
Kean University *

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Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by ProfessorResolveFly625

Annual sales, in millions of dollars, for 21 pharmaceutical companies follow. Click on the datafile logo to reference the data. pATA i 8,408 1,374 1,872 8,879 2,459 11,413 608 14,138 6,452 1,850 2,818 1,356 10,458 7,478 4,015 4,341 739 2,127 3,653 5,794 8,305 a. Provide a five-number summary (in millions of dollars). Smallest value 608 @ First quartile 1861 @ (to 1 decimal) Median 4019 @ Third quartile 8356.5 @ (to 1 decimal) Largest value 14138 @ b. Compute the lower and upper limits (in millions of dollars) (to 2 decimals). If required, enter negative values as negative numbers. Lower limit -7882.25 @ Upper limit 18099.75 @ c. Do the data contain any outliers? | No, the data do not contain outliers. Vv | @ d. Johnson & Johnson's sales are the largest on the list at $14,138 million. Suppose a data entry error (a transposition) had been made and the sales had been entered as $41,138 million. Would the method of detecting outliers in part (c) identify this problem and allow for correction of the data entry error? | Yes, a transposition would have produced an outlier, and a review would have found it. Vv @
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