Ethical Issues in Auditing: Handling Unethical Behavior &



York University *

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Jun 9, 2024





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3-20 a) 1) Obtain the relevant facts and identify issues; & Identify the ethical issues ; Is it ethical for Tom signed off the procedure without completing the task? 2) Identify who is affected and how each is affected; Tom: pay and performance evaluations will be affected Partner: provide unreliable opinions based on Tom’s auditing, affect firm reputation Supervisor: affect the time budget and quality of the work Other Employees: Tom’s behavior affect other staff receive the reward the deserved and may follow his behavior. 3) Consider alternatives/course of actions including consequences of each; Alternatives: Tom will be penalized for his misconduct. Tom will be fired for his unethical behaviours. Consequence : If Tom is just be penalized, other staff would perceive that the problem is not serious. If Tom is fired, the firm’s reputation could be saved and other staff would realize the importance of professional behaviour. 4) Implement an appropriate course of action. The partner would be better to talk to Tom, and fire him. Since Tom will no longer maintain a good reputation, the quality of his auditing is hard to trust in the future. b) Rationalization : “Sample test is enough to found problem” “No one has found problem” Ethical Blind spots : Even I did not check, no problem has been found, which shows that the rest samples are correct. c) No, this will not be changed. His personal situation cannot be an excuse for his unethical professional behaviour. He could honest for his personal situation before he conducts the unethical behaviour.
3-23 a. It is not a violation. John is not auditing the firm that he owns stocks. There is no self-interest threat. b. It is a violation of independence. Phyllis should be independence for the information he reviews. He should have skepticism regarding the information that he audits. His audit is intimidated by his clients. c. It is a violation. Kim should not take advantage of the trust placed in them. Kim should not involve an audit of a client since he did not have knowledge both of that client’s business and industry, and of the technical aspects of the audit. The client’s information should be confidential, and Kim cannot audit without consent of the client. d. It is a violation of confidentiality. The firms should not disclose the confidential information without the client’s consent. e. It is a violation of false and misleading documents and oral representations. Roberta should not use the false information to audit. f. It is a violation. Bill should not disclose his client’s information without the consent of the client. Bill should not check his client’s insurance agency since there is a self-interest risk. g. It is not a violation. Michelle has asked for permission of conducting the service. There are no rules for a PA to not provide other accounting service to a company as long as he did not review his own work.
3-27. The president of Mountain Ltd told Frost that the ban of Trail was prepared to increase its loan, so Helmut &Co are not lack of privity. Moreover, since Frost realize the important user of the financial statement, and he still ask the junior to audit the most important receivable and inventory part. Frost is negligent. Additionally, Helmut & Co assigned Frost who is new to the firm and two juniors to audit Mountain. The firm did not have fully understanding of the auditors’ competency, and this could also be perceived as a negligent. Finally, since the Frost realize the time pressure, he still conducts the audit, which could be a violate of independence. Overall, Helmut & Co and Frost are both negligent. They could lose for this case.
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