Teach a friend or family member what you learned this week about President Ballard and write a
report on your experience
The individual who you taught
From this week reading about President Russell M. Ballard, I learned about the life and testimony of our
dear President Ballard and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. With this experience, I was able to teach one of my
neighbors on a face-to-face discussion. Some of the principles and doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints were explicitly deliberated on during our discussion. We talked about those things
that impressed me about the lives of both Pres. Ballard and Elder Holland. I let him understand that our
purpose in life, why am I here, what I should be trying to do and accomplish in my daily lives. I am in the
process of trying to prepare myself for a day at a time, to be a little better, be a little kinder, be a little
more prepared for that day, which will surely come, when I shall pass back into the presence of our
Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. That his purposes must be the Lord’s purposes. If his motives
are too selfish, he will find it difficult to receive and sense the promptings of the Spirit. More so, I
explained to him that we can be taught by and learn from the Spirit line upon line, receiving what we
need, and then when we are ready, we will receive more.
In conclusion, I explained to him that the Lord says that as we continue to be faithful, the Holy Ghost will
dwell in us. That is the promise in the sacramental prayer that the Spirit will be our companion and that
we will feel, in our hearts and minds, His comfort.