“The Road Not Taken” Analysis
1. Do you think the speaker in the poem
took the road less travelled? Why?
The speaker of the poem does choose the less-traveled path, but at the end he sighs and says he'll
recount the story, implying that he will likely regret it and be sad he went down the harder route. In life,
we must make decisions, which we may come to regret years later.
2. Do you think it likely or not likely that the speaker will come back someday and take the other road?
And why do you think that?
The narrator cannot possibly go back since once you make a big life decision, there is no turning
3. The poem leaves us in doubt about the wisdom of the choice the speaker made that day. Do you think
he or she made the right choice? What are your reasons?
No, the speaker does not believe that choosing the less-traveled route was a mistake. The poet desired
to go along both paths. Though he is aware that he most likely won't be able to, he assures himself that
he will explore one before returning to explore the other.