ELEC4601 CRIB 2-merged



Carleton University *

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Electrical Engineering


Jan 9, 2024





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Question 1 0/1point Question 2 O S e R Questi.onS ' . 0/1poiht Question 6 pre-charged? A de is running in the main thread ARM p ;and th broutine is called. As partof Choose all of the following devices that are appropriate 12C slaves. he DMA controller st directly the subroutine call: elect a tzef0 00 1 Word Line _ Word Line _ l"lULt))U 14 B} LIe Suprouunc are pushed onto th sack Temperature sensor with SPI interface . None of the other answers are correct. 2 b the ' o ! e S e solid state drive § g » 8 Bl P @ c.the target periph Gnd 8 5 Gnd @ proc.:»u, flags are pushed onto the stack, the link register is pushed onto the stack, and the = None of the other answers are correct. . L holdi t for tt k ti hed onto the stack . Word e None of the other answers are correct (=] St L . . = . e . Bluetooth module with UART interface @ e datat Thié Capacitor The link ICBIDI.CI ) g 14 the subroutine 1 byte . . f. address bus i A are pushed onto the stack IMU with SPI interface - i e 2N where N is the width of the data bus Th t hed onto the stack, and tt v‘ ters holdi g ters for the . = O Bitline logy(N) where N is the width of the data bus subroutine are pushed onto the stack hard disk drve 2 bytes Suppose your manager decides to install only 512KB of main memory and 2KB of cache (e.g. 2!! = Question 9 Question 10 Question 11 0/1poie Qe oo H hard M4 ller? When ch th t lue of 12C pull t e i e | saae . i How many hardware ted stacl ilable in the C icr r en choosing the resistance value o ull-up resistors: lave then: In our labs when you wrote code for the Cortex M4 microcontroller, compiled it, Hich . d i L e Y pp Cortex M4 microcontroller? g p p slave then : . i 7 - 7 None of the other answers are correct. the microcontroller, the code was stored in: > Which type of bus would you expect to be faster? Full duplex, or half-duplex Two = () None of the other answers are correct. - pulls its SCL pin low to release control of the bus. = Flash memory £ Half duplex Eight size them larger to reduce current flow during the idle bus condition. pulls its SDA pin high to release control of the bus. | N AU LR e SRAM One 1 1 H o Full duplex size them larger to increase 12C bus bandwidth. . ] : ¥ Hide question 11 feedback it , None of the other answers are correct. size them smaller to ensure a logic zero can be transmitted. St Roria oF the s e o ok None of the other answers is correct. The slaves have to always lsten to the bus, s0 they can't go into tri-stat One of the other answers are cofrect, Four size them smaller to decrease overall power consumption during bus operation. Boot firmware Question 15 T 0/1p Question 17 Question 14 0/1po The f°||ow|ng code appeared in Lab 4. What did the line "x = (k+1)% The following line of code is from your third lab. What does it do? Ina big endian computer, the most Significant byte of a Word gets stored at: Question 12 0/1point The LR (link register) found in ARM M4 mi llers directly ponds to the X86 reg (sizeof (note) /sizeof £ (float)) ;" do? GPIOB->0DR “= ODR (RED_LED) ; _ L amed: a higher address than the least significant byte Six devices share an 12C bus. Three masters, and three sIaves Slave #1 has address 1001001, slave #2 has pC address 1001110, and slave #3 i 1001010 All at th time, Master #1 attempts to i errupt Service Routine ) None of the other answers are correct. None of the other answers are correct. F A S R e S T e communication with Slave #1, Master #2 attempts t ication with Slave #2, and Master #3 DI g Ponine i e T olene = ~ alower address than the least significant byte attempts to communication with Slave #3. Which Master and Slave take over the bus? sp i i PONCINg cs It sets the GPIO used for the red LED to "pull-down" mode. depends on the programmer » [ Master #1 and Slave #1 o () It inverts th | e b e e e ER e = None of the