Basic Coordinates Part II



Northern Virginia Community College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by hilualiyi

Basic Coordinates & Seasons Part II Read through the material and use the simulators in the NAAP Basic Coordinate and Seasons lab to answer the following questions. 1. What is the range of longitude on Earth? 2. What is the range of latitude on Earth? 3. Use the flat map explorer to determine what is located at 55.9533° N, 3.1883° W? 4. What are the coordinates of 55.9533° N, 3.1883° W in sexagesimal notation? Show your work. 5. What does each GPS satellite have to accurately tell time? 6. Why did the ancient Sumerians split the year into 12 segments? 7. Open both the flat map explorer and the globe explorer. Describe the difference in how Antarctica appears on the two maps. 8. On the celestial sphere, what is the range of declination? What is the 0 point for declination on the celestial sphere?
9. What is the range of right ascension? What is the 0 point for right ascension on the celestial sphere? 10. Open either the Flat Sky Map explorer or the Sky Map Explorer. What is the name of the group of constellations that are on the ecliptic? 11. What is the plane of Earth’s orbit called? 12. Using the simulator at the bottom of the Orbits and Light page, determine what the relative intensity of light is when the sun’s angle from zenith is 45 degrees. 13. Open the Seasons and Ecliptic Simulator. Move the observer to a latitude of 39 degrees South. Complete the table below. Sun’s Altitude Mar 20 June 20 Sept 20 Dec 20
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