gets off task by daydreaming when the teacher is
lecturing for more than 5 minutes. ]
Focus Student 3
a. life experience(s) either inside or outside of school that may result in a need for additional
academic and/or emotional support
[ Focus student three is a transgender female student who transitioned over the summer. FS3
has had her name changed since the spring semester of last year, however, did not transition to
the female locker room until this year. This student has still requested to be able to change in
the bathroom stalls to prevent stares and unnecessary anxiety FS3 may feel when dressing in
the locker room with the rest of the females (
). This student still prefers to mainly group
with females during smaller group activities because of previous interactions with other male
students in the locker room years prior (
). In the most recent couple of years, the student
has not had positive interactions with other males and was often bullied in the locker room.
There were many instances where students would graffiti their locker and write hateful
messages on the locker so halfway through the year the student started changing in the office
bathrooms where she kept her stuff because she had not transitioned and did not feel
comfortable enough to go into the girl's locker room until this year. ]
b. prior academic knowledge related to the specific content you plan to teach
[ FS3 took physical education as a freshman last year so he is familiar with the fitness concepts
we will be covering in class such as flexibility, body composition, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, and cardiovascular fitness but does not have the knowledge to be able to define
these terms and apply them to their life (
). FS3 also took health as a freshman where they
learned that being healthy is more than just eating right and it also includes incorporating
regular exercise in your daily life. She has also stated that she is looking forward to this class
becuase her older friends who took the class last year said that they learned how to create their
own fitness routines which is something this student is eager to learn (
). ]
c. social identity (student’s expressed self-concept derived from a social group that is evident
through peer and/or adult interactions inside or outside of school)
[ Focus student three identifies as a transgender female Latin-American who has a passion for
dance. FS3 is one of the more shy/timid students and mainly hangs out with other females
except for a few male friends that they have been friends with the majority of their life because
they met through dance and two of them happen to be in the class. Dance is another major part
of FS3’s identity as she spends roughly 15 hours a week dancing outside of school but always
makes sure to get her homework done promptly. ]
d. cultural and linguistic resources and funds of knowledge
[ The cultural and linguistic resources and funds of knowledge of FS3 are heavily formed around
her parental influence. FS3’s parents have always encouraged her to express her true self and
dance is the main way she feel she can do this. She has participated in many different kinds of
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part A: Written Narrative: Getting to Know Your Students Template
dance but she currently only does hip-hop and said she stopped doing tap and jazz because
she needed time to focus on school. Furthermore, FS3 comes from a Spanish-speaking family
and has grandparents who only speak Spanish, but FS3 is bilingual and one of the students
who offers to translate for other students. FS3’s funds of knowledge stem from her family's
beliefs and experiences. FS3’s parents did not go to college and her older brother is a first
generation so there is a lot of pressure on this student to do well in school and go to college
after high school. ]
e. prior experiences and interests related to the content you plan to teach
[ I have learned that FS3 tried many different sports as a young child, but never had good
experiences because the student would oftentimes be more interested in picking flowers in the
field rather than practicing for their sport. Although she was never interested in team sports she
has always had a passion for dance which is a great form of cardio. Students are going to be
learning about the five fitness components which are all relevant in Dance, so this student may
learn that working out will benefit her capability to Dance. ]
f. developmental considerations (e.g., social-emotional, physical)
[ The developmental considerations for focus student three stem from their social-emotional
background. FS3 has had problems in the past with other males in the locker room leading to
her feeling anxious when grouped with other males which then results in her not participating.
FS3 needs to be able to choose their own partners or groups for activities in PE, however, when
students are in assigned groups FS3 is always placed with females or the two male students
who FS3 has made clear are her friends. FS3 is transgender, however, she is physically
age-appropriate for a female in the class despite recently having transitioned so it does not
affect her abilities to participate this year since the students do not participate in the fitness gram
as sophomores. ]
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