Trade sources relate to information presented by an industry subject matter expert. The
information presented can be in the form of an editorial, current or future trends as an example.
3. Take a look at the Research Report (WA#3) instructions. What additional research
demands are placed upon the writer for this assignment compared to WA #2?
Additional requirements include an increased length of 2000 words long. We are required to cite
(9) references, (4) from peer reviewed scholarly journals. Sources will be used to explain the
problem, with evidence, and support the solution.
How can you as writer best present your report so that it is most readily accessible for your
primary audience?
define the problem persuasively and accurately
propose a solution or solutions to the problem or issue
present that solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement
the recommendation.
Review sample reports for guidance and examples of successful reports
Review the Business Writing Quick Guide
4. Writing on the same topic for WA#2 and WA#3 make the writing of the research report
an easier task than it would have been if different topics had been chosen. Comment on
how the writing on the same topic for both these assignments can help you as you write
your research report
Writing on the same topic for both papers allow for time to create a foundation of the
information and then build on it. Since we are writing on the same topic, research time will be
more efficient because only one topic is being researched. From the first paper to the second, a
greater exploration of the issue can be presented, and therefore a better understanding created for
the solutions.