Solutions for Pearson eText Conceptual Physical Science -- Instant Access (Pearson+)
Problem 1RCQ:
State the law of inertia.Problem 2RCQ:
Is inertia a property of matter or a force of some kind?Problem 3RCQ:
What concept was missing from people's minds in the 16th century when they couldn't believe Earth...Problem 4RCQ:
When a bird lets go of a branch and drops to the ground below, why doesn't the moving Earth sweep...Problem 5RCQ:
What kind of path would the planets follow if suddenly their attraction to the Sun no longer...Problem 6RCQ:
State Newton's second law.Problem 9RCQ:
If the mass of a sliding block is tripled at the same time that the net force on it is tripled, how...Problem 11RCQ:
Why doesnt a heavy object accelerate more than a light object when both are freely falling?Problem 12RCQ:
What is the net force that acts on a 10-N falling object when it encounters 4 N of air resistance?...Problem 15RCQ:
If two objects of the same size fall through air at different speeds, which encounters the greater...Problem 16RCQ:
Why does a heavy parachutist fall faster than a lighter parachutist who wears the same size...Problem 17RCQ:
Earlier in this chapter, we treated force as a push or pull; now we say it is part of an...Problem 18RCQ:
How many forces are required for a single interaction?Problem 19RCQ:
When you push against a wall with your fingers, they bend because they experience a force. Identify...Problem 20RCQ:
A boxer can hit a heavy bag with great force. Why cant he hit a sheet of tissue paper in midair with...Problem 21RCQ:
State Newtons third law.Problem 22RCQ:
Consider hitting a baseball with a bat. If we call the force of the bat against the ball the action...Problem 23RCQ:
If the force that acts on a cannonball and the force that acts on the recoiling cannon from which it...Problem 24RCQ:
Is it correct to say that action and reaction forces always act on different bodies? Defend your...Problem 25RCQ:
If body A and body B are both within a system, can forces between them affect the acceleration of...Problem 27RCQ:
Identify the force that propels a rocket into space.Problem 28RCQ:
How does a helicopter get its lifting force?Problem 29RCQ:
To what law of physics do we refer when we say you cannot touch without being touched?Problem 30RCQ:
Which of Newtons laws focuses on inertia? Which on acceleration? Which on actionreaction?Problem 35PAC:
In Chapter 1 acceleration is defined as a = vt. Show at that on an inclined plane, the acceleration...Problem 36PAC:
In this chapter we learn that the cause of acceleration is given by Newton's second law: a = Fmnm....Problem 37PAC:
Knowing that a 1-kg object weighs 10 N. confirm that the acceleration of a 1-kg stone in free fall...Problem 38PAC:
A simple rearrangement of Newton's second law gives Fnet = ma. Show that a net force of 84 N exerted...Problem 39TAS:
A Honda Civic hybrid weighs about 2900 pounds, Calculate the weight of the car in newtons and its...Problem 40TAS:
When two horizontal forces are exerted on the car in Problem 39.220 N forward and 180 N backward,...Problem 41TAS:
A 12-kg astronaut recedes from her spacecraft by activating a small propulsion unit attached to her...Problem 42TAS:
Madison pushes with a 160-N horizontal force on a 20-kg crate of coffee resting on a warehouse...Problem 43TAS:
Sophia pushes with a 40-N horizontal force on a 4.0-kg box resting on a lab bench. The box slides...Problem 44TAS:
A business jet of mass 30,000 kg takes off when the thrust for each of two engines is 30,000 N. Show...Problem 45TAS:
A rocket of mass 100,000 kg undergoes an acceleration of 2 m/s2. Show that the net force acting on...Problem 46TAS:
Calculate the horizontal force that must be applied to a 1-kg puck for it to accelerate on a...Problem 47TAS:
Leroy, who has a mass of 100 kg, is skateboarding at 9.0 m/s when he smacks into a brick wall and...Problem 48TAS:
For 3.0 s, Allison exerts a net force of 10.0 N on a 6.7-kg shopping cart that was initially at...Problem 49TAS:
The heavyweight boxing champion of the world punches a sheet of paper in midair, bringing ii from...Problem 50TAS:
Suzie Skydiver with her parachute has a mass of 50 kg. (a) Before opening her chute, what force of...Problem 51TAS:
If you stand next to a wall on a frictionless skateboard and push the wall with a force of 40 N, how...Problem 52TAS:
A force Facts in the forward direction on a cart of mass m. A friction force f opposes this motion....Problem 53TAS:
A firefighter of mass 80 leg slides down a vertical pole with an acceleration of 4 m/s2. Show that...Problem 54TAS:
A rock bands tour bus, mass M, is accelerating away from a stop sign at rate a when a piece of heavy...Problem 55TAR:
Boxes of various masses are on a friction-free level table. (a) Rank, from greatest to least, the...Problem 56TAR:
In cases A, B, and C, the crate is in equilibrium (no acceleration). Rank, from greatest to least,...Problem 57TAR:
Consider a 100-kg box of tools in the locations A, B, and C. (a) Rank, from greatest to least, the...Problem 58TAR:
Three parachutists, A, B, and C, have reached terminal velocity at the same altitude. (a) Rank their...Problem 59TAR:
The strong man is pulled in the three situations shown. Rank, from least to greatest, the amount of...Problem 60E:
The Moon travels in a nearly circular path around Earth. If somehow gravitation between Earth and...Problem 61E:
To pull a wagon across a lawn at constant velocity, you must exert a steady force. Reconcile this...Problem 62E:
Your empty hand is not hurt when it bangs lightly against a wall. Why does your hand hurt when it...Problem 63E:
Why is a massive cleaver more effective for chopping vegetables than a lighter knife of the same...Problem 64E:
Aristotle claimed that the speed of a falling object depends on its weight. We now know that all...Problem 65E:
What is the net force acting on a 1-kg ball in free fall? What is the net force if it encounters 2 N...Problem 66E:
As you leap upward from the ground, how does the force that you exert on the ground compare with...Problem 67E:
"It's not the fall that hurts you; it's the sudden stop." Translate this common saying into Newton's...Problem 68E:
For each of the following interactions, identify the action and reaction forces, (a) A hammer...Problem 69E:
You hold an apple over your head. (a) Identify all the forces acting on the apple and their reaction...Problem 70E:
What is the net force on an apple that weighs 1 N when you hold it at rest above your head? What is...Problem 71E:
Why does a cat that falls from the top of a 50-story building hit a safety net below no faster than...Problem 72E:
Free fall is motion in which gravity is the only force acting. (a) Explain why a skydiver who has...Problem 73E:
How does the weight of a falling body compare with the air resistance it encounters just before it...Problem 74E:
You tell your friend that the acceleration of a skydiver decreases as falling progresses. What is...Problem 75E:
We know that Earth pulls on the Moon. Does it follow that the Moon also pulls on Earth?Problem 76E:
A friend says that Al cannot push on the tree unless the tree pushes back on her, and another friend...Problem 77E:
Why can a boxer hit a heavy opponent harder for the same punch than she or he can hit a light...Problem 78E:
When you stand on a floor, does the floor exert an upward force against your feet? How much force...Problem 79E:
Why can you exert greater force on the pedals of a bicycle if you pull upon the handlebars?Problem 80E:
The strong man will push apart the two initially stationary freight cars of equal mass before he...Problem 81E:
Suppose two carts, one twice as massive as the other, fly apart when the compressed spring that...Problem 82E:
Two 100-N weights are attached to a spring scale as shown. Does the scale read 0 N, 100 N, or 200 N,...Problem 84E:
When the athlete holds the barbell overhead, the reaction force is the weight of the barbell on his...Problem 85E:
Consider the two forces acting on the person who stands stillnamely, the downward pull of gravity...Problem 86E:
If a Mack truck and a motorcycle have a head-on collision, upon which vehicle is the impact force...Problem 87E:
Two people of equal mass attempt a tug-of-war with a 12-m rope while standing on frictionlees ice....Problem 88E:
Suppose that one of the people in Exercise 87 has twice the mass of the other. How far does each...Problem 89E:
Which team wins in a tug-of-war: the team that pulls harder on the rope, or the team that pushes...Problem 90E:
The photo shows Steve Hewitt and his daughter Gretchen. Is Gretchen touching her dad, or is he...Problem 91E:
When your car moves along the highway at constant velocity, the net force on it is zero. Why, then,...Problem 92E:
The auto in the sketch moves forward as the brakes are applied. A bystander says that during the...Problem 93E:
A racing car travels along a straight raceway at a constant velocity of 200 km/h. What horizontal...Problem 94E:
If it were not for air resistance, would it be dangerous to go outdoors on rainy days? Defend your...Problem 95E:
When you toss a coin upward, what happens to its velocity while it is ascending? What happens to its...Problem 96DQ:
Discuss whether or not a stick of dynamite contains force. Similarly, does a fist contain forcer A...Problem 97DQ:
In an orbiting space craft, you are handed two identical closed boxes, one filled with sand and the...Problem 98DQ:
Each of the vertebrae forming your spine is separated from its neighbors by discs of elastic tissue....Problem 99DQ:
Before the time of Galileo and Newton, many learned scholars thought that a stone dropped from the...Problem 100DQ:
The opening photo in this chapter shows a favorite demonstration of author Paul Hewitt lying on his...Problem 101DQ:
Consider a ball at rest in the middle of a toy wagon. When the wagon is pulled forward, the ball...Problem 102DQ:
If youre in a car at rest that gets hit from behind, you can suffer a serious neck injury called...Problem 103DQ:
Why do you lurch forward in a bus that suddenly slows down? Why do you lurch backward when it picks...Problem 104DQ:
Suppose that youre in a moving car and the engine stops running. You step on the brakes and slow the...Problem 105DQ:
A rocket becomes progressively easier to accelerate as it travels through space. Why? (Hint: About...Problem 106DQ:
If you drop an object, its acceleration toward the ground is 10 m/s2. If you throw it down instead,...Problem 107DQ:
