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The Ninth Edition of Donatelle's text is a Green Edition, written, produced and manufactured with an emphasis on environmental responsibility. The book presents students with Ideas for Thriving, focusing on the concept of wellness and on developing positive behaviors that contribute not just to health, but also to well-being and thriving. This current, user-friendly text holds students' interest by covering health topics of primary concern to them, and provides students with the tools they need to make healthy, lifelong behavior changes and become savvy consumers of health information. Now enhanced with an even more comprehensive package of instructor and student support materials, this edition makes teaching and learning personal health easier than ever. The Green Edition includes an environmental feature; new mini-chapters; a brand new art program with a new, lively design; and additional content on behavior change; in addition to a robust and expanded supplements package. The Teaching Tool Box, the Instructor Resource DVD with 30 new ABC News videos, the revamped website, the anonymous MyHealthLabself-assessments, which speak to the gradebook, the updated Test Bank utilizing Bloom's Taxonomy to categorize questions, and the Teaching Health & Wellness Community website all help professors teach and assess students better and more easily than ever before.
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