other answers are correct. ' ' the same address as the least significant byte Master #2 and Slave #2 sl da oloul inputs from Master #3 and Slave #3 */ _ Lol 0/1pein Question 22 speaker.period(note [k] i PP P, - T L TRV Question 19 0/1pc Senefachi: ae m’ e e that the Slave did ive the address data from the Master. However, if the Slave did ivethe With respect to the "Iron Law", pipelining is used in CPUs and microcontrollers to reduc Question 18 0/ 1 point tecides to impl he circui L ; It. As long as the speaker = vol/2; 5 address data, then joes it } d the NACK? It's drivi fuci i WHO SENDS . >Fl sens e 5 [ U= BECR T Y B Y B R T Y S E Y THE NACK? Your logic analyzer g8 he ADDR lue is 6723H and the DATA lue is 0055H. The k = (k+1)%(sizeof(note)/sizeof(float)); = cycles per instruction term MEMWH# signal | EMR signal Which g ig | the logi } the slave does actually send the NACK analyzer, assuming DS=600? = no device sends the NACK instructions per program term MOV 0055H, 6723H * * sets k to equal si £( ) /si (float) the bus arbiter generates the NACK i b e o S ; None of the other answers are correct. o ()MOV [723H], 0055H SLAVE #1 SLAVE #2 adds {1tk to k, Yy ( ) / ( ) g p MOV 723H, 0055H Chooses a random note to play next None of the other answers are correct. time per cycle term MOV [6723H], 0055H adds 1 to the value of k ¥ Hide question 20 feedback None of the other answers are correct. = i ts the index into tf t y but keeps it within tt y by pping it t No one sends a NACK. It is the absence of a signal. MOV OOSSH, 7238 TIIO, this V\ti" nOI': work and @Spartan should be chastised. None of the other answers are correct. Question 29 o / 1 pc Yes, this looks great and @Spartan should get a big raise! Question 28 0/1poi You memory decoding. Your address bus is 64 bits wide. You decide to use four address Question 25 0/1] < tide question 19 feedback In our lab ird looking function called " wfi()". What was this weird looking function doing? lines for CS# (chip select) signals. You are using 16K X 8 DRAM ICs. How much memory in total can you Suppose SP=400H, DI=0400H, BP=EODFH, AX=EEFFH, BX=1001H, and CX=1234H. If the following | lect issing. Fi . ) o address with this scheme? Express your answer in KB where one KB is 1024 bytes. sequence of instructi Lo okt e 4 f f SP? it enables the interrupts for the joystick Question 27 0/ 1 point it detected the button | quence to blow up the chonker civilization Answer: x (64) FUSH O None of the other answers are correct Et}’z: AD)'( Suppose you write some firmware for an ARM processor but the compiled code is too large to fit into the e e S PUSH BX available memory of the microcontroller. One option is to target the Thumb-1 instruction set in order to be i : . i . | Sae e if (done == 0) i : A : : i . it puts the microcontroller to sleep . . . L _ POP DI able to fit the code into the available RAM. What is the negative consequence of doing this? Bits 2y:2y+1 OSPEEDRy[1:0): Port x configuration bits (y =0.15) . : POP CX y 9 tput sp esitia = The performance is generally reduced . 01: Medium speed PUSH BP . Question 31 10: High speed 03FCH 11: Very high speed o @OTrain is building a computer from scratch. @OTrain knows the memory access times will be A EEEFREEO" SOCFEFEEFrOt ‘EFEREREOL . * . * M * . *?2 * * * * * ocess will waste cycles waiting for data from the external memory. What should be includec e x| X ) Answer: % (*interrupt®, *handler*, *ISR*) Question 30 0/ 1 point desngn to alleviate this issue? ¥ Hide question 32 feedback . . . . . . . . . * * * Q ion 37 0/ 1 poin You have a cache with 2048 indexed locations, 6 tag bits per location, and the cache line size is 16 bytes. If Answer: x (*cache®, "DMA’) You want the GPIOs set to low speed so that C dv/dt is low, which means cross talk is low. - o o ,po t the cache directly maps the entire address space of the processor, how many bits are used in the address D A oty bus? M [T JafsTaTsTel vl ] SCK(cPoL=0) Answer: % (21) Questiona> 071point The unrolled code does the same thing as the code with the loop, except it doesn't use any jumps, so it 'II I When using an ISR for high speed p ing of data that is received through an interrupt . - i ik eneniopiinbada tu e le of this in our lab with the ShOUld run faster. However, if the counter for the loop is very large, what principle of effective cache - .Il ‘.