Module Two Question 1
Describe one of the beliefs and values of the Navajo as illustrated in your readings.
One of the beliefs the Navajos instilled were that they had spiritual leaders who led their tribes to help provide a connection between their people and the gods. During these ceremonies, sand paintings have been used to show characters and events from Navajo myths.
Module Two Question 2
Describe one way in which the Navajo have incorporated their beliefs and values into the societal structure on the reservation since regaining some autonomy in the 1970's.
One of the ways the Navajo have incorporated their beliefs after regaining some autonomy is by having the leaders of the nation mandate that the Navajo language and culture be taught in
schools. Back in the 1800s, the US government built boarding schools that promoted Native American children to adopt the culture of the United States, forcing the conversion over to Christianity and use of harsh disciplinary measures. Some Navajo were met with emotional memories of being punished for speaking Navajo at the boarding schools so they wanted to spare their children from that trauma.
Module Two Question 3
What beliefs and values can be found in your culture? How do these beliefs and values influence your day-to-day life?
Some beliefs and values that can be found in my Asian American culture are respecting your elders, family recognition through your achievements, and focusing on your studies. Because of this, growing up it influenced the stress of having good grades to graduate and find a good career. Although the pressure has its negative impacts, I do believe helps us develop a strong work ethic as we enter the workforce.
Module Two Question 4
Adopt the social science perspective to create a list of questions about this issue. Write at least two questions each from the point of view of a psychologist, a sociologist, and an anthropologist.