Abigail Kagnew ARTS 205-B06
February 7, 2021
Arts at My Church Blog
Throughout time, different forms of art have been demonstrated and used to communicate various messages and ideologies. The different forms of art have also been used to exude and evoke feelings and emotions from its audience. Furthermore, art has been used in the Church by Christians. The purpose of the different manifestations of art is to point to God, as it serves as a reflection of His beauty and order. Additionally, the different arts in the church can also be explicit as to directly project a certain message that glorifies God. My church, Chesapeake Christian Fellowship (CCF), implemented various art forms that points to Christ in its vicinity. At the very center of the stage hangs a large cross that compliments the backdrop of the stage and towers over the musical instruments and singers. As people stand at their seats during worship, they lift their eyes up to see and hear the singers praising God. But then in the midst of glorifying God, the viewer stands in awe as they gaze at the cross. The symbol of Christ’s work; the ultimate demonstration of love.