In the article,
find a claim
(hint: there is more than one) that Fields makes
what he has found
as a result of his research. Write it here with page
numbers and a direct or paraphrased quote. (3 pts)
" The Neo-Knitterz case illustrates how identity processes direct cultural change while
also showing how meanings inscribed on the ''original'' participants constrain new
participants " (Fields, 151)
Is this study
? If so, to what population is it generalizable? If
not, why not? (3 pts)
I found that the study Feilds was conducting is generalizable. I say the study is
generalizable because, in Feild's research, he doesn't just relate to one certain
population, Field’s research pertains to all ages.
Fields note the difference between his own demographic characteristics and
the majority of the Neo-Knitterz. What is this difference? How could this have
affected his ethnographic research? (3 pts)
Fields is an African-American male, which makes him unique among the group's
members, but they eagerly welcome his participation and welcome him as a member. In
the end, he was able to learn how to knit and became a member of the group, knitting
and interacting with the women. This could have affected his ethnographic research by
influencing the dynamics of the Neo-Knitterz group, impacting his integration, the depth
of his observations, and the overall richness of the ethnographic research.
Fields gathers data through
two methods
. What are these methods? Why is
it beneficial that he uses both approaches? (3 pts)
Two of the Methods that Fields gathered were first learning how to knit in general, and
second being able to conduct in-depth interviews with 6 of the Neo-Knitterz. It was
important that Feilds learned how to knit so he could learn to be accepted in the group
and allowed him to get in-depth interviews to gain knowledge about the Neo-Knitterz
culture, costumes, and systems of life from another culture other than his own.
In research ethics, the use of
is allowed by the IRB in certain
circumstances. Fields did not choose to hide his role as a researcher. Why
would deception not be necessary here? OR, if you think he
used deception, why do you think that is? (3 pts)
I don't believe Deception is needed in this because Fields is doing an observational
study which led him to join a group and participate in the group. Fields didn't hide his
identity of being an African American man but Fields did immerse himself in the group
by participating in the Neo-Knitterz interest.