distance learning, I will ensure students feel close to me by continuing to call students by their name. I can have them use the emoji buttons for when they have a question, like to share an answer, and when they agree or disagree. Additionally, I will provide office hours for 1-on-1 time with each student and also a time when students can pop in if they have any questions about assignments. References:
Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Hattie, J. (2020).
The distance learning playbook, grades K-12: Teaching for engagement and impact in any setting.
Corwin, A SAGE Company.
Reflect on page 74 from the book
The Distance Learning Playbook (required text)
Based on the descriptions of competence, what ideas do you have for maintaining and enhancing this aspect of credibility at a distance?
To maintain and enhance competency in distance learning, it requires planning ahead.
Fisher, Frey, and Hattie (2020) pointed out that students know when a teacher is competent when they know what they are teaching and by the way they deliver academic content (p. 72). I will review the lessons that I will be teaching, do research if needed to understand the content better, and adjust it to meet the learning needs of my students. The way I present myself, such as my body language and tone, can communicate competence. For instance, maintain eye contact, sitting up straight, using hand gestures, and facial expressions, will demonstrate to students that I know what I am talking about and am engaged with the content. Planning ahead also includes making sure all the technology is working, like my internet connection and the links to videos or websites, and communicating to students what is expected of them. This can help my online classroom run smoothly and consistently and allows students to understand routines and concentrate on the learning content.
Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Hattie, J. (2020).
The distance learning playbook, grades K-12: Teaching
for engagement and impact in any setting.
Corwin, A SAGE Company.
How are you currently building in assessments into your daily lessons?
Most times, my assessments happen during and at the end of a lesson. During the lesson, I would typically ask questions and record how much of the class is understanding the content. If all or most are able to target the learning intention, I continue on. If they are not, I would rephrase the question, give examples and sentence frames, model, and provide additional instructions. Most of my assessments at the end of a lesson are worksheets that they complete. I note the students that need support and pull them in small groups.