Giftedness refers to an intellectual ability that significantly surpasses the average
capacity. The federal government characterizes gifted children as those exhibiting evidence of
higher achievement capacity in leadership, intellectual, artistic, creative capacity or in special
academic areas. Gifted children are characterized by their quirky sense of humor, robust sense of
curiosity, knowledge of global issues, social awareness, surprising sensitivity or emotional depth
for their age, ability to understand materials for higher grade levels than their age peers, and
enthusiasm about unique topics and interests (Betts, & Neihart, 2020). Gifted children also
absorb information faster with few repetitions and show imaginative expression and creative
problem solving. When engaging engage gifted and talented children in the classroom, there is a
need for active involvement while leveraging their special abilities. Gifted children could be
engaged through using interactive content, creating complex problem solving classroom
activities, fostering collaboration and utilizing tiered learning. Essentially, these approaches seek
to incorporate varying levels of difficulty which would ensure that gifted children are not zoned
out during lessons (Weselby, 2014). When a teacher presents gifted students with the opportunity
to work together, they get the space to challenge each other in unexpected ways, improve each
other's thoughts and share ideas.
The challenging type of gifted children would be the most challenging to teach. The
school system has failed in identifying this group of gifted children. Their failure to conform to
the school system coupled by their behavior of questioning might prove difficult to control in the
classroom. Another challenge with this group is the conflict which mostly characterize their
interactions, making it difficult to form positive and meaningful collaborations in class. I see my
nephew as a gifted learner. She belongs to the successful type of gifted learners. She exhibited a
number of characteristics of this class. Some of the characteristics include; high test of