Discussion Thread: Is Genesis History? REPLIES
Hey Alexis,
I truly appreciated reading your contribution to the discussion since it allowed me to hear your
point of view after viewing the movie Is Genesis History? I enjoyed how you chose to write on
Dr. Robert Carter's segment of the film in your post. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading the
additional content you obtained from his coral posts. "Evolution is really the assumption of
naturalism masquerading as science," Dr. Carter said in the film. When I began to challenge the
fundamental premise that natural processes can explain everything that has ever been, is, or will
be, the evolutionary origins tale fell apart like a house of cards. Real science and the Bible are
compatible." He goes on to assert that Noah's deluge in the Bible occurred since there are areas
that depict the worldwide flood. I had a great time viewing the movie and listening to what was
stated. But, in general, I loved reading your contribution to the discussion.