Social/Emotional Intelligence Table
SEI Skill
Skill sets
optimism, identifying emotions
I moved from LTC/SNF to an ALF
setting – I had to learn the different regulations and way of
doing things. As experienced as I am in management, I had to be self-aware and realize I did not know a lot about ALF and be
open to learning. Self-Management
resilience, goal setting, stress
Having two children, going back to school, and working full time in healthcare during a pandemic
can be very stressful. Setting goals and dates for these goals has helped a lot. I have become very resilient over the years. Interpersonal
relationship building, teamwork
and collaboration, leading
My current job does not have a lot of turn over, so I was definitely the “new kid on the block”. Building rapport with staff, gaining their trust, building relationships with everyone has been a huge part of my job so far. Everyone has something to bring to the table, and collaboration is key.
adaptability, organizing
Healthcare is constantly changing, and we have to adapt quickly to this. Staying organized is crucial, and I file everything systematically so I can produce quickly in the event of a survey or concern. Social Awareness
cultural awareness, appreciation
for diversity
Our building is near a large university. A lot of our staff and residents are from all over the country, sometimes even all over the world. Appreciating and respecting other cultures and beliefs is crucial to a positive working environment.