‘. Question 33 0/1point chonker wheel. operation is violated? . Il.llllilll‘.ll‘l. Answer: % (*latency”) The link register (LR) in the Cortex M4 stores the return address when a subroutine is called. This avoids | : Answer: % (*spatial locality®) Aiaher % (S OxES.Loh 111001019 using the stack and the overhead (latency) associated with stack manipulations. Is there every a case where T e e e the LR must be stored on the stack? Explain in a sentence. Latency s Question 41 0/ 1 point Answer: % (*nested®) Normally we think of stealing as a bad thing, but when it to how DMA (direct y access) works, Question 42 g : cycle stealing is a GOOD thing. True or False? Question 39 QUQStIOfl 40 The big advantage of two-way associate cache is that it does not require tag bits. True or False? True Fill in the blank: In general "saturation arithmetic" is useful for applications. ' True e b sl el e e What is the type of memory used for L1 cache? = () False - . * * kei * ino* = alse Answer: x (*DSP*, *signal*processing®) . o e . . ¥ Hide question 41 feedback Answer: % (*SRAM®, *static ram*, *on-chip*, on chip) . - 1 + 1 Cal ] vy | H + A 14 P L 1:6¢, + th At | ¥ Hide question 39 feedback i b A i Flowever dents tooka difterent view rgiinip. 1. Calculate the Tag: even t..cug.. cycle g I th text p with cycle . . S g the computer system should be faster. * Since it's a fully associative cache, the entire address is used as the tag. DSP ......... but if you wrote something you think is correct let me know. T ' ' et RN s " * Tag bits (all bits): "10101100110011° L 5 KB of main e and 2KB of cache ( g 0o . . So l have to dglicc vvull tat ! 4 Y P LIS quUESLION. 2048 cache locatlons) Under these constramts, answer the followmg in the B oxes prov1ded g 2.1 Che(:klng the Cache for a Hit . . 2. Comy with Cache Tags: 1. [1 point] Assuming full decoding, | o Idress li der to The process of checking if a given 14-bit physical address is present in the cache involves the following steps: 2.1 Checking the Cache for a Hit * Check all cache lines to see if any have a matching tag. address all of the installed main mem(’\y The process of checking if a given 14-bit physical address is present in the cache involves the following steps: * Assume Cache Line O has the following information: 5\1' \o2 ¥ 1. Extract the Tag: From the 14-bit physical address, the cache controller first extracts the 2 most ' ; ki \D L D significant bits as the tag. For example, if the physical address is 11011001100101, the tag would be 1. Extract the Tag: From the 14-bit physical address, the cache controller first extracts the 2 most * Cache Line O Tag: "10101100110011° signiican 1LS as tag. ror exampile, 1 pnysic ress 18 e tag wou e 2" 4. ¢ = | a‘ ificant bits as the tag. F le, if the physical address is 1101100100101, the tag would b 2 * Valid Bit: 1" (assuming valid) 2. Identify the Index: The next 10 bits of the address specify which cache-line to look in. Continuing 2. Identify the Set Index: The next 8 bits of the address specxfy which set to look in. Continuing with 2. Determine Cache Hit or Miss: with our example, the next 10 bits are 0110011001, which is the index. our example, the next 8 bits are 01100110, which is the set index . . ) N ) - [1 point] If direct-mapping cache is used, how many bits are required for the index? * Ifthe tag in the address matches the tag in any valid cache line, it's a cache hit. 3. Check the Cache Line in the Identified Index Location: The cache controller now examines 3. Check the Cache Lines in the Identified Set: The cache controller now examines each of the four . , s . . the cache line at the index location. It compares the tag bits of the address with the tag bits stored in cache lines within the identified set. It compares the tag bits of the address with the tag bits stored in If there’s no match or the valid bit is not set, it's a cache miss. logz 1046 = q v 2 2-\o0 Z'P the cache line. each cache line. . " . 