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Electrical Engineering
Apr 3, 2024
Uploaded by DeaconLion805
%% CMPT340 Assignment - Reading & Visualizing Bio-signals
% ============================ Goal =========================:
% In this activity, you will load and visualize different data % types acquired from different modalities. %
% ===================== Download Data ==============================
% First, download and unzip the BioData from Canvas: %
% The data folder contains 5 files:
% (1) emg_myopathy.txt (EMG)
% (2) bMode.mat (B-mode Ultrasound)
% (3) vol4d.mat (fMRI)
% (4) XYStripes20x20Noise_9_L_3.mat (tensor field)
% % (5) clathrin_ROI_cmpt340.csv (SMLM data)
%% ============================ Task 1 ===============================
% EMG Data % Data Description: EMG is short for electromyogram, which measures electrical activity in muscles
% Requirement: % Load the data from emg_myopathy.txt and extract the two columns of values: % i) First column -- time
% ii) Second column -- the amplitude of an EMG signal. close all; clear; clc;
% Load data into MATLAB:
% Write your own code here:
emg_path = 'BioData/emg_myopathy.txt';
emg_signal = readmatrix(emg_path);
% What are the dimensions of the loaded variable (eg. 5 x 3 x 10)? % Write your own code here: [x_dim, y_dim] = size(emg_signal);
disp(['Variable dimansions: ', num2str(x_dim), ',' , num2str(y_dim)]);
% How many EMG amplitude values does the signal contain?
% Write your own code here:
emg_amplitude_vals = length(unique(emg_signal(:,2)));
disp(['Number of amplitude values: ', num2str(emg_amplitude_vals)]);
% Plot the amplitude vs time using the values in the two columns. Properly label both axes. Add a suitable title to your figure.
plot(emg_signal(:,1), emg_signal(:,2)); title('Amplitude vs. Time');
xlabel('EMG Time') % x-axis label
ylabel('EMG Amplitude') % y-axis label
% There is a period of time with a clearly reduced EMG amplitude. Examine the previous plot, use the "Zoom In" icon on the toolbar to close up on this region of the plot. % Visually (roughly) identify the approximate starting and ending time for this period.
% Display these values :
start_pt = 16.19;
end_pt = 17.0;
display(['Start point: ', num2str(start_pt), ', ', 'End point: ',num2str(end_pt) ])
% What are the time and amplitude values of the 100th sample of the data? % Write your own code here
display(['Time_100th = ', num2str(emg_signal(100,1))])
display(['Amp_100th = ', num2str(emg_signal(100,2))])
% Plot the EMG signal from the 100th sample (in (1d)) up until the 1100th
% sample. Give a title to your figure. figure(2)
plot(emg_signal(100:1100,1),emg_signal(100:1100,2) )
xlabel('EMG Time') % x-axis label
ylabel('EMG Amplitude') % y-axis label
title('emg signal between 100-1100 sample')
%% ============================ Task 2 ===============================
% B-mode Ultrasound sequence % Data Description: This data represent an B-mode ultrasound video sequence (B stands for Brightness)
% Requirement: Load the data in bMode.mat into MATLAB, explore the video frames and
create a GIF
% close all; clear; clc;
% Load data into MATLAB:
% Write your own code here:
bMode_path = 'BioData/bMode.mat';
% What are the dimensions (*dim_bMode*) of the loaded variable (eg. 5 x 3 x
% 10)? You should output the variable dim_bMode as a vector of size 1x3.. % Write your own code here
[dim1 dim2 dim3] = size(bMode);
disp(['bMode dimensions: ', num2str(dim1),',', num2str(dim2),',',num2str(dim3)]);
% How many frames (2D images) do we have in the video? % Write your own code here
disp(['Number of frames: ', num2str(dim3)]);
% What is the size (rows and columns) of each frame?
% Write your own code here
disp(['Nb_rows: ', num2str(dim1)]);
disp(['Nb_cols: ', num2str(dim2)]);
% Extract and display the 9-th frame of the sequence in a figure. Apply the command
that ensures that pixels are not stretched % (i.e. maintain aspect ratio of the image). Apply the command that uses a grey colour-map to display the image.
% Write your own code here
title('9th frame')
axis image
colormap gray;
% What is the intensity value at row 30 and column 40, at frame 20?
% Write your own code here
disp(['Intensity (30,40,20): ', num2str(bMode(30,40,20))]);
% Extract a cropped rectangular region of frame 15. The cropped part should extend from row 10 to row 30, and from column 45 % to column 60 of the image. Display this cropped region (also called region of interest or ROI).
% Write your own code here
ROI = squeeze(bMode(10:30, 45:60, 15)); figure(2) % update the colormap and figure title
title('ROI frame 15');
axis image
colormap gray
% Create an animated GIF that shows the ultrasound sequence (like a video clip). % You need to submit this GIF image using the name US_seq.gif . % You can make use of the MATLAB code used during the lectures.
