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Electrical Engineering


May 6, 2024





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BCIT ELEX 4420 – Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications Lab 3: Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifier Jake Blair A01322231
BCIT ELEX 4420 – Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications Pre-Lab:
BCIT ELEX 4420 – Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications
BCIT ELEX 4420 – Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications
BCIT ELEX 4420 – Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications Objective The objectives of this lab are to: learn how to use the power equipment, including voltage source converter (VSC), variac, load bank, capacitive filter, power analyzer, and digital multimeter (DMM). observe the behavior of diodes. learn the behavior of a half-wave rectifier. Safety Considerations and Rules You will be working with high voltages in this lab. The utmost professional behavior and attention to safety concerns are expected. Here are some points that you are expected to respect in the smart grid lab (SW3-2750): Safety glasses are mandatory when working on live equipment (unless you have prescription glasses) The default option for the circuit breaker in each station is to be off and locked. You will be allowed to turn the circuit breaker on only after your circuit is checked by the lab instructor. You are expected to attend the labs on time. Any delay will be penalized by mark deduction. You will not be allowed in the lab 20 minutes after the lab start time. Prelabs are due before the lab start time. For each lab, you will be working in a group of 2-3 (preferably 2). Each group member is expected to participate equally in the lab experiment. Group members can use the same data for their lab reports, however separate individual reports are required. Any instance of plagiarism will be penalized based on BCIT’s code of ethics. No foul play is tolerated in the lab. Equipment Three-phase rectifier (External Rectifier) (used as a single-phase rectifier in this lab) Capacitors: Filter Bank capacitors Three-Phase Load Bank (used as DC load) Variac (autotransformer) Power Analyzer Digital multimeter Pre-Lab (1 Mark) Open the HW_Rectifier.slx SIMULINK file. Set the transformer’s winding ratio such that the secondary voltage is 30 V rms. Click on the scope input lines and add your two-letter initials. Change the R and C parameters according to the following table: V o,rms V o,dc No Capacitor (R=250/3 Ω) 20.76 13.16
BCIT ELEX 4420 – Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications 10 uF (R=250/3 Ω) 20.79 13.48 40 uF(R=250/3 Ω) 21.92 16.95 120 uF (R=250/3 Ω) 27.03 25.32 120 uF (R=250 Ω) 34.11 33.78 Capture the scope waveforms for all five cases. You will receive 0 marks if your initials do not appear on the waveform legends. Deliverables: table and the waveforms in a file. (Waveforms should have your initials) Lab Performance (2 Marks) Attendance: 0.5 mark Participation: 0.5 mark Safety: 0.5 mark Cleaning: 0.5 mark Lab Report (10 Marks)
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