4. Det ine Cache Hit Miss: ! 1.\ o - L\ 4. Determine Cache Hit or Miss: e e e e i ) ) ) ) ) e Cache Hit: If the tag in the address matches the tag in one of the cache lines and the valid bit When choosing the resistance value of 12C pull-up resistors: e Cache Hit: If the tag in the address matches the tag in the cache lme, it’s a cache hit. The of that line is set, it’s a cache hit. The controller then uses the byte offset to retrieve the specific R~ e o iR Ui . i [1 point] If direct-mapping cache is used, how many bits are required for the tag? control}er then uses.the byte offset taken frorh the two least significant bits of the physical address byte from the cache line. R to retrieve the specific byte from the cache line. e Cache Miss: If none of the cache lines have a matching tag or if the valid bit is not set, it’s a - . ) : : e Cache Miss: If the cache line does not have a matching tag, it’s a cache miss. The controller cache miss. The controller must fetch the required data from the main memory and potentially P S RN R T e me__—;dle e ? ' - \i l . D il D must fetch the required data from the main memory and potentially update the cache. update the cache. b. size them larger to increase 12C bus bandwidth. . . T . 5. Use the Byte Offset: The final 4 bits of the address Specify the exact byte within the cache line. In c. size them smaller to ensure a logic zero can be transmitted 5. Use the Byte Offset: The final 2 bits of the ad(%ress specify the exact byte within the cache line. In our example, the byte offset would be the last 4 bits, 0101. our example, the byte offset would be the last 2 bits, 0101. d. size them smaller to decrease overall power consumption during bus operation. This process ensures efficient cache operations and quick data access, utilizing the tag bits to check if the R e S S y 0 ":CL This process ensures efficient cache operations and quick data access, utilizing the tag bits to check if the address is in the cache, the set index to know where to look, and the byte offset to identify the exact byte e. None of the other answers are correct P rI led <z address is in the cache, the set index to know where to look, and the byte offset to identify the exact byte within a cache line. oS : within a cache line. Calculate the number of storage bits the cache will require to hold the s E%fiy(’ffwei,mmfli Qhe@ 35 Pe&mf‘xe esg Direct Set-associative pull low A2 right answer ‘fl ¢ SUA N 14-20MB ) ,_ ,_ , $8 uN he link register (LR) in the Cortex M4 stores the return address when a subroutine Is called. This avoids using the stack and the overhead Ie.‘.erw;j, associated with stack manipulations. Is there every a case where the LR must be stored on the stack? FXDIA -~ P. ‘.“éqé g b‘\lgs 1 LL\[l‘ 1 J‘ s Ul'l 1 £ 1 1 ' ,l : 1 ,.r.-\ Yes if nested, or nested subroutine e 1. T PIT in 4} 1o f ller tl g 1 Hit address bus. Tl S : 1 14 . \ J g gt LN, (1) [1 point] Expressed in MB: ega bzte s), i e 1 icroy d dress? Write your calculations/answer in the box below. | ,f = ')wiuu', 2 MB Ine Memory Organization Memory Organlzatl e e 0 ..................... DA DA I L g \w “k?'a © msa 4 so P < BB NNEEN Y Qo= SO | . [2 points] Suppose the maxim ilabl f tl lloeid) A * The/steps of a read cycle of SRAM: ress l:vgnerrr!‘i% RIAM Timing, S’teps ofa read cycle of DRAM g tags in your cache is onln this case, there is not enough storage space for all the tag bits. sTop ' b . i YAl aan an bus\ i = e . . : But, you are smart, so you decide to use a set-associative cache ma h me. What is the ACK P o W 1 ® g '—y-—fl fz bit dindex bi der to full th soa MM SDA . > Ensure that the chip is activated by making CS low. 5::O_ E awn X to use in order to fully use the av. ive Moo g s W sa .