Phys216 lab 6



Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove *

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Electrical Engineering


May 2, 2024





Uploaded by CoachBoarMaster184

PHYS216: Lab 6 Electromagnets Introduction/Goals: This lab's purpose is to study the behavior of the magnetic field induced by current in a solenoid. Objectives: The behavior of a current-induced magnetic field with varying the number of loops in the current carrying wire and the voltage supplied by the battery will be explored. The relationship between number of loops and field strength, and voltage and field strength will be determined through gathered data. Ideally, both variables will be proportional to the field strength. Materials and Methods: Phet Interactive Simulation website was used to obtain relevant data. Wires and lightbulbs in different arrangements in a circuit were manipulated to obtain different data. Materials: Phet Interactive Simulation Field meter Compass Solenoid and battery Methods: Record relevant data throughout lab simulation. Part 1: Initial Observations - Select the Electromagnet tab. - Drag the compass around the electromagnet. Observe the red arrow (North Pole) of the compass needle. Make an observation, is the left side of the solenoid the north or south end? - Click on the Show Field Meter checkbox. Move the meter around the electromagnet. Does the field strength increase or decrease as you move the meter closer to the electromagnet? Part 2: Magnetic Field Strength with Varying Loops - Set the Battery Voltage to 6 V - Adjust the Number of Loops to 4 - Place the field meter about one inch) to the left of the electromagnet (direction is as close to 0° as possible). - Record the total Magnetic Field strength ( ࠵? ) in table 1 - Repeat three additional times while decreasing the number of loops by one each iteration. - Create a graph and plot the number of loops on the x axis and the field strength on the y axis.
Part 3: Magnetic Field Strength with Varying Voltage - Set the number of loops to 4. - Use the slider on the battery to set the voltage to 10 V. - Record the strength of the magnetic field in in table 2. - Repeat the measurement five additional times, decreasing the voltage each time by 2V until 0. - Create a graph and plot the number of loops on the x axis and the field strength on the y axis. Results: Part 1: Initial Observations 3. The red arrow is pointing to the left side of the solenoid. The left end is the north end bc the red point on a compass always points north. 4. The magnetic field increases as the meter moves closer to the electromagnet. Part 2: Field Strength with Varying Loops Table 1 Loops Field Strength (Guass) 4 1.86 3 1.39 2 0.93 1 0.46 Part 2: Questions 1. The plot is linear. This indicates a proportional relationship between the number of loops and field strength. 2. Based on the graph, increasing the number of loops in an electromagnet causes the field strength to increase. This was expected. Part 3: Magnetic Field Strength with Varying Voltage Table 1: Voltage versus field strength Voltage (V) Field Strength (Guass) 10 0.77
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