Lab 6 Gravity and Orbits



Valdosta State University *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by DrField9324

Lab 6: Gravity and Orbits Go to: . Start the simulation and click on “Model” from the options on the screen. For each part, insert your answer in the space below each question. Then upload your completed work in the “Assignment” folder on Blazeview by the due date as indicated on Blazeview. For help with the screenshot function, click here:;_ylt=A2KLfSFQ7HBeAQwA.n5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oD MTEyZjRpYjRxBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDQjkzMjJfMQRzZWMDc2M-? qid=20110808221709AA5Sk15 1. What do each of the following do to the screen when you click on them? a. On the bottom left, Fast Forward? (0.5 points ) b. On the bottom left, Slow Motion”? (0.5 points ) c. On the top left, the plus sign? (0.5 points ) d. On the top left, the plus minus? (0.5 points ) e. On the top right, each of the four choice is the box, as shown below? (0.5 points ) f. On the middle right, gravity off? (0.5 points ) g. On the middle right, with the simulation running, each of the four choice is the box, as shown below? (0.5 points ) h. On the bottom right, moving the slide bar underneath one of the objects up or down? (0.5 points ) i. On the bottom right, clear button? (0.5 points ) j. On bottom right, orange circular arrow button? (0.5 points )
2. Click on the choice for the sun and earth to appear in the simulation from the options on the right. Turn on the path function and the gravity function. Push the play button. a. What shape is the orbit of the Earth? (1 points ) b. What do you notice about the two blue gravity force arrows that point from the sun and the from the earth? (1 points ) c. With the simulation running and the earth directly above the run, what happens to the orbit of the Earth when the Star Mass is increased to 1.5? Explain why you think this occurred. (2 points ) d. What happens to the blue gravity force arrows during the time it takes the Earth to make one full orbit around the star? Paste a screen shot of what you see below. (2 points ) 3. Now click the choice for the sun, earth and moon to appear in the simulation from the options on the right. Turn on the path function and press the play button. a. What shape is the orbit of the Moon? Explain why you think this occurred. (2 points ) b. Keeping the simulation running, what happens to the Earth when the Star Mass is increased to 2.0? Paste a screen shot below. (2 points ) c. Restart the simulation as described above, now what happens if the Planet Mass decreases to 0.5? (2 points ) d. Restart the simulation as described above, what happens when the Star Mass is decreased to 0.5? (2 points ) 4. Now click the choice for the earth and satellite to appear in the simulation from the options on the right. Turn on the path function and press the play button. a. With the simulation running, increase the Satellite Mass to 2.0. What happens to the path of the satellite around the earth? (1 points ) b. What happens to the path of satellite if you decrease the Satellite Mass to 0.5? Explain why you think this occurred. (2 points ) c. What happens to the path of the satellite if you decrease the Planet Mass to 0.5? Explain why you think this occurred. (2 points ) d. Restart the simulation as described above. What happens to the path of the satellite if the Planet Mass is increased to 2.0? (1 points )
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