- @ o > - . " 2) The Row Address Strobe (RAS) signal is then activated. 4 ctlvate t UE ln This ensures that data is rea o r&e—mBL \\_e__/fl Data out 3) The Row Address Decoder selects the proper row. g Figure 4: 12C basic wavefgrp. portions > The required data then appears on the data bus. 4) INext tl:’e fiolun:’n addrfis is p(ljalget? o?‘ tgne same address = § -2 048 ~_ ‘A& - (> L\G w Tou is the re ti om the instant Q‘ inesand allowed to stabilize and be latche T 2 1, S é S ! Y) [5 points] The figure below shows ah bus trarffsmission. Fill in the required information. Hint: the address is pl n the address bus to the point 5) The Column Address Strobe (CAS) signal is then activated. Serae and Rcfresn ) ¢ T ta‘i T Id fievhe Floclyi Ishte:efl::arqu:;d data ' ar\lra|:‘able or:\etheldar:‘aurt:lustlT,c 6) The CAS pin also serves as the Output Enable; so, once the me batween two read cycl m , b‘) CAS mfinal has stabilized, the sensetamgstplgce 0 N 7) With this i ilabl ?\,s( Output duiiers or the cip, d’ bus. Y rfl‘i\ 8) Bef A 1 rurl h » Place the data to be written on the data bus. e Do * Note that this is a conventional asynchronous read, because the tlmlng signals are not tied to a common (O NACK (b) Choose one answer: (d) The number of data bits trangmitted was: 9 p m » Activate the WR liffe. Only then the data is valid,)- Eycle of SRAM i - [ O Ack O NACK * Tl eps of a write cycle of SRAM: - Iy 4’?1/,)5 » Place the address to be written to on the address bus. aa » Ensure that t ip-i ivated by making CS low. CAS and L/ oy -, acoess time fom RAS 3 = read cycletime Pn,(,lnrw access $me from CAS g, = RAS precharge time I'me
Direct Nogend Cactw Typw of cache mrory whars asch block of rman memory mags o s srge, spechc cuctw W Thes desg srpius Tw ceache WCRRRCANG Dy AIeCTy MAREWY) MemOry DAaChs 10 GOt bred usng 0 porton of e mesrory addmes The srpicty of dec-magped caches wiows or et and eSoert cache scoses. though £ o SO il 1 Peghar ris Of Cathe Teises Jut 10 Sbieen « Coone Line: The bass unit of sirags 1 & caone. Each cachw e conmeeponc 1 & specic block of ruen meory » Tg A patt ol e rmerscry sddwes ssed 1 sarly 1 e commpondrg DOk of A 5 1 e Ol e « Indas The 545 of 1he 220ress Lnaxd 10 deteemare T cache e o porticaby maTory Siock megs o * Syte Offsetl Thae Dis of Ihe adcrens el specty e aoect Dyte athn 0w ire 12 O drect-Tapeed Cachn ek AR 46RO A Cache compasng 1004 scddmmatie locatons Bhal wd cachw ciada fore a 1400 phywcal e spece obdng TESEE oo oo L « Totd A0dassatie LOGasons Tho caone conviests of W24 navadaal Set Asocikeive Cacre I this Hypw of cache, the marrory s dhvided ivko several 5 GAh COndanreng rrulipbe bees. Tha Giche can place B DOk oFf M Try 0 2y e W B preceteeme red sl offering more Sadbiny than directTopped Caches AZwariages ww 1. Ro0e00d Cotlain saduce he protéom of colhucn e multiphs mencry tlockas o 12 the saTw cache irm ) arce asch ast cortars Mo e < Badanvond Purtosrurmos OFer Deler vl rabes mihoud he COMpieaiy o] Cost of Tully 2550008 s Ova)Ns A Feabdty Provida reore agons o memnory placaran adrg o leaer cacte reases » 50t A provp of Cache e 2 of st N Do Oetarmnned Dy 1he cachw sle and 1w ¥ ol es pev st « Tiag A pat of he memory sckdras gsed o Certdy Iite conesponcing ook of dils & n Bhe cactw e Ik The 005 of e 2000045 L) 1) Otprmere T st [00] [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [00] [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [00] [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [00] [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [00] [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] GPIO#$_MODER) —— GPIO port mode register £ GPIOg_OTYPER? -——GPIO output type register GPIOD_OSPEED@ _—GPIO output speed register GPIO@_PUPD@ ———— GPIO port pull-up / pull-down register GPIOfi_ID@ GPIO port input data register GPIOg_ODR GPIO port output data register GPIOR_BSRR: GPIIO port it set / reset register GPIOB_LCKR: GPIO port configuration lock register GPIO§_AFRL: GPIO alternate function low register GPIOS_AFRHJ GPIO alternate function