Source Analysis Assignment Instructions



Liberty University *

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Civil Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





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EDUC 665 S OURCE A NALYSIS A SSIGNMENT I. Scholarly Source a. Full current APA Reference: Heritage, B., Ladeira, C., & Steele, A. R. (2023). The development and pilot of the university student embeddedness (USE) scale for student retention within universities: validation with an Australian student sample. Higher Education, 85 (1), 27-54. b. Please provide a concise summary of the article: Student retention is an issue bringing a lot of concern to Higher Education in Australia. Employment is contingent upon the “performance” of the institution. Australia currently ranks in the middle of the organization OECD, which is an organization that concludes the national data percentage of new college students who complete their bachelor’s degree within five years. The enrollment rates at Australian universities have fallen over time due to the lack of funding from the government for university fees and college students accrue debt each semester. There were two studies conducted to determine the quality of the production of a student embeddedness scale (Study one, part one) which was then followed by two quantitative analyses of the scale scores to “construct (study one, part two) and concurrent (study two) validity” (Heritage et al., 2023). subsequently, after examining the findings within the studies, it is to provide suggestions for student retention. The procedure was advertised to students via social media and interviews were conducted to form the contestant pool for the study. The findings show that study one produced results of appropriate measurable properties in the Univeristy Student Embeddedness (USE) scales of Fit and Links (staff) (Heritage et al., 2023). A major limitation presented was that “students' self-reported intentions to stay at the university were used as a proxy for actual retention” (Heritage et al., 2023). c. What retention/success theory did the author reference? The retention theory the author referenced was the theory of embeddedness. d. What value did the article contribute to the conversation of student success? The value the article contributed was significant research on the embeddedness model on what factors may cause students to leave or stay in college courses. The findings related to the embeddedness model support the understanding of college student retention. e. What appears to be the author’s intent in writing the article? The author’s intent in writing this article is to inform the reader of a concern that the Australian college attrition rates have declined steadily. This article focuses on the embeddedness scale theory to provide results on why students choose to leave or stay in college as well as predictions in future student retention. provided are the details within the process to provide a reasoning qualitative and quantive measures. In light of your above responses, should the content of this article be recommended to help an institution increase student success? Please fully explain your answer. The content within this article should be recommended to help a higher education facility increase its student success. The research provides predictions of student retention rates of college students based on the embedded scale theory. Student Affairs can use this embedded scale theory to create events or resources that encourages students to stay and complete their degrees.
EDUC 665 II. Informal (non-scholarly) Source a. Full current APA Reference: Steele, J. (2024). Student persistence vs student retention: What is the difference? Student Engagement Software & Student Success Software. retention-what-is-the-difference#:~:text=Put%20simply%2C%20schools %20measure%20the,school%20before%20completing%20their%20degree. b. Please provide a concise summary of the article: This article focused on the discrepancies in terms of student persistence versus student retention as it is suggested they are most often used in a manner of connectedness when in fact they are not. Provided in this article are the definitions and understandings of the key differences between student persistence and student retention. Steele identified student retention being the amount of students who don’t complete their degree whereas student persistence is a measurable variable of student effort and motivation in completing their degree (Steele, 2024). Why you need student persistence and student retention within colleges are also addressed within the article and this can be achieved in higher education institutions. c. What retention/success theory did the author reference? The retention theory that Steele referenced is similar to Tinto’s persistence theory. It is understood that to maintain or increase student retention rates, students must be determined to graduate. Numerous factors contribute to a student’s persistence in remaining enrolled and completing their degree. d. What value did the article contribute to the conversation of student success? The value that the article contributed to the conversation of student success was outlining the impact of student persistence on obtaining student retention. It focused on what factors of the college student’s life should be measured when considering student persistence and how student persistence can be achieved while the college student is working towards completing their degree. e. What appears to be the author’s intent in writing the article? The author’s intent in writing the article is to inform the reader of the true differences between student retention and student persistence. It highlights how student persistence is the key to student retention and that this concept is often overlooked by higher education institutions. The author provides suggestions on how to maintain student persistence by analyzing the variables that may contribute to students dropping out of school and how student affairs can tackle this problem. f. In light of your above responses, should the content of this article be recommended to help an institution increase student success? Please fully explain your answer. The content of this article should be shared with institutions to increase student retention rates and degree completion rates. This article digs deep into one of the most underlying causes of why students do not complete their degrees and suggests what efforts can be made by higher education institutions to support students to degree completion regardless of their obstacles. It also provides clarity on the terms student retention and student persistence because they are often used interchangeably when there are differences in the actual understanding of the two ideas.
EDUC 665 III. Corporate Source a. Full current APA Reference: Keeping talent happy: Strategies and plans for effectively retaining employees . Employee Retention: Strategies and Plans | Microsoft 365. (2023, May 16). resources/employee-retention b. Please provide a concise summary of the article: Microsft 365 Team corporation wrote an article on employee retention that focused on what employee retention is and how is it important to a company. some of these importances and benefits are team building, cohesion, trust, productivity, institutional knowledge, costs of replacing or training new workers, and customer impact. The company also provides reasons behind employee loss and how it can impact the company as a whole including the company’s reputation. A high employee turnover rate could indicate a poorly managed business which could lead to employees also leaving. In this article, the author provides strategies to improve employee retention rates and employee retention metrics and tools for measuring data. c. What retention/success theory did the author reference? The retention theory that the author referenced is employee engagement retention. This idea targets employers' engagement through their interests in benefits and compensation. If the benefits and compensation are suitable for the employee, they are more likely to stay with the company. d. What value did the article contribute to the conversation of student success? The value article contributed to the conversation of student success by outlining the impacts retention can have on a business – or an institution. Provided within the article are suggestions that an institution can utilize to maintain student retention. e. What appears to be the author’s intent in writing the article? The author’s intent in writing the article is to discuss the concerns within corporations and how employee turnover rates can be harmful to new employment or maintaining employment. The author also provides benefits to inform the reader on the importance of retention and suggestions to maintain this retention. f. In light of your above responses, should the content of this article be recommended to help an institution increase student success? Please fully explain your answer. This article has valid points of suggestion and information regarding retention and it is not geared specifically towards the institutional aspect regarding student retention, it still can provide some benefit to institutions in maintaining student retention and enrollment. In the article, the author suggests that to maintain employee retention within a corporation, you must train the employees well, hire employees who fit the company's dynamics, recognize employees, compensation, consistent feedback, benefits, opportunities for development, mentorship, and tools (Microsoft 365: Business Productivity, 2023). IV. Government Source a. Full current APA Reference:
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