Unit 1 Exam 1 Study Guide (Repaired)



Salt Lake Community College *

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Jun 13, 2024





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Unit 1 Exam 1 Study Guide Below is a sampling of questions that you may find on this exam. If you can completely and accurately answer the following questions, you should have a solid working understanding of all the material and concepts we have covered in this unit. You will also find the competencies and learning objectives that you have been working with so far in this course. You may also want to go back to the practice quizzes, project(s), worksheets, and textbook chapters from this unit to help you study the concepts related to the competencies and objectives. Unit 1 Competencies and Learning Objectives Competency 1: Use the scientific method to analyze data within a given data set Learning Objective 1.1: Distinguish between science and pseudoscience Learning Objective 1.2: Differentiate between a hypothesis and a theory Learning Objective 1.3: Differentiate the control versus the experimental group(s) Learning Objective 1.4: Describe and identify variables Learning Objective 1.5: Develop a hypothesis Learning Objective 1.7: Analyze data and draw the appropriate conclusion Learning Objective 1.8: Interpret a graph showing experimental results Competency 2: Summarize the patterns and processes of evolution and the resulting unity and diversity of life Learning Objective 2.13: Compare and contrast the major groups of living organisms Learning Objective 2.14: Describe the basic attributes that are used to define “life” Learning Objective 2.15: Define the levels of organization from atoms to ecosystems Learning Objective 2.16: List in order the levels of organization from atoms to ecosystems Competency 3: Recognize the chemical basis of life Learning Objective 3.1: Determine the correct number of protons, electrons, and neutrons, given atomic number and mass number (periodic table) Learning Objective 3.2: Identify the correct Bohr model of an atom Learning Objective 3.3: Explain how the electron configuration determines chemical reactivity Learning Objective 3.4: Define ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds Learning Objective 3.5: Explain how hydrogen bonds make water the solvent of life
Learning Objective 3.6: List the properties of water Learning Objective 3.7: Determine whether a molecule is hydrophilic or hydrophobic based on its structure Learning Objective 3.8: Identify macromolecules as polymers of unique subunits built through dehydration synthesis and broken down by hydrolysis Learning Objective 3.9: Describe the function and structure of macromolecules Learning Objective 3.10: Explain why carbon is the central element of life Review Questions The Scientific Method & What is Biology? What is science? method of understanding the universe in which we live. Can you describe the entire process of the scientific method with all the steps of the process and the additional two vital components of hypothesis testing? A HYPOTHESIS must be specific, falsifiable, and should be based on other scientific work. STEP ONE: OBSERVATION, PROBLEM, or RESEARCH QUESTION The procedure begins with identifying a problem or research question, such as a geological phenomenon that is not well explained in the scientific community’s collective knowledge. This step usually involves reviewing the scientific literature to understand previous studies that may be related to the question. STEP TWO: HYPOTHESIS Once the problem or question is well defined, the scientist proposes a possible answer, a hypothesis, before conducting an experiment or field work. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a natural phenomenon. It must be specific, falsifiable, and should be based on other scientific work. STEP THREE: EXPERIMENT and HYPOTHESIS REVISION The next step is developing an experiment that either supports or refutes the hypothesis. Many people mistakenly think experiments are only done in a lab; however, an experiment can also consist of observing natural processes in the field. Regardless of what form an experiment takes, it always includes the systematic gathering of objective data. This data is interpreted to determine whether it contradicts or supports the hypothesis, which may be revised and tested again. When a hypothesis holds up under experimentation, it is ready to be shared with other experts in the field. STEP FOUR: PEER REVIEW, PUBLICATION, and REPLICATION
Scientists share the results of their research by publishing articles in scientific journals, such as Science and Nature. Reputable journals and publishing houses will not publish an experimental study until they have determined its methods are scientifically rigorous and the conclusions are supported by evidence. Before an article is published, it undergoes a rigorous peer review by scientific experts who scrutinize the methods, results, and discussion. Once an article is published, other scientists may attempt to replicate the results. This replication is necessary to confirm the reliability of the study’s reported results. A hypothesis that seemed compelling in one study might be proven false in studies conducted by other scientists. New technology can be applied to published studies, which can aid in confirming or rejecting once-accepted ideas and/or hypotheses. STEP FIVE: THEORY DEVELOPMENT In casual conversation, the word theory implies guesswork or speculation. In the language of science, an explanation or conclusion made in a theory carries much more weight because it is supported by experimental verification and widely accepted by the scientific community. After a hypothesis has been repeatedly tested for falsifiability through documented and independent studies, it eventually becomes accepted as a scientific theory. While a hypothesis provides a tentative explanation before an experiment, a theory is the best explanation after being confirmed by multiple independent experiments. Confirmation of a theory may take years, or even longer. For example, the theory of endosymbiosis, which explains that mitochondria and chloroplasts are derived from free-living bacteria, was originally dismissed when proposed by Lynn Margulis and others. The theory was widely accepted only after genetic evidence confirmed that these organelles were closely related to bacteria. The theory of evolution by natural selection is another example. Originating from the work of Charles Darwin in the mid-19th century, the theory of evolution has withstood generations of scientific testing for falsifiability. While it has been updated and revised to accommodate knowledge gained by using modern technologies, the theory of evolution continues to be supported by the latest evidence. Can you explain the importance of controls in experimental design (perhaps by using an example)? Can you describe what pseudoscience is, how it differs from actual science, and explain why you never engage in pseudoscience? Can you explain what types of questions or ideas science can answer and what types of questions and ideas science cannot answer? Can you explain how the Linnaean classification system works, in terms of determining the evolutionary relationship among species, grouping organisms together in natural (monophyletic) groups, naming organisms
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