high register GPI%_AS@ GPIO port analog switch control register STM32 GPIO exhibits the following features: Output states: push-pull, or open drain + pull-up / pull-down according to GPIOx_MODER, GPIOx_OTYPER, and GPIOx_PUPDR registers settings Output data from output data register GPIOx_ODR or peripheral (alternate function output) MSv46873V1 E e ) 'z [ z o . . - - " - o . N which & periader marmery tiock cen be foured Speed selection for each /O (GPIOx_OSPEEDR) o orage locatons o dws Yo e physcal meraory * Syte Offset The Dis of e addrens Pal specty e 54 . . . s Ure S Each cacte i hokds 4 Syt of Miaskn® exirt byie Sitwn & COthe oo o ® Input states: floating, pull-up / pull-down, analog according to GPIOx_MODER, E "“"“.‘ : v s ot aboin o """ ot - ': y @ toc 8 GPIOx_PUPDR and GPIOx_ASCR registers settings S e Sarsdar o & 2 . ' - - ,L" yph oy yys 6596 ey - " e peapcsed e G0sige. we i working o * Input data to input data register (GPIOx_IDR) or peripheral (alternate function input) 3 « noax B Wi 1024 cacho as. T rurrber of Indax tes s cache o has 1004 sddwuadde locatons Thix cache » Bit set and t register (GPIOx BSRR) for bitwi i toGPIOXx ODR O N - g2 %004) = 10 b, uead 1 el the speciic cache e B dnhed Ko 258 s ! s? and rese _regls er ( x ) or bitwise wrle access fo x_. 8 8s § g g The dremon of fhe phrysicd sddwes B 1o madch the ceche « Totad Adessabie Losasons ocabors 2 e Locking mechanism (GPIOx_LCKR) provided to freeze the 1/O port configurations % % g s corfprion & as bykows « Sotn: Thass 1064 locions are dwicnd rio 256 sats aoaaa w @ e Analog function selection registers (GPIOx_MODER and GPIOx_ASCR) S 5 ° Q0 0 Q0 o g o e Bas Wl 1020 cache nes e rarvber of Index tis s Tha drascn irpies $ut asch aet cormtats of 4 cache L L £'S » Alternate function selection registers (GPIOx_MODER, GPIOx_AFRL, and 6 g2 %34) = 10 i, uead 1 ey the speciic cache e s (sre 1008 «~ 264 & &) ffff f : GPIOx_AFRH) E » Offset Bix Por Aopm cache bres, g2 M| = 2 5ds sre segured B « Camne Line Size nchades 16 baytss of dea oo & ¢ Fasttoggle capable of changing every two clock cycles [ SEOUdy INe €0t D AV Tod (HChe Wi « Tng Bitx Alongude e 16 Sytes in asch cache Ine EEEE £ o « Highly flexible pin multiplexing allowing the use of I/0 pins as GPIO or as one of o « Tog Bas The semaning bes i the 14-08 plvpsicl 500wss Mo Usad Bere aw ki Sonal Bis krown s lag Sia TR o B several peripheral functions % for the g Tharsices, with %0 bite or ha Indes and 2 b e brjte EE‘)E‘?E Epfi VDD > ofheld, 200 e lel kr P lag (M~ 10~-2=2) ———_ % = s Cache Structure (1024 Locations, Direct-Mapped, 14-bit Address) i : (: 2 2 E lon E q 4 4 4 g A o e A g Cache Line 0 | Tag: [XX] | Bytes: [00][01][02][03] Soey 5B DATAFROM EXTERNAL o~ ) Cache Line 1 | Tag: [XX] | Bytes: [00][01] [02] [03] »,984849 L4 . CORE PAD Cache Line 1022 | Tag: [XX] | Bytes: [00][01][02][03] e axte hun 24 koodarn. Ewded rvp 299 sea ‘0’ o ._ Cache Line 1023 | Tag: [XX] | Bytes: [00][01] [02] [03] o 1 d-any sat suaaciaive i é Cache Line 0 - o Eath o0 Cordans Vax Ghe beas § 3 * Each cactwm ire comprtsea 16 Sytea ON 3 Addr 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 Byte 0 &t:‘ o Ths caches s & 1401 phpeical a3 ves 2 Addr 0001 00 0000 0000 0001 Byte 1 C | v & mts v awed br e by cfaat witin $w cuche boe é F—— « 0 58 e anad by e aet oo GND . S Addr 0002 00 0000 0000 0010 Byte 2 « The soveining 2 OIS are sed for 0 180 7?\1‘\\\ 2 Addr 0003 00 0000 0000 0011 Byte 3 N P oache wywem vl & 1408 phywosd scchens é o The Sont J 00 (1317 s e 10 Tag. Thin pawt of T a2 R2 E heips 1 eriiyrg f e speois book of 400 8 presird 1 T catw ED [ The neet 3 bitx [11-4] fore ihe Set ncks. These bits Seterrine B st e 07 L + e LED reds =20 0 Gt wadw 1BV sapaty. ST Dowians vt ok B | T aNe Wee Tel S0V (o0 Lo Mapped s I S O:" Sl W TROA 40 IS 18 N 0GR 0 neitly S0 LED We e % - w2 ¢ The ol 4 bs 1 30) % Pw Byt Ofel Thay spechy Pe aoxt beis 1k < Pt ol s sl NOFET (o iy o (0 2080 T 0 ) Cache Line 1 i e 1607 cace e - G A, A e (eull Be s e VRS Bl op Ot WCe PR (8 3 Cial - Addr 0004 | 00 0000 0000 0100 | Byteo , At & fege 20 Cache Line 1 ' WL Addr 0005 | 00 0000 0000 0101 | Byte 1 & N | 0000 000 | o =t dd: 1 1 0000 C . r 0010 vt W 084 1w LED b coltnd const Vop Addr 0007 | 00 0000 0000 0111 | Byte 3 | Addr o011 | 00 0000 0001 0001 | Byte 1 GRMOB-NODEN &+ “NODENMED LEDY sef pirs b oeiput . GACOSNODER = “NODER_RED_LED| ast pes 0 oupet M M « The lant 7 btx | 30) are wnad ax fw Dte Ofsst Theas bitx 1 Bvto 15 GACRXOTYPER A “OTYPRERIRED LEDY st pre 10 patn ol ugpnt ' Mg }— "{ Mg spechy P ot byte wihen e Alnte Gt | Addr 001F I 00 0000 0001 1111 | yte 15 D08 U0 B0 PUDFRNED LED 005 94 10 00 O0nr reode fi Jr L > The neet 10 it {11-2) Lome the Caone Line indow. These tis : GMOB ~OBMEEDN Su ~OSPEEDMNED LPOL st pirm o 0N 3 Q e sead 1o detweirs ha 1peclic cache irm In ha cacte GRCO-O0R 1= CORYLED NEDY st orpets high |_ _| *1,"",."' f‘”"’" o te Tvgped R In e e Adefire RED LED GET PN NDEX (PR 4| STROWH 205 NS0 0% ) 35 e T L bl L N OPoOs W v 1 e o PR Lo g Qutd Ml M,y BL ackirona haipe it varfpag whatw e specic block of da s . N N preserd in e ciche e Cache Line X S by 4 0o gl Sx10 whech iy birwry & 10000 wheh roors LED Mol Tee 04 = = The process of checking ¥ @ piven 1408 phvsiool aoess is Addr XX00 | XX XXXX XXXX 0000 | Byte 0 wosed 0 the 5 regaier Yom want dwbass e 1 i 10000) = ‘;’:’" ',‘ :‘ ;“ r::“::‘, :;,‘f: ",“ - e e o Addr XX01 I XX XXXX XXXX 0001 | Byte 1 * DRAM Advantages/ Disadvantages: Sensing a small erdtine One SRAM Cell e Be Tag Prom - N phyuad addrem, e ceche charge on the memory cell capacitor is challenging due é / :f‘ wober frst ;‘:0 ': De 2 "”5 e ‘("n',"lr:'" *";"’"3 “:- to noise from “coupling capacitance”. | T Word Line o saampe Fite phywce addmes ! 1 ° tag wous be 11 | Addr XX0F | XX XXXX XXXX 1110 | Byte 14 | * Therefore, one important element in DRAM design is s K 2 1oertty 1w ndes. Tho send 10 045 of e 2000045 5000l | Addr XX0F | XX XXXX XXXX 1111 | Byte 15 ] the signal to noise ratio. This depends upon the ratio of which cache<dire 10 ok in. Continuing wih our acergle the capacitance of the storage capacitor within the ADRAM cell recd 10 béts srw 2190019007, whch & the roh 5 Crotk 1 Cacte Lo 0 1 0% des Loty The CACRS CONtITiN PO SRATINS e Cche w M 1R e bcaton || compares e lag Dt of e sddwm wih Ihe ng S S00000 0 N Ol e 4 Dotnersine Cach Mt or Mas Cachs HE H e tag b the Pl SN T ]l DR w LNY2INI0. i & s o v sckdrens rredchas Be tag in e cache boe, £ u cache het The 1 Tk B Cactw Lnes = Ihe Mt e Set COMMONGY Tn) U508 The Drytio OF St bion For T ) Mot r.'c wiia e st Corgasss T g bits of e addreas M Iag B In sach cxche e sorficant bt of B phwsical aocreas 10 retrewe e aeclc 4, Datpevine Coche HR or Nigs: byte bom e cache lrem. Cactw Max T e cachw e doss 08 I & ROAD N 15 & 00w mead The Corvy ol Mest o the mgered dats Pam T man merony ad poterdaly apcade the cactw . 5 Uke 1w Bt OFset The Wi 2 Des of e a0vess specdy C e o comections or corrsenicaton. B aas a Dats pin ced SDA. ard Ciock Pin. called SCL Th condeobiur 15 e 120 Suracw ! gerarabes Pw clock s . Dewos cin sol reiiie QT covrrencsbon W the cormroder on s own 120 P aw Opan Drain. meaning that ey rend & gl up mesr Dewcs marpuiees the wgnal 2y puling 1 ow. but It 8 sesting sieie 1 8 loge hgh. becasss ks pulled up E20 s Sour QOYO! Spri 1 Ik < 3 008 Dady Sendd - ST S0 - SID S - o) SCASow OO Sured The sigred aned cads bedng trasamiied s Sictend By whad posiion e A 0gic s I Dt aaly wie e clock p s aph YWhen Bhe clock on e ret agh, £ domnt mutier atel e dets 20 s dong, erd e OOt s T START sored Sf e CONMERNCIRN 4018, DOMm 1he Ak A D Wi o e puliad gt becasss the OC s 2ase & pud up mustor an Bem To st communicrions, the controber i charge e s o rom hagh 12 low, wive e dock spred & agh. Thes spreds 0 every tevee on Ihe 120 bus 1w 0o 20001 10 580 s0rme Q0 comsenicalon Folioning Mg sionad . 