% Write your own code here filename = 'US_seg.gif';
allFrames = bMode;
allFrames = allFrames - min(min(min(allFrames)));
allFrames = allFrames/(max(max(max(allFrames))));
% adjust range to be between 1 and 256
allFrames = allFrames*255 + 1;
imwrite(squeeze(allFrames(:,:,1)),filename,'gif', 'WriteMode','overwrite','LoopCount',Inf);
for ii = 2:size(allFrames,3)
imwrite(squeeze(allFrames(:,:,ii)),filename,'gif', 'WriteMode','append');
%% ============================ Task 3 ===============================
% Functional MRI
% Data Description: This is a 3D+time f-MRI data (functional magnetic resonance image). % fMRI captures the changes in oxygenation with time (4th dimension) at every (x,y,z) location of a volume.
% Requirement: Load the data in vol4d.mat into MATLAB, explore how oxygenation level changes with time
% close all; clear; clc;
% Load data into MATLAB:
% Write your own code here:
fmri_path = 'BioData/vol4d.mat'; load(fmri_path)
fmri = vol4d;
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% What are the dimensions of the loaded variable (eg. 5 x 3 x 10)? fmri_dim = size(fmri);
disp(['Size fMRI: ', num2str(fmri_dim) ]);
% Noting that the first 3 dimensions represent the spatial x, y, and z dimensions, identify how many rows, columns, slices, and time steps does this fMRI data have?
fMRI_nb_rows = size(fmri,1);
fMRI_nb_cols = size(fmri,2);
fMRI_nb_slices = size(fmri,3);
fMRI_time = size(fmri,4); disp(['Size fMRI: ', num2str(fMRI_nb_rows) ]);
disp(['Size fMRI: ', num2str(fMRI_nb_cols) ]);
disp(['Size fMRI: ', num2str(fMRI_nb_slices) ]);
disp(['Size fMRI: ', num2str(fMRI_time) ]);
% Plot a curve that shows how the oxygenation level changes with time at voxel location (x=32, y=34 , z=10).
% Define axis and figure title. figure(1)
plot(squeeze(fmri(32,34,10,:)), '-*');
title('Oxygenation at voxel (32,34,10)');
% Extract and display the slice in the X-Y plane, at slice location z=15, of the 10th time sample.
axis image
title('XY plane at location z=15')
% Extract and visualize the slice in the X-Z plane, at slice location y=10, of the 15th time sample.
title('XZ plane at location y=10')
% Create an animated GIF that shows how the slice at y=10
% changes with time (over the whole time steps). % You need to submit this GIF image using the name fMRI.gif. % You can make use of the MATLAB code used during the lectures. filename = 'fMRI.gif';
allFrames = fmri;
img = imagesc(squeeze(allFrames(:,10,:,1)));
f = getframe; [im,map] = rgb2ind(f.cdata,256);
for ii=2:size(fmri,4)
img = imagesc(squeeze(allFrames(:,10,:,ii)));
f = getframe;
[im, map] = rgb2ind(f.cdata,256);
%% ============================ Task 4 ===============================
% Diffusion Tensor MRI % Data Description: This is a single 2D slice of a Diffusion Tensor MRI data, % which is a 2D image with a 3x3 matrix at every pixel.
% Requirement: Load the data XYStripes20x20Noise_9_L_3.mat into MATLAB, calculate the eigenvalues.
close all; clear; clc;
% Load data into MATLAB:
% Write your own code here:
tensor_path = 'BioData/XYStripes20x20Noise_9_L_3.mat'; load(tensor_path);
DtMRI = TensorIM;
% What is the dimensions of the loaded variable (eg. 5 x 3 x 10)? [x y z c] = size(DtMRI);
disp(['Size fMRI: ', num2str(x), ',', num2str(y), ',' ,num2str(z), ',', num2str(c)]);
% How many rows and columns of pixels does this 2D image have?
disp(['Nb rows: ', num2str(x),', Nb cols: ',num2str(y)]);
% Extract and display (as an array of numbers) the 3x3 matrix at pixel location: (row 10, column 15). Use variable name *arr3x3* arr3x3 = squeeze(DtMRI(10,15,:,:));
disp('Array at x=10, y=15 : ');
disp(num2str(arr3x3)); % Can be removed since it is repeated from above
% Use the "eig" function in MATLAB to calculate and display the 3 eigen
% vectors and the corresponding 3 eigen values of the 3x3 matrix arr3x3;
% Use the variable name *arr3x3_eig*.
[arr3x3_eigVec,arr3x3_eigVal] = eig(arr3x3);
disp('Eigenvectors : ');
disp('Eigenvalues : ');
% Create and display a 2D image *DT_2D* with a scalar number at every pixel. % The scalar number should be the entry (row=1, column=2) of the 3x3 matrix at every pixel.
DT_2D = squeeze(DtMRI(:,:,1,2));
axis image
title('DT 2D')
%% Bonus Challenge: % Create and display a 2D image with a scalar number at every pixel. % The scalar number should be the largest eigenvalue of the 3x3 matrix at each pixel. % The challenge is to do this WITHOUT using loops (without for or while).
