Chapter 2 tax



Fullerton College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jan 9, 2024





Uploaded by ProfessorFrog3874

CHAPTER 2 The support test to be a qualifying relative: You must have provided more than half the person’s support Correct answer: You must have provided more than half the person’s support A qualifying child must have the same principle residence as the taxpayer for: More than half the year Correct answer: More than half the year Which one of the following individuals meets the gross income test for qualifying relative in 2022? Taxpayer’s 19-year-old child who is not a student and earned $4,350 Correct answer: Taxpayer’s 19-year-old child who is not a student and earned $4,350 Which of the following relatives will NOT qualify you for HOH filing status: Cousin Correct answer: Cousin The five tests for qualifying child are: Relationship, age, residency, support, joint return Correct answer: Relationship, age, residency, support, joint return You cannot claim a child as a dependent who: Was stillborn Correct answer: Was stillborn The four tests for qualifying relative are: Not a qualifying child, relationship, or member of the household, gross income, support Correct answer: Not a qualifying child, relationship, or member of the household, gross income, support A child cannot be your qualifying relative if they are a qualifying child of another taxpayer. A child is not considered to be the qualifying child of any other taxpayer if: c and d only
CHAPTER 2 Correct answer: c and d only Which of the following is NOT one of the Tie-Breaker Rules? If no parent can claim the child as a qualifying child, the child is treated as the qualifying child of the person with the highest AGI for the year Correct answer: If a parent can claim the child as a qualifying child but no parent claims the child, the child is treated as the qualifying child of the parent who had the higher AGI To determine if an individual can be claimed as a dependent, three rules must first be met. Which of the following is not one of these rules? Support test Correct answer: Support test
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