1w coeiober ol sond & Y04 addn o rradchas an OC dewos on e bus. The sigvh 52 In B byte is » Rasd or Wrke corwrirnd Tha Lol s Pegh For roiing e and 118 kv 10 1ol Tt ovice Tad he oo oler B Qorg 10 send C0La 10 wite 10 B reginians. Fadoning every byte savt, i 120 dedicn all send a0 achrosindos bt The schaowiedpe B4 i Aten fw eocewrg dewce pulls e deta pn low on e clock pase Iolowag asch byte WV QoMWY sOution & Ovey, T CONMORier wil 5000 & STOP sl Whan) 1 COnBOber warns 10 40 & STOP wigne, | il et ha deia e 9o Pam ow 1 Sigh Sering e ciocks high period Dats s sways sent b e Viood Sioroard B Pt iowing wage 1 Py e s set. Iz 3 cacte Nt The controler Ten unss bye ofast 10 Qo the byte Yom e cache Pl Sa NP T r s e il e T a0 4 B, 00 le: 2 Asshers 1 bomle ~ T Binary Hex | Decimal { : II%_ Wasden | L[ [0 [{[ [o[ [t ooy : : a o0 » ) A . 0010 2 2 = 5 “‘lq T ) ° . 0011 3 3 1) [V LA D l l "_‘Lh% 0100 2 2 ? ? v s 0101 5 5 | Hashn 3 INDENENECELEC (::'«H « | o110 6 6 p _ shop b 0111 7 7 | » x_.}_\ 1 1 g ) 1000 8 8 r v aw\‘j -1 LsB = 1001 9 9 3— % 1010 A 10 1011 B 11 . wr Ter ) goies op 1100 e 12 Whan the dysas see SDA pubed ow wale SCL mare ok te A b d 1101 D 13 g, Tt o Bhar wgnel 1 shert bahreng for @ e m \ S e L. :{_a,, ho\t 1110 E 14 ARes 1o ¥ D8, e MASTER s0nds 1 00N ons (e T wy \va T polled lew d“ \ SA el 1111 F 15 Tk or 10000 A -Ad wll e speciing In e dta shest \ae T3 pulled lows | AD A2 s chonen by the aser Al devces on Be bus CAA BT & 8 (op00ns 10 m (0w SOrsyasadion reddod o e BLL We s 0e & Yve ewon lavgenn By ovevies P Choos Seg and pals £ o i ey e dorw 1 Ba veww souch reore bew e saopty deda The masder seen P chock e paied ow ard ol A Urdt £ s refessed Iy the Y devics 210 pytes = 1KB IC Acwwrtagm: Low pr cout, ADK arvyr Sarcien, mall ruaier and s, sow ovi220 bytes =1MB fast mocke. Deschoatagen Frare osartasd=sione 2a% 1peed Mol dphe ""“"230 _ Geta o conpie i poreased # ol Tasen aC Liaee bytes =1GB METOEriEs Saae deacs vl recogiae hat k) wris The procem of chechirg i g pven 1451 s skhem s pamard i ihe cachw rectam 1he T Tog Framhe 18 04 phpsacal 20N ess I Gache ondrolay Sogl sty T 2 wuomt wyvican! b he lag For anevpie, 1w s sckhem i TTOTONI00NY. g wornkd e 1Y 3. Kerdy e Set Indac The sad B bis of e addns speclfy atch st 1o ook In. Corteang with The cachw cordsalier snarires sech of Pw our cadtw * Cochw ML 1 0w lag 1 P addrwns radchun 19 hag i orw of e cacive e e e vald 31 of el L VA 1 000 oF % Gl L0t M0vt 5 ORI W0 o 1 0w w0 Dl 5 8 L 1 B O e The covroier readd Weh P dele Yom Be rrar reevory and pobertely updkele P oeche 2 Use e Dpte Ot The Srad 4 bits of e addreas spachy e ot Ste vilea e cache loe 0 OO0 & 9000 MY N Tl i tve. DRAM memory to the capacitance of the Word or Bit line on which the charge is dumped when the cell is accessed. * As the bit density per chip is increased, this ratio is degraded since the cell area is decreased as more cells are added on the bit line. It is then important to store as high a voltage on the cell capacitor and also to increase this capacitance of the DRAM storage capacitor for a given areas as much as possible. * One important merit of DRAM is its packing density is very high compared to SRAM. & iy srwmaed Naed, £ o el B brow whelhe e mealer PONT ONEA YO B o0 avile A0 1 £ Meve T A sands » RAN bt sest 1 e bt n | en P maniw wards 1o reed dets Yo e slame e 2 PRASY WRRE 10 vl O 10 e v Na W, e e Her the MAPONER 10 W MASEY S8 Ng A2 A rowiadee B ceed ALK The sase puis SDA v 1 ro slase s SDA e, IS 5 GO OGO ROnA08 Or NACK Linder NACK - Bit Line i A DRAM cell. Very economic i) compared to SRAM that has 6 or more Transistors per cell Z:;t\: SDAL w\“\;, sc T Db J: M e TS Pol‘#«g lno, Aoy Uebult” 4. \..}l. doe bo S poll—og ressforg. concitions, the musder gt try reatating e deis Yare Neoxd dats & sovl et orn mender 1o shese |TUW <0 or SOV0 20 P AW 5 1) Folomey) 1he G0 Mo rssan Miarte sae wil s e ALK VR v 0l or e marr Wil send $w AOK M IUN v 1) Loaly e PN Sraks 7w STOF GondBos. Thes & Tw second specid case whave SDA changes while hw clock is high I the cm, ! SOA rarafors o low 1o high whie 500 5 AL o Oraois 0N Te Dus wll soe el i 4 STOP o The Bam b5 vaoaly redumad 1 s sl oy for e nad dats Feeraaon
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