% Hint: These MATLAB functions can help you for this part: mat2cell , reshape , cellfun , cell2mat. Note that this part of Task 4 is rather challenging, so don't feel bad if you can't get it to work but do give it a try. It is not the type
of question you will see in the exam.
n_rows = size(DtMRI,1);
n_cols = size(DtMRI,2);
DT_3D = mat2cell(reshape(DtMRI,[n_rows*n_cols, 3, 3]), ones(1,n_rows*n_cols)); % (20*20)*3*3
DT_3D = cellfun(@squeeze, DT_3D,'unif', false ); DT_eigs = cellfun(@eig, DT_3D,'unif', false ); DT_eigs_max = cellfun(@max, DT_eigs, 'unif', false);
DT_eigs_max = cell2mat(DT_eigs_max);
DT_eigs_max = reshape(DT_eigs_max,[n_rows, n_cols]);
axis image
%% ============================ Task 5 ===============================
% SMLM -- Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy
% Data Description: 3D point cloud data illustrating clathrin protein locations. % The 3 channels in the 2nd column represents 3D coordinates.
close all; clear; clc;
% Load data into MATLAB:
% Write your own code here:
fName = 'BioData/clathrin_ROI_cmpt340.csv'; % file name
dat = importdata(fName);
rawDat =; % What is the dimensions of the loaded variable (eg. 5 x 3 x 10)? % your code here
disp(['Size SMLM: ', num2str(size(rawDat,1)), ', ', num2str(size(rawDat, 2))]); %display your answer
% Select 1001 points from the imported data. You can clip from the middle, e.g., use format such as rawData(ind-xxx:ind:xxx)
% Write your code here
% Plot the raw data
figure(1) % you can use proper 'position' property to make the figure look nice
% Write your code here
% set(gca, 'position', [60, 60, 800, 800]);
scatter3(rawDat(:,1),rawDat(:,2),rawDat(:,3), 2, 'g', 'filled')
% Use colormap jet, black background (hint you can use MATLAB's command "look for":
lookfor 'background color')
% Label X, Y, Z dimensions properly, display Unit = 'nm'
% rotate camera to visualize your data
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axis equal;
% axis off;
set(gcf,'color', 'k')
xlabel ('X nm'); ylabel ('Y nm'); zlabel ('Z nm');
grid on;
view(0,-90); % view in 2D
% Construct graph (this method only works for small data) % this is the naive way to construct the graph using the distance matrix (for small
PT = 800; % set proximity threshold -- proximity threshold means how you decide to clip the data according to the distances among neighboring points
% Calculate pairwise distance among all the points
% Use adjacency matrix representation
% Threshold the adjacency distance matrix
% Create a graph from the distance matrix, save it as variable g
distDat = pdist(rawDat);
distMat = squareform(distDat);
distMat_th = distMat.*(distMat <= PT); % thresholded distance matrix
g = graph(distMat_th); % create the graph from the distance matrix
% Bonus question, what if you selected more than 1001 points from the data % When the size of the data is large, creating a graph from % the (thresholded) distance matrix can produce out-of-memory errors. % An alternative is to call the graph by supplying the source, the target, % and the weights of the edges in the graph, i.e.,
% g = graph(source, target, weight);
% % Write the code (which involves a loop over the number of nodes) % that can create source, target and weight from d=pdist(rawDat);
% Write your code here
PT = 800; % proximity threshold
distMat = squareform(distDat);
source = []; target = []; weight = []; i = 1;
for RI = 1:size(distMat, 1) % row index
for CI = RI+1:size(distMat, 2) % column index
if distMat(RI, CI) <= PT && distMat(RI, CI)>0 % go through every element inside d and select only the distance below the threshold PT
source(i)=CI; target(i)=RI;
i = i + 1;
g = graph(source', target', weight');
% plot the constructed graph preserving the spatial info
% Use the smaller subset of the data (i.e., as was instructed in the line "Select
1001 points from the imported data...")
% set(gca, 'position', [60, 60, 800, 800]);
p= plot(g,'XData',rawDat(:,1),'YData',rawDat(:,2),'ZData',rawDat(:,3), 'NodeLabel',
{}); % set marker to 'o', use a marker size=2, red color and white edge color
% set X, Y, Z axis labels
% Write your code here
axis equal;
p.Marker = 'o';
p.MarkerSize = 2; % change the node size
p.NodeColor = 'r'; % change the node color
p.EdgeColor = [1 1 1]; % change the edge color
xlabel ('X (nm)'); ylabel ('Y (nm)'); zlabel ('Z (nm)');
grid on;
% find the node degree, save it into variable deg
% Write your code here
deg = degree(g);
% plot the points colored by their degree
% Write your code here
% set(gca, 'position', [60, 60, 800, 800]);
scatter3(rawDat(:,1),rawDat(:,2),rawDat(:,3), 3, deg, 'filled')
axis equal;
% use colormap jet, black background, set X, Y, Z axis labels using unit='nm'
% Write your code here
% axis off;
set(gcf,'color', 'k')
xlabel ('X nm'); ylabel ('Y nm'); zlabel ('Z nm');
grid on;
%view(0,-90); % view in 2D
% change graph visualization layout to 'force'
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