Lab 4 - CIS Control 01 - Vulnerability Scanning and Asset Discovery Tool (Active Scanning)



Fleming College *

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Computer Science


Jun 23, 2024





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COMP 497 – Concepts in Information Security Lab 4 – CIS Control 01 - Vulnerability Scanning Resources: Greenbone Enterprise TRIAL (OpenVAS) - Greenbone Security Manager Glossary - Introduction Vulnerability Scanning and Asset Discovery are two methods required to enforce CIS Control 01 safeguards. In Part 1 of this Lab we will use the Greenbone Enterprise TRIAL vulnerability scanner (formerly called OpenVAS) which is an Open-Source vulnerability scanner that can be run as a VM. In Part 2, we will use Angry IP Scanner, an Open-Source active network scanning tool to detect connected devices (assets). Part 1: Vulnerability Scanning 1) Open weblink Under “Choose the Appropriate Option” Pick the VM option (VMware or VirtualBox) you prefer and then follow the details under Instruction, Note and Download. Please note that you do not need to request for any kind of subscription key.
COMP 497 – Concepts in Information Security 2) At this point, you should have installed the VM and completed General System Setup including creating a username and password for a web administration account. Connect to the Web Interface for the tool using a browser of your choice and login using the administration account. 3) By default you should be under “Dashboards” which gives you a view of the executed Tasks (scans) and other information. At this point, you should see zero tasks. We can create a new task and specify our network range for scanning by navigating to Scans > Tasks. In the top left of the page, click on and ‘Advanced Task Wizard’. 4) Set an appropriate ‘Task Name’, set ‘Scan Config’ as ‘Full and Fast’, check ‘Start Immediately’ and then click on ‘Create’. The task should begin. Similarly create advanced tasks for different ‘Scan Configs’. Note : For help understanding certain terms, use the Glossary available at Check point 1 : To show completion up to this point, go to Scans > Reports and provide a single screenshot of the whole page (2 points). Insert Screenshot below: Now answer the questions below (1 point each): 1) Briefly explain the purpose of each Scan Config. 2) Go to Scans > Vulnerabilities and provide a screenshot of the whole page. Pick the highest severity vulnerability and provide a brief description of it. 3) How would you remedy/mitigate the vulnerability identified above? Part 2: Asset Discovery Tool 1) Download Angry IP Scanner from 2) Click on Tools > Fetchers and add ‘MAC Address’, ‘MAC Vendor’, ‘Packet Loss’, ‘Filtered Ports’ and ‘Packet Loss’ to the “Selected fetchers’. Click OK. 3) Run a scan on your network range. 4) Go to Tools > Selections > Alive Hosts. All Live hosts must be highlighted.
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