Physics, Volume 2 - 11th Edition - by CUTNELL,  John D., Johnson,  Kenneth W., YOUNG,  David, Stadler,  Shane - ISBN 9781119460176

Physics, Volume 2
11th Edition
CUTNELL, John D., Johnson, Kenneth W., YOUNG, David, Stadler, Shane
Publisher: WILEY
ISBN: 9781119460176

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Chapter 2.4 - Equations Of Kinematics For Constant AccelerationChapter 2.6 - Freely Falling BodiesChapter 3 - Kinematics In Two DimensionsChapter 3.1 - Displacement, Velocity, And AccelerationChapter 3.2 - Equations Of Kinematics In Two DimensionsChapter 3.3 - Projectile MotionChapter 3.4 - Relative VelocityChapter 4 - Forces And Newton’s Laws Of MotionChapter 4.2 - Newton’s First Law Of MotionChapter 4.3 - Newton’s Second Law Of MotionChapter 4.4 - The Vector Nature Of Newton’s Second Law Of MotionChapter 4.5 - Newton’s Third Law Of MotionChapter 4.7 - The Gravitational ForceChapter 4.8 - The Normal ForceChapter 4.9 - Static And Kinetic Frictional ForcesChapter 4.10 - The Tension ForceChapter 4.11 - Equilibrium Applications Of Newton’s Laws Of MotionChapter 4.12 - Nonequilibrium Applications Of Newton’s Laws Of MotionChapter 5 - Dynamics Of Uniform Circular MotionChapter 5.2 - Centripetal AccelerationChapter 5.3 - Centripetal ForceChapter 5.4 - Banked CurvesChapter 5.5 - Satellites In Circular OrbitsChapter 5.6 - Apparent Weightlessness And Artificial GravityChapter 5.7 - Vertical Circular MotionChapter 6 - Work And EnergyChapter 6.1 - Work Done By A Constant ForceChapter 6.2 - The Work-energy Theorem And Kinetic EnergyChapter 6.3 - Gravitational Potential EnergyChapter 6.5 - The Conservation Of Mechanical EnergyChapter 6.6 - Nonconservative Forces And The Work-energy TheoremChapter 6.7 - PowerChapter 7 - Impulse And MomentumChapter 7.1 - The Impulse-momentum TheoremChapter 7.2 - The Principle Of Conservation Of Linear MomentumChapter 7.3 - Collisions In One DimensionChapter 7.5 - Center Of MassChapter 8 - Rotational KinematicsChapter 8.1 - Rotational Motion And Angular DisplacementChapter 8.2 - Angular Velocity And Angular AccelerationChapter 8.3 - The Equations Of Rotational KinematicsChapter 8.4 - Angular Variables And Tangential VariablesChapter 8.5 - Centripetal Acceleration And Tangential AccelerationChapter 8.6 - Rolling MotionChapter 9 - Rotational DynamicsChapter 9.1 - The Action Of Forces And Torques On Rigid ObjectsChapter 9.2 - Rigid Objects In EquilibriumChapter 9.3 - Center Of GravityChapter 9.4 - Newton’s Second Law For Rotational Motion About A Fixed AxisChapter 10 - Simple Harmonic Motion And ElasticityChapter 10.1 - The Ideal Spring And Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 10.2 - Simple Harmonic Motion And The Reference CircleChapter 10.3 - Energy And Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 10.4 - The PendulumChapter 10.5 - Damped Harmonic MotionChapter 10.6 - Driven Harmonic Motion And ResonanceChapter 10.7 - Elastic DeformationChapter 10.8 - Stress, Strain, And Hooke’s LawChapter 11 - FluidsChapter 11.2 - PressureChapter 11.3 - Pressure And Depth In A Static FluidChapter 11.6 - Archimedes’ PrincipleChapter 11.7 - Fluids In MotionChapter 11.10 - Applications Of Bernoulli’s EquationChapter 12 - Temperature And HeatChapter 12.1 - Common Temperature ScalesChapter 12.4 - Linear Thermal ExpansionChapter 12.5 - Volume Thermal ExpansionChapter 12.7 - Heat And Temperature Change: Specific Heat CapacityChapter 12.8 - Heat And Phase Change: Latent HeatChapter 12.9 - Equilibrium Between Phases Of MatterChapter 12.10 - HumidityChapter 13 - The Transfer Of HeatChapter 13.1 - ConvectionChapter 13.2 - ConductionChapter 13.3 - RadiationChapter 14 - The Ideal Gas Law And Kinetic TheoryChapter 14.1 - Molecular Mass, The Mole, And Avogadro’s NumberChapter 14.2 - The Ideal Gas LawChapter 14.3 - Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 14.4 - DiffusionChapter 15 - ThermodynamicsChapter 