such as W-2s, 1099s, and 1095s. The volunteer standards of conduct agreement, Form 13615, states in VSC #4 that volunteers shall not intentionally prepare false returns. In this case, the taxpayer states that they were still waiting for their W-2 for their part-time employment but did not want to wait any longer to submit their return. The volunteer records this on the intake form and proceeds to prepare the return. The tax preparer further informed the taxpayer that this was not a major issue because the taxpayer may file an updated return at a later date. The tax preparer
handled the matter poorly and should have stopped after first reviewing the intake form. The taxpayer was not completely prepared to file their taxes.
Disreputable Behavior
Scenario 5/1
For such a scenario, the relevant quality site need is determined by the volunteer agreement. The volunteer standards of conduct agreement, Form 13615, states under VSC # 5 that volunteers must not engage in criminal, infamous, dishonest, notoriously shameful, or any other conduct that is thought to have a negative impact on the VITA/TCE program. In this instance, a tax preparer got involved in violence at a rally and then went to the VITA site the next day to volunteer. The volunteer should speak with the site coordinator about what happened, especially because the news cited his name as the originator of the violence, and the coordinator should take the appropriate measures, such as reporting the incident. While the rally had nothing to do with the VITA site or the people it serves, this incident may have a negative influence on the site.
Professional Courtesy
Scenario 6/1