Exp 6 Discussion Questions - S2024



University of British Columbia *

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Jun 14, 2024





Uploaded by LieutenantBook14566

Experiment 6 Discussion Questions Upload your completed discussion questions with your scanned “data & observations” for this experiment STUDENT NAME: ________________________________ ( please type your name here) By typing your name above: I confirm that this report is based on my original work and that I did not work with another student (past or present) when composing this report. Reports without a name will not be eligible for credit. Question 1 (2 marks). Increasing the concentration of one of the starting materials helps drive the equilibrium of a Fischer Esterification reaction towards the product side. In experiment 6, glacial acetic acid is added in a 2.5-fold excess because it is easier to remove during “work-up”. In 2-3 sentences , explain why excess acetic acid would be easier to remove than excess 1-pentanol using the “work-up” steps (Part II Steps 5–7) outlined in this experiment. Question 2 (2 marks). Adding excessive drying agent can lead to a significant loss of your desired product. (a) In 1 sentence , explain the purpose of washing the organic layer with saturated NaCl aq (brine) during the liquid-liquid extraction in Exp 6. (b) In 1-2 sentences , explain why adding too much drying agent causes significantly more product loss in Exp 6 than if too much was added during Exp 1 and/or Exp 3. © UBC Chemistry. Do not copy, reproduce, or distribute. This question is part of an assessment that is to be completed individually and without any assistance.
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