Problem 1CP:
Consider heat conduction through a wall of thickness L and area A. Under what conditions will the...Problem 2CP:
Consider heat conduction through a plane wall. Does the energy content of the wall change during...Problem 4CP:
Can we defme the convection resistance for a unit surface area as the inverse of the convection heat...Problem 5CP:
Consider steady heat transfer through the wall of a room in winter. The convection heat transfer...Problem 6CP:
How is the combined heat transfer coefficient defmed? What convenience does it offer in heat...Problem 7CP:
Why are the convection and the radiation resistances at a surface in parallel instead of being in...Problem 8CP:
Consider steady one-dimensional heat transfer through a plane wall exposed to convection from both...Problem 9CP:
Someone comments that a microwave oven can be viewed as a conventional oven with zero convection...Problem 10CP:
Consider two cold canned drinks, one wrapped in a blanket and the other placed on a table in the...Problem 11CP:
The bottom of a pan is made of a 4-mm-thick aluminum layer. In page 219 order to increase the rate...Problem 12CP:
Consider a surface of area A at which the convection and radiation heat transfer coefficients are...Problem 13CP:
How does the thermal resistance network associated with a single-layer plane wall differ from the...Problem 14CP:
Consider steady one-dimensional heat transfer through a multilayer medium. If the rate of heat...Problem 15CP:
Consider a window glass consisting of two 4-mm-thick glass sheets pressed tightly against each...Problem 17P:
Consider a person standing in a room at 20C with an exposed surface area of 1.7 m2. The deep body...Problem 18EP:
Consider an electrically heated brick house (k=0.40Btu/h.ftF) and whose walls are 9 ft high and 1 ft...Problem 19P:
A12-cm18-cm circuit board houses on its surface 100 closely spaced logic chips, each dissipating...Problem 20P:
Water is boiling in a 25-cm-diameter aluminum pan (k=237W/m.K) and at 95C. Heat is transferred...Problem 21P:
A cylindrical resistor element on a circuit board dissipates 0.15 W of power in an environment at...Problem 23P:
A1.0m1.5m double-pane window consists of two 4-mm-thick layers of glass (k=0.78W/m.K) and that are...Problem 29P:
To defog the rear window of an automobile, a very thin transparent heating element is attached to...Problem 30P:
A transparent film is to be bonded onto the top surface of a solid plate inside a heated chamber....Problem 31P:
To defrost ice accumulated on the outer surface of an automobile windshield, warm air is blowii over...Problem 36P:
Heat is to be conducted along a circuit board that has a copper layer on one side. The circuit board...Problem 38P:
Consider a house that has a 10m20-m base and a 4-rn-high wall. All four walls of the house have an...Problem 47CP:
A waII consists of two layers of insulation pressed against each other. Do we need to be concerned...Problem 49CP:
Consider two surfaces pressed against each other. Now the air at the interface is evacuated. Will...Problem 51P:
Two 5-cm-diameter, 15-cm-long aluminum bars (k=176W/mK). and with ground surfaces are pressed...Problem 53P:
Two identical aluminum plates with thickness of 30 cm are pressed against each other at an average...Problem 54P:
A tvolayer wall is made of two metal plates, with surface roughness of about 25 m, pressed together...Problem 56P:
An aluminum plate and a stainless steel plate are pressed against each other at an average pressure...Problem 62CP:
What are the two approaches used in the development of the thermal resistance network for...Problem 63CP:
The thermal resistance networks can also be used approximately for multidimensional problems. For...Problem 64CP:
When plotting the thermal resistance network associated with a heat transfer problem, explain when...Problem 65P:
A 10-cm-thick vall is to be constructed with 2.5-rn-long wood studs (k=0.11W/m.K and that have a...Problem 73P:
A 12-m-long and 5-m-high wall is constructed of two layers of 1 -cm-thick sheetrock (k=0.17W/m.K)...Problem 78CP:
What is an infinitely long cylinder? When is it proper to treat an actual cylinder as being...Problem 79CP:
Can the thermal resistance concept be used for a solid cylinder or sphere in steady operation?...Problem 80CP:
Consider a short cylinder whose top and bottom surfaces are insulated. The cylinder is initially at...Problem 97P:
Liquid hydrogen is flowing through an insulated pipe (k=23W/m.K,Di=3cm,Do=4cmandL=20m). The pipe is...Problem 98P:
Exposure to high concentrations of gaseous ammonia can cause lung damage. To prevent gaseous ammonia...Problem 99P:
A mixture of chemicals is flowing in a pipe (k=14W/m.K,Di=2.5cm,Do=3cmandL=10m). and During the...Problem 100P:
Ice slurry is being transported in a pipe (k=15W/m.K,Di=2.5cm,Do=3cmandL=5m) and with an iliner...Problem 104CP:
What is the critical radius of insulation? How is it defined for a cylindrical layer?Problem 108CP:
A pipe is insulated such that the outer radius of the insulation is less than the critical radius....Problem 109EP:
A 0.083-in-diameter electrical wire at 90F is covered by 0.02-in-thick plastic insulation...Problem 110EP:
Repeat Prob. 3-109E, assuming a thermal contact resistance of 0.01 1h.ft2 .F/Btu at the interface of...Problem 113CP:
Hot air is to be cooled as it is forced to flow through the tubes exposed to atmospheric air. Fins...Problem 116CP:
The fins attached to a surface are determined to have an effectiveness of 0.9. Do you think the rate...Problem 117CP:
Explain how the fins enhance heat transfer from a surface. Also, explain how the addition of tins...Problem 118CP:
How does the overall effectiveness of a finned surface differ from the effectiveness of a single...Problem 119CP:
Hot water is to be cooled as it flows through the tubes exposed to atmospheric air. Fins are to be...Problem 120CP:
Consider two finned surfaces that are identical except that the fins on the first surface are fonned...Problem 121CP:
The heat transfer surface area of a fin is equal to the sum of all surfaces of the fin exposed to...Problem 122CP:
Does the (a) efficiency and (b) effectiveness of a fin increase or decrease as the fin length is...Problem 123CP:
Two pin fins are identical, except that the diameter of one of them is twice the diameter of the...Problem 124CP:
Two plate fins of constant rectangular cross section are identical, except that the thickness of one...Problem 125CP:
Two finned surfaces are identical, except that the convection heat transfer coefficient of one of...Problem 126P:
Obtain a relation for the fin efficiency for a fin of constant cross-sectional area perimeter p,...Problem 128P:
Consider a very long rectangular fin attached to a flat surface such that the temperature at the end...Problem 147P:
The human body is adaptable to extreme climatic conditions and keeps the body core and skin...Problem 148P:
Consider the conditions of Example 3-14 in the text for two different environments of air and water...Problem 149P:
Consider the conditions of Example 3-14 in the text except that the ambient air is at a temperature...Problem 154P:
A thin-walled cylindrical container is placed horizontally on snow-covered ground. The container is...Problem 165P:
Consider a house with a flat roof whose outer dimensions are 12m12m. and The outer walls of the...Problem 167P:
Radioactive material, stored in a spherical vessel of diameter is buried under D=3.5m, ground at a...Problem 168CP:
What is the R-value of a wall? How does it differ from the unit thermal resistance of the wall? How...Problem 169CP:
What is effective emissivity for a plane-parallel airspace? How is it determined? How is radiation...Problem 171CP:
What is a radiant barrier? What kinds of materials are suitable for use as radiant barriers? Is it...Problem 172CP:
Consider a house whose attic space is ventilated effectively so that the air temperature in the...Problem 179P:
Determine the winter R-value and the U-factor of a masonry wall that consists of following layers:...Problem 180P:
The overall heat transfer coefficient (the U-value) of a wall under winter design conditions is...Problem 182P:
Determine the summer and winter R-values. in m2 . C/W, of a masonry wall that consists of 1 00-nun...Problem 183EP:
The overall heat transfer coefficient of a wall is determined to be U=0.075Btu/h.ft2.oF under the...Problem 184P:
Two homes are identical, except that the walls of one house consist of 200-mni lightweight concrete...Problem 186P:
Consider two identical people each generating 60 V of metabolic heat steadily while doing sedentary...Problem 187P:
Cold conditioned air at 12C is flowing inside a 1.5-cm-thick square aluminum (k=237W/m.k) and duct...Problem 188P:
Hot water is flowing at an average velocity of 1.5 ins through a cast iron pipe (k=52W/m.k) and...Problem 198P:
A total of 10 rectangular aluminum fins (k=203W/m.K) and are placed on the outside flat surface of...Problem 200P:
A plane wall surface at 200C is to be cooled with aluminum pin fins of parabolic profile with blunt...Problem 205P:
A 0.6-rn-diameter, 1.9-rn-long cylindrical tank containing liquefied natural gas (L.NG) at -160C is...Problem 208P:
A thin-walled spherical tank is buried in the ground at a depth of 3 in. The tank has a diameter of...Problem 209P:
Heat is lost at a rate of 275 W per m2 area of a 1 5-cm-thick wall with a thermal conductivity of...Problem 211P:
Heat is generated steadily in a 3-cm-diameter spherical ball. The ball is exposed to ambient air at...Problem 217P:
Consider two walls. A and B, with the same surface areas and the same temperature drops across their...Problem 219P:
A room at 20C air temperature is losing heat to the outdoor air at 0C at a rate of 1000 W through a...Problem 221P:
A 1-cm-diameter, 30cm-long fin made of aluminum (k=237W/m.K) and is attached to a surface at 80C....Problem 222P:
A hot surface at 80C in air at 20C is to be cooled by attaching 10-cm-long and 1-cm- diameter...Problem 223P:
A cylindrical pin fin of diameter 0.6 cm and length of 3 cm with negligible heat loss from the tip...Problem 224P:
A 3-cm-long. 2-nuti x 2-mm rectangular cross-section aluminum fin (k=237W/m.K) and is attached to a...Problem 225P:
Two finned surfaces with long fins are identical, except that the convection heat transfer...Problem 226P:
A 20-cm-diameter hot sphere at 120C is buried in the ground with a thermal conductivity of 1.2 W/mK....Problem 227P:
A 25-cm-diameter, 2.4-rn-long vertical cylinder containing ice at 0C is buried right under the...Problem 229P:
The walls of a food storage facility are made of a 2-cm-thick layer of wood (k=0.1W/m.K) and in...Problem 234P:
The fin efficiency is defined as the ratio of the actual heat transfer from the fin to (a) The beat...Problem 236P:
In the United States, building insulation is specified by the R-value (thermal resistance in h.ft2...Problem 238P:
A plane brick wall (k=0.7W/m.K) and is 10 cm thick. The thermal resistance of this wall per unit of...Problem 239P:
The temperature in deep space is close to absolute zero. which presents thermal challenges for the...Problem 240P:
In the design of electronic components, it is desirable to attach the electronic circuitry to a...Problem 241P:
Using cylindrical samples of the same material, devise an experiment to determine the thenual...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Introduction And Basic ConceptsChapter 2 - Heat Conduction EquationChapter 3 - Steady Heat ConductionChapter 4 - Transient Heat ConductionChapter 5 - Numerical Methods In Heat ConductionChapter 6 - Fundamentals Of ConvectionChapter 7 - External Forced ConvectionChapter 8 - Internal Forced ConvectionChapter 9 - Natural ConvectionChapter 10 - Boiling And Condensation
Book Details
"Heat and mass transfer is a basic science that deals with the rate of transfer of thermal energy. It is an exciting and fascinating subject with unlimited practical applications ranging from biological systems to common household appliances, residential and commercial buildings, industrial processes, electronic devices, and food processing. Students are assumed to have an adequate background in calculus and physics."
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Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications
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