Carlie Jane Strickland - The Martian Introduction - 18185650



Liberty University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Name: Carlie Jane Strickland Class Period: 3 The Martian Directions: Compare and Contrast Earth and Mars by completing the chart below Earth Mars Distance from the Sun 91.93 million mi 143.96 million mi Average Daily Temperature 59°F -80°F Axial Tilt 23.5° 23.19° Atmosphere Composition 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, and 0.93% argon 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon Surface Air Pressure 14.7 pounds per square inch 0.095 psi Amount of UV Light 3% 200-400 nm Surface Gravity 9.807 m/s² 3.71 m/s² How many days to rotate? 23.9 hours 24.6 hours Length of year 365 days 687 days 1) How big is Mars compared to the other planets in our solar system? a) Mars is about half (53 percent) the size of Earth 2) How long would it take us to travel to Mars? a) 9 months 3) Why would Mars’ atmosphere cause problems for humans? a) extremely low atmospheric pressure, extremely high CO2 content of the atmosphere, extremely low temperatures, radiation exposure from an atmosphere that is too thin to stop the solar wind 4) Does Mars have a variety of seasons? Explain your answer a) Mars has four seasons, roughly twice as long as those on Earth, but with more variation given Mars' eccentric orbit and the fact its orbital speed varies more as a result 5) Does Mars have liquid water or ice? a) Ice 6) Artemis I launched November 16, 2022. You can watch the launch at: What is the purpose of this first mission? What is the ultimate goal? a) Artemis I was an uncrewed flight test of the Space Launch System and the Orion spacecraft around the Moon. land the first woman and first person of color on the
Moon, explore the lunar surface, and lay the groundwork for sending astronauts to Mars 7) Describe in detail one NASA mission to Mars - but NOT Artemis. (Include the date, type of mission and what was accomplished - don’t pick a mission that failed!) a) Mars Phoenix NASA's Phoenix mission searched for evidence of past habitability in Mars' northern polar region. One of a pair of robotic geologists that landed on opposite sides of the red planet in 2004, NASA's Opportunity rover explored Mars for nearly 15 years
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