Can you think of a reason why the acceleration of the object thrown downward through the air in...Problem 108DQ:
You throw a ball straight upward. Compared with its initial speed when thrown, how fast does it...Problem 109DQ:
A couple of your friends say that before a falling body reaches terminal velocity, it gains speed...Problem 110DQ:
How does the terminal speed of a parachutist before opening a parachute compare to the terminal...Problem 111DQ:
How does the gravitational force on a falling body compare with the air resistance it encounters...Problem 112DQ:
If and when Galileo dropped two balls from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, air resistance was...Problem 113DQ:
This is a scenario common to many physics students: You push a heavy car by hand. The car, in turn,...Problem 114DQ:
A fanner urges his horse to pull a wagon. The horse refuses, saying that to try would be futile, for...Problem 115DQ:
When Marie exerts a horizontal force of 200 N to slide a table across a floor at constant velocity,...Problem 116DQ:
Two equal-mass blocks are connected by a length of string. One block is placed at rest on a very...Problem 117DQ:
The bricks in this road were originally straight. Describe evidence for tires pushing the bricks in...Problem 118DQ:
Ken and Joanne are astronauts floating some distance apart in space. They are joined by a safety...Problem 119DQ:
Can a clog wag its tail without the tail in turn wagging the dog? (Consider a dog with a relatively...Problem 120DQ:
If you simultaneously drop a pair of tennis balls from the top of a building, they strike the ground...Problem 1RAT:
If gravity between the Sun and Earth suddenly vanished, Earth would continue moving in (a) a curved...Problem 2RAT:
A ball rolls down a curved ramp as shown. As its speed increases, its rate of gaining speed (a)...Problem 3RAT:
A block of ice sliding without friction down an icy flat incline gains speed, while its acceleration...Problem 4RAT:
The reason why a 10-kg rocks falls no faster than a 5-kg rock in free falls is that the (a) 10-kg...Problem 5RAT:
As mass is added to a cart pushed by a constant force, its acceleration (a) remains constant. (b)...Problem 6RAT:
The amount of air resistance that acts on a wingsuit flyer (and a flying squirrel) depends on the...Problem 7RAT:
You drop a pillow off the edge of the administration building on your campus. While the pillow is...Problem 8RAT:
Alex pulls on the end of a spring attached to a wall. The reaction to Alexs pull on the spring is...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Patterns Of Motion And EquilibriumChapter 2 - Newton's Laws Of MotionChapter 3 - Momentum And EnergyChapter 4 - Gravity, Projectiles, And SatellitesChapter 5 - Fluid MechanicsChapter 6 - Thermal Energy And ThermodynamicsChapter 7 - Heat Transfer And Change Of PhaseChapter 8 - Static And Current ElectricityChapter 9 - Magnetism And Electromagnetic InductionChapter 10 - Waves And Sound
Chapter 11 - LightChapter 12 - Atoms And The Periodic TableChapter 13 - The Atomic Nucleus And RadioactivityChapter 14 - Elememts Of ChemistryChapter 15 - How Atoms Bond And Molecules AttractChapter 16 - MixturesChapter 17 - How Chemicals ReactChapter 18 - Two Classes Of Chemical ReactionsChapter 19 - Organic CompoundsChapter 20 - Rocks And MineralsChapter 21 - Plate Tectonics And Earth's InteriorChapter 22 - Shaping Earth's SurfaceChapter 23 - Geologic Time - Reading The Rock RecordChapter 24 - The Oceans, Atmosphere, And Climatic EffectsChapter 25 - Driving Forces Of WeatherChapter 26 - The Solar SystemChapter 27 - Stars And GalaxiesChapter 28 - The Structure Of Space And Time
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Pearson eText Conceptual Physical Science -- Instant Access (Pearson+) homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1RCQChapter 2, Problem 1RCQChapter 3, Problem 1RCQChapter 4, Problem 1RCQChapter 5, Problem 1RCQChapter 6, Problem 1RCQChapter 7, Problem 1RCQChapter 8, Problem 1RCQChapter 9, Problem 1RCQ
Chapter 10, Problem 1RCQChapter 11, Problem 1RCQExplanation: The oldest element is a parent of other element, which is in oldest stars. The heaver...Explanation: The Beta Particle is an electron twisted away on or after a minute core for the period...Explanation: Chemistry: Chemistry is a branch of science which deals with the composition of...Chapter 15, Problem 1RCQExplanation: Mixtures: It is generally defined as the substance that consists of two or more...Explanation: Coefficient is the numbers, placed in front of the reactant or product to show the...Chapter 18, Problem 12RCQChapter 19, Problem 1RCQChapter 20, Problem 1RCQChapter 21, Problem 1RCQChapter 22, Problem 1RCQExplanation: The relative dating is the science of determining the relative order of the past events...Chapter 24, Problem 1RCQChapter 25, Problem 1RCQChapter 26, Problem 1RCQChapter 27, Problem 1RCQChapter 28, Problem 1RCQ
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Conceptual Physical Science
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Addiston-wesley: Conceptual Physical Science - 2nd Edition - Instructor's Manual
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