15.3 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 15.4 - Thermal ProcessesChapter 15.5 - Thermal Processes Using An Ideal GasChapter 15.6 - Specific Heat CapacitiesChapter 15.10 - Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, And Heat PumpsChapter 15.11 - EntropyChapter 15.12 - The Third Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 16 - Waves And SoundChapter 16.1 - The Nature Of WavesChapter 16.2 - Periodic WavesChapter 16.3 - The Speed Of A Wave On A StringChapter 16.5 - The Nature Of SoundChapter 16.6 - The Speed Of SoundChapter 16.7 - Sound IntensityChapter 16.8 - DecibelsChapter 16.9 - The Doppler EffectChapter 17 - The Principle Of Linear Superposition And Interference PhenomenaChapter 17.2 - Constructive And Destructive Interference Of Sound WavesChapter 17.3 - DiffractionChapter 17.4 - BeatsChapter 17.5 - Transverse Standing WavesChapter 17.6 - Longitudinal Standing WavesChapter 18 - Electric Forces And Electric FieldsChapter 18.2 - Charged Objects And The Electric ForceChapter 18.4 - Charging By Contact And By InductionChapter 18.5 - Coulomb’s LawChapter 18.6 - The Electric FieldChapter 18.7 - Electric Field LinesChapter 18.9 - Gauss’ LawChapter 19 - Electric Potential Energy And The Electric PotentialChapter 19.2 - The Electric Potential DifferenceChapter 19.3 - The Electric Potential Difference Created By Point ChargesChapter 19.4 - Equipotential Surfaces And Their Relation To The Electric FieldChapter 20 - Electric CircuitsChapter 20.2 - Ohm’s LawChapter 20.3 - Resistance And ResistivityChapter 20.4 - Electric PowerChapter 20.5 - Alternating CurrentChapter 20.6 - Series WiringChapter 20.7 - Parallel WiringChapter 20.8 - Circuits Wired Partially In Series And Partially In ParallelChapter 20.10 - Kirchhoff’s RulesChapter 20.11 - The Measurement Of Current And VoltageChapter 20.13 - Rc CircuitsChapter 21 - Magnetic Forces And Magnetic FieldsChapter 21.2 - The Force That A Magnetic Field Exerts On A Moving ChargeChapter 21.3 - The Motion Of A Charged Particle In A Magnetic FieldChapter 21.5 - The Force On A Current In A Magnetic FieldChapter 21.7 - Magnetic Fields Produced By CurrentsChapter 22 - Electromagnetic InductionChapter 22.1 - Induced Emf And Induced CurrentChapter 22.2 - Motional EmfChapter 22.3 - Magnetic FluxChapter 22.4 - Faraday’s Law Of Electromagnetic InductionChapter 22.5 - Lenz’s LawChapter 22.6 - Applications Of Electromagnetic Induction To The Reproduction Of SoundChapter 22.7 - The Electric GeneratorChapter 22.9 - TransformersChapter 23 - Alternating Current CircuitsChapter 23.1 - Capacitors And Capacitive ReactanceChapter 23.2 - Inductors And Inductive ReactanceChapter 23.3 - Circuits Containing Resistance, Capacitance, And InductanceChapter 23.4 - Resonance In Electric CircuitsChapter 24 - Electromagnetic WavesChapter 24.1 - The Nature Of Electromagnetic WavesChapter 24.3 - The Speed Of LightChapter 24.4 - The Energy Carried By Electromagnetic WavesChapter 24.5 - The Doppler Effect And Electromagnetic WavesChapter 24.6 - PolarizationChapter 25 - The Refl Ection Of Light: MirrorsChapter 25.3 - The Formation Of Images By A Plane MirrorChapter 25.4 - Spherical MirrorsChapter 25.5 - The Formation Of Images By Spherical MirrorsChapter 25.6 - The Mirror Equation And The Magnification EquationChapter 26 - The Refraction Of Light: Lenses And Optical InstrumentsChapter 26.3 - Total Internal ReflectionChapter 26.4 - Polarization And The Reflection And Refraction Of LightChapter 26.5 - The Dispersion Of Light: Prisms And RainbowsChapter 26.6 - LensesChapter 26.7 - The Formation Of Images By LensesChapter 26.8 - The Thin-lens Equation And The Magnification EquationChapter 26.10 - The Human EyeChapter 26.11 - Angular Magnification And The Magnifying GlassChapter 26.13 - The TelescopeChapter 26.14 - Lens AberrationsChapter 27 - Interference And The Wave Nature Of LightChapter 27.1 - The