6-1 Peer Review Discussion:
Adapting Written Communication
My first audience of choice for Nicole Peluse's (2010) text "Take a Break" is anyone who
struggle with routine and burnout in their day-to-day jobs. My target audience is women, who
may have additional stress from work or schoolwork. Overwhelmed by job, school, and home
obligations can lead to severe stress and even a mental collapse. It's critical to recognize the
symptoms if we are to manage stress. Stress can take many different forms and is experienced
differently by each individual. These ideas are crucial for this audience to comprehend since they
foster better understanding, empathy, understanding, and improvement. The intended audience
that’s in the first audience draft is about women’s that are stressed out from work, home and
schoolwork. The second could be people who have mental health issues or employers who want to
provide information to their employees. When it comes to focusing on my writing for different
audiences, I try to take into consideration their interests, preferences, and knowledge levels. For the
second audience, I would make my writing style more engaging, comprehensible, and informative. I
might use fewer words and provide more context to ensure that the ideas presented in the magazine are
easily understood. It's all about making the content relevant and appealing to the intended audience.