Problem 1Q:
Suppose that two fair dice are tossed. What is the probability that the sum equals 10 given that it...Problem 3Q:
If P(AB)P(A), show that P(BA)P(B).Problem 4Q:
Let A and B be two events such that P((AB)C)=0.6andP(AB)=0.1. Let E be the event that either A or B...Problem 5Q:
Suppose that in Example 2.4.2 we ignored the ages of the children and distinguished only three...Problem 6Q:
Two events, A and B, are defined on a sample space S such that P(AB)=0.6, P(At least one of the...Problem 7Q:
An urn contains one red chip and one white chip. One chip is drawn at random. If the chip selected...Problem 9Q:
An urn contains one white chip and a second chip that is equally likely to be white or black. A chip...Problem 10Q:
Suppose events A and B are such that P(AB)=0.1 and P((AB)c)=0.3. If P(A)=0.2, what does P[(AB)(AB)C]...Problem 11Q:
One hundred voters were asked their opinions of two candidates, A and B, running for mayor. Their...Problem 12Q:
A fair coin is tossed three times. What is the probability that at least two heads will occur given...Problem 13Q:
Two fair dice are rolled. What is the probability that the number on the first die was at least as...Problem 14Q:
Four cards are dealt from a standard 52-card poker deck. What is the probability that all four are...Problem 17Q:
Let A and B be two events defined on a sample space S such that P(ABC)=0.1,P(ACB)=0.3, and...Problem 18Q:
Suppose two dice are rolled. Assume that each possible outcome has probability 1/36. Let A be the...Problem 19Q:
According to your neighborhood bookie, five horses are scheduled to run in the third race at the...Problem 20Q:
Andy, Bob, and Charley have all been serving time for grand theft auto. According to prison...Problem 21Q:
An urn contains six white chips, four black chips, and five red chips. Five chips are drawn out, one...Problem 22Q:
A man has n keys on a key ring, one of which opens the door to his apartment. Having celebrated a...Problem 23Q:
Your favorite college football team has had a good season so far but they need to win at least two...Problem 24Q:
One chip is drawn at random from an urn that contains one white chip and one black chip. If the...Problem 25Q:
A toy manufacturer buys ball bearings from three different suppliers - 50% of her total order comes...Problem 26Q:
A fair coin is tossed. If a head turns up, a fair die is tossed; if a tail turns up, two fair dice...Problem 27Q:
Foreign policy experts estimate that the probability is 0.65 that war will break out next year...Problem 28Q:
A telephone solicitor is responsible for canvassing three suburbs. In the past, 60% of the completed...Problem 29Q:
If men constitute 47% of the population and tell the truth 78% of the time, while women tell the...Problem 30Q:
Urn I contains three red chips and one white chip. Urn II contains two red chips and two white...Problem 31Q:
Medical records show that 0.01% of the general adult population not belonging to a high-risk group...Problem 33Q:
In an upstate congressional race, the incumbent Republican (R) is running against a field of three...Problem 34Q:
An urn contains forty red chips and sixty white chips. Six chips are drawn out and discarded, and a...Problem 35Q:
A study has shown that seven out of ten people will say "heads" if asked to call a coin toss. Given...Problem 36Q:
Based on pretrial speculation, the probability that a jury returns a guilty verdict in a certain...Problem 38Q:
The governor of a certain state has decided to come out strongly for prison reform and is preparing...Problem 39Q:
Following are the percentages of students of State College enrolled in each of the school's main...Problem 40Q:
Urn I contains two white chips and one red chip; urn II has one white chip and two red chips. One...Problem 41Q:
Urn I contains three red chips and five white chips; urn II contains four reds and four whites; urn...Problem 42Q:
A dashboard warning light is supposed to flash red if a car's oil pressure is too low. On a certain...Problem 43Q:
Building permits were issued last year to three contractors starting up a new subdivision: Tara...Problem 44Q:
Two sections of a senior probability course are being taught. From what she has heard about the two...Problem 45Q:
A liquor store owner is willing to cash personal checks for amounts up to $50, but she has become...Problem 46Q:
Brett and Margo have each thought about murdering their rich Uncle Basil in hopes of claiming their...Problem 47Q:
Josh takes a twenty-question multiple-choice exam where each question has five possible answers....Problem 49Q:
At State University, 30% of the students are majoring in humanities, 50% in history and culture, and...Problem 51Q:
When Zach wants to contact his girlfriend and he knows she is not at home, he is twice as likely to...Problem 52Q:
A dot-com company ships products from three different warehouses (A, B, and C). Based on customer...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 2.2 - Sample Spaces And The Algebra Of SetsChapter 2.3 - The Probability FunctionChapter 2.4 - Conditional ProbabilityChapter 2.5 - IndependenceChapter 2.6 - CombinatoricsChapter 2.7 - Combinatorial ProbabilityChapter 3.2 - Binomial And Hypergeometric ProbabilitiesChapter 3.3 - Discrete Random VariablesChapter 3.4 - Continuous Random VariablesChapter 3.5 - Expected Values
Chapter 3.6 - The VarianceChapter 3.7 - Joint DensitiesChapter 3.8 - Transforming And Combining Random VariablesChapter 3.9 - Further Properties Of The Mean And VarianceChapter 3.10 - Order StatisticsChapter 3.11 - Conditional DensitiesChapter 3.12 - Moment-generating FunctionsChapter 4.2 - The Poisson DistributionChapter 4.3 - The Normal DistributionChapter 4.4 - The Geometric DistributionChapter 4.5 - The Negative Binomial DistributionChapter 4.6 - The Gamma DistributionChapter 5.2 - Estimating Parameters: The Method Of Maximum Likelihood And The Method Of MomentsChapter 5.3 - Interval EstimationChapter 5.4 - Properties Of EstimatorsChapter 5.5 - Minimum-variance Estimators: The Cramer-rao Lower BoundChapter 5.6 - Sufficient EstimatorsChapter 5.7 - ConsistencyChapter 5.8 - Bayesian EstimationChapter 6.2 - The Decision RuleChapter 6.3 - Testing Binomial Data—h0: P = PoChapter 6.4 - Type I And Type Ii ErrorsChapter 6.5 - A Notion Of Optimality: The Generalized Likelihood RatioChapter 7.3 - Deriving The Distribution Of Y−μChapter 7.4 - Drawing Inferences About μChapter 7.5 - Drawing Inferences About Σ2Chapter 8.2 - Classifying DataChapter 9.2 - Testing H0: Μx = ΜyChapter 9.3 - Testing H0: Σ2 X = Σ2 Y—the F TestChapter 9.4 - Binomial Data: Testing H0: Px = PyChapter 9.5 - Confidence Intervals For The Two-sample ProblemChapter 10.2 - The Multinomial DistributionChapter 10.3 - Goodness-of-fit Tests: All Parameters KnownChapter 10.4 - Goodness-of-fit Tests: Parameters UnknownChapter 10.5 - Contingency TablesChapter 11.2 - The Method Of Least SquaresChapter 11.3 - The Linear ModelChapter 11.4 - Covariance And CorrelationChapter 11.5 - The Bivariate Normal DistributionChapter 12.2 - The F TestChapter 12.3 - Multiple Comparisons: Tukey’s MethodChapter 12.4 - Testing Subhypotheses With ContrastsChapter 12.5 - Data TransformationsChapter 12.A.2 - The Distribution Of Sstr/(k−1)/sse/(n−k) When H1 Is TrueChapter 13.2 - The F Test For A Randomized Block DesignChapter 13.3 - The Paired T TestChapter 14.2 - The Sign TestChapter 14.3 - Wilcoxon TestsChapter 14.4 - The Kruskal-wallis TestChapter 14.5 - The Friedman TestChapter 14.6 - Testing For Randomness
More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
Introduction To Mathematical Statistics And Its Applications: Pearson New International Edition
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781292023557
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780321831460
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780100576896
Student Solutions Manual For Introduction To Mathematical Statistics And Its Applications
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780321694027
An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780321693945
[Studyguide for Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications by Larsen, Richard J., ISBN 9780131867932] (By: Cram101 Textbook Reviews) [published: February, 2008]
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780131867932
Introduction To Mathematical Statistics And Its Applications, An
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780134871745
An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications (6th Edition)
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780134114217
Pearson eText for An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications -- Instant Access (Pearson+)
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780137549375
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780134114248
6th Edition
ISBN: 8220106711415
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780131867963
Introduction to Mathcad 15
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780136025139
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