Principle Of Linear SuperpositionChapter 27.2 - Young’s Double-slit ExperimentChapter 27.3 - Thin-film InterferenceChapter 27.5 - DiffractionChapter 27.6 - Resolving PowerChapter 27.7 - The Diffraction GratingChapter 28 - Special RelativityChapter 28.3 - The Relativity Of Time: Time DilationChapter 28.4 - The Relativity Of Length: Length ContractionChapter 28.6 - The Equivalence Of Mass And EnergyChapter 28.7 - The Relativistic Addition Of VelocitiesChapter 29 - Particles And WavesChapter 29.3 - Photons And The Photoelectric EffectChapter 29.4 - The Momentum Of A Photon And The Compton EffectChapter 29.5 - The De Broglie Wavelength And The Wave Nature Of MatterChapter 30 - The Nature Of The AtomChapter 30.3 - The Bohr Model Of The Hydrogen AtomChapter 30.5 - The Quantum Mechanical Picture Of The Hydrogen AtomChapter 30.6 - The Pauli Exclusion Principle And The Periodic Table Of The ElementsChapter 30.7 - X-raysChapter 30.8 - The LaserChapter 31 - Nuclear Physics And RadioactivityChapter 31.1 - Nuclear StructureChapter 31.3 - The Mass Defect Of The Nucleus And Nuclear Binding EnergyChapter 31.4 - RadioactivityChapter 31.6 - Radioactive Decay And ActivityChapter 31.7 - Radioactive DatingChapter 31.8 - Radioactive Decay SeriesChapter 32 - Ionizing Radiation, Nuclear Energy, And Elementary ParticlesChapter 32.1 - Biological Effects Of Ionizing RadiationChapter 32.2 - Induced Nuclear ReactionsChapter 32.3 - Nuclear FissionChapter 32.5 - Nuclear FusionChapter 32.6 - Elementary Particles

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Description: Write the expression for the restoring force of an ideal spring. Fx=−kx (1) Here Fx is...Explanation: According to the expression to calculate the pressure at a depth, P2=P1+ρgh , the...Description: Consider the conversion factor for degree Celsius to Kelvin. 1°C=273.15 K The size of...Formula used: Write the expression for conducted heat (Q) . Q=(kAΔT)tL . (1) Here k is thermal...Explanation: The molecular mass of an each substance varies; therefore, the ten grams of a pure...The expression of the first law of thermodynamics is, ΔU=Uf−Ui=Q−W Whenever the system gains the...Given data: In a domino toppling event, the dominos are lined up close together, and then the...Explanation: Out of the given four pulses, the combination of 1 and 2 will provide a resultant pulse...Calculation: There are two objects carrying the different charges that are −8.0 μC, −2.0 μC. Find...Formula used: Write the expression for electric potential energy. Electric Potential Energy=q0V...Given data: Total number of electrons (N) pass a certain point in a wire is 1.9×1019 Time (Δt) is...Description: Right-Hand Rule 1 (RHR 1) is stated as when the right hand is extended, the fingers are...Given data: The resistance of bulb A is 240 Ω . The resistance of bulb B is 192 Ω . The resistance...Given data: A circuit contains an ac generator and a resistor. Frequency is doubled and the rms...Given data: Refer to the Figure at the bottom of the question for the required data. The drawing in...Explanation: Rays are the radial lines which are perpendicular to the wave front that points outward...Explanation: When a ray of light travels from liquid A to liquid B, the incident ray gets refracted...Explanation: There will be a difference between the path length l2 and l1 occurs only when the...Explanation: The driver in a car who is approaching at a constant velocity is not in rest with...Given data: Star “A” has maximum curve at shorter wavelength than star “B”. Explanation: Refer to...Explanation: The Bohr model is not applied when more than one electron orbits the nucleus, because...Given data: Number of protons in indium nucleus is 49. Number of neutrons in indium nucleus is 66....Formula used: Write the expression for a biologically equivalent dose. Biologically equivalent dose...

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