Survey of Operating Systems, 5e - 5th Edition - by Jane Holcombe, Charles Holcombe - ISBN 9781259618635

Survey of Operating Systems, 5e
5th Edition
Jane Holcombe, Charles Holcombe
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9781259618635

Solutions for Survey of Operating Systems, 5e

Book Details

McGraw-Hill Education is proud to introduce the fifth edition of Jane and Charles Holcombe's Survey of Operating Systems. This title provides an introduction to the most widely used desktop operating systems (including Windows, Apple OS X, and Linux) using numerous illustrations and hands-on activities to build a foundation for success in the IT field empowering students to adapt to different job situations and troubleshoot problems. The new edition features information on mobile operating systems, as well as chapters on subjects peripheral to operating systems, such as computer security, desktop virtualization, and connecting computers and mobile devices to networks.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

6th Edition
ISBN: 9781260096002
Survey of Operating Systems
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781260493863
Survey of Operating Systems
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780073518183
Survey of Operating Systems
7th Edition
ISBN: 9781264374489

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