Solutions for Finite Mathematics & Its Applications (12th Edition)
Problem 1CYU:
Graph the inequality 3xy3.Problem 5E:
In Exercises 5-7, solve for x, 2x53Problem 7E:
In Exercises 5-7, solve for x,
Problem 10E:
In Exercises 9-14, write the linear inequality in slope-intercept or vertical form.
Problem 11E:
In Exercises 9-14, write the linear inequality in slope-intercept or vertical form. 5x13y6Problem 12E:
In Exercises 9-14, write the linear inequality in slope-intercept or vertical form.
Problem 13E:
In Exercises 9-14, write the linear inequality in slope-intercept or vertical form. 4x3Problem 14E:
In Exercises 9-14, write the linear inequality in slope-intercept or vertical form. 2x4Problem 15E:
In Exercises 15-22, determine whether or not the given point satisfies the given inequality....Problem 16E:
In Exercises 15-22, determine whether or not the given point satisfies the given inequality.
Problem 17E:
In Exercises 15-22, determine whether or not the given point satisfies the given inequality....Problem 18E:
In Exercises 15-22, determine whether or not the given point satisfies the given inequality.
Problem 19E:
In Exercises 15-22, determine whether or not the given point satisfies the given inequality.
Problem 20E:
In Exercises 15-22, determine whether or not the given point satisfies the given inequality.
Problem 23E:
In Exercises 23-26, graph the given inequality by crossing out (i.e., discarding) the points not...Problem 24E:
In Exercises 23-26, graph the given inequality by crossing out (i.e., discarding) the points not...Problem 26E:
In Exercises 23-26, graph the given inequality by crossing out (i.e., discarding) the points not...Problem 27E:
In Exercises 27-30, give the linear inequality corresponding to the graph. Note: The graph is the...Problem 28E:
In Exercises 27-30, give the linear inequality corresponding to the graph. Note: The graph is the...Problem 29E:
In Exercises 27-30, give the linear inequality corresponding to the graph. Note: The graph is the...Problem 30E:
In Exercises 27-30, give the linear inequality corresponding to the graph. Note: The graph is the...Problem 32E:
In Exercises 31-42, graph the given inequality.
Problem 33E:
In Exercises 31-42, graph the given inequality. x2Problem 34E:
In Exercises 31-42, graph the given inequality. x0Problem 35E:
In Exercises 31-42, graph the given inequality.
Problem 38E:
In Exercises 31-42, graph the given inequality.
Problem 40E:
In Exercises 31-42, graph the given inequality.
Problem 47E:
In Exercises 43-48, graph the feasible set for the system of inequalities. {x+5y10x+y3x0,y0Problem 49E:
In Exercises 49-52, determine whether the given point is in the feasible set of this system of...Problem 50E:
In Exercises 49-52, determine whether the given point is in the feasible set of this system of...Problem 51E:
In Exercises 49-52, determine whether the given point is in the feasible set of this system of...Problem 52E:
In Exercises 49-52, determine whether the given point is in the feasible set of this system of...Problem 53E:
In Exercises 52-56, determine whether the given point is above or below the given line. y=2x+5,(3,9)Problem 54E:
In Exercises 52-56, determine whether the given point is above or below the given line. 3xy=4,(2,3)Problem 55E:
In Exercises 52-56, determine whether the given point is above or below the given line....Problem 56E:
In Exercises 52-56, determine whether the given point is above or below the given line.
Problem 57E:
Give a system of inequalities for which the graph is the region between the pair of lines 8x4y4=0...Problem 58E:
The shaded region in Fig. 9 is bounded by four straight lines. which of the following is not an...Problem 59E:
The shaded region in Fig. 10 is bounded by four straight lines. Which of the following is not an...Problem 61E:
Graph the line 4x2y=7. (a) Locate the point on the line with x-coordinate 3.6. (b) Does the point...Problem 62E:
62. Graph the line
(a) Locate the point on the line with x-coordinate 6.
(b) Does the point lie...Problem 63E:
Display the feasible set in Exercise 47.Problem 64E:
Display the feasible set in Exercise 48.Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Linear Equations And Straight LinesChapter 1.1 - Coordinate Systems And GraphsChapter 1.2 - The Slope Of A Straight LineChapter 1.3 - The Intersection Point Of A Pair Of LinesChapter 1.4 - The Method Of Least SquaresChapter 2 - MatricesChapter 2.1 - Systems Of Linear Equations With Unique SolutionsChapter 2.2 - General Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 2.3 - Arithmetic Operations On MatricesChapter 2.4 - The Inverse Of A Square Matrix
Chapter 2.5 - The Gauss–jordan Method For Calculating InversesChapter 2.6 - Input–output AnalysisChapter 3 - Linear Programming, A Geometric ApproachChapter 3.1 - Linear InequalitiesChapter 3.2 - A Linear Programming ProblemChapter 3.3 - Fundamental Theorem Of Linear ProgrammingChapter 3.4 - Linear ProgrammingChapter 4 - The Simplex MethodChapter 4.1 - Slack Variables And The Simplex TableauChapter 4.2 - The Simplex Method I: Maximum ProblemsChapter 4.3 - The Simplex Method Ii: Nonstandard And Minimum ProblemsChapter 4.4 - Sensitivity Analysis And Matrix Formulations Of Linear Programming ProblemsChapter 4.5 - DualityChapter 5 - Sets And CountingChapter 5.1 - SetsChapter 5.2 - A Fundamental Principle Of CountingChapter 5.3 - Venn Diagrams And CountingChapter 5.4 - The Multiplication PrincipleChapter 5.5 - Permutations And CombinationsChapter 5.6 - Further Counting TechniquesChapter 5.7 - The Binomial TheoremChapter 5.8 - Multinomial Coefficients And PartitionsChapter 6 - ProbabilityChapter 6.1 - Experiments, Outcomes, Sample Spaces, And EventsChapter 6.2 - Assignment Of ProbabilitiesChapter 6.3 - Calculating Probabilities Of EventsChapter 6.4 - Conditional Probability And IndependenceChapter 6.5 - Tree DiagramsChapter 6.6 - Bayes’ Theorem, Natural FrequenciesChapter 6.7 - SimulationChapter 7 - Probability And StatisticsChapter 7.1 - Visual Representations Of DataChapter 7.2 - Frequency And Probability DistributionsChapter 7.3 - Binomial TrialsChapter 7.4 - The MeanChapter 7.5 - The Variance And Standard DeviationChapter 7.6 - The Normal DistributionChapter 7.7 - Normal Approximation To The Binomial DistributionChapter 8 - Markov ProcessesChapter 8.1 - The Transition MatrixChapter 8.2 - Regular Stochastic MatricesChapter 8.3 - Absorbing Stochastic MatricesChapter 9 - The Theory Of GamesChapter 9.1 - Games And StrategiesChapter 9.2 - Mixed StrategiesChapter 9.3 - Determining Optimal Mixed StrategiesChapter 10 - The Mathematics Of FinanceChapter 10.1 - InterestChapter 10.2 - AnnuitiesChapter 10.3 - Amortization Of LoansChapter 10.4 - Personal Financial DecisionsChapter 10.5 - A Unifying EquationChapter 11 - LogicChapter 11.1 - Introduction To LogicChapter 11.2 - Truth TablesChapter 11.3 - ImplicationChapter 11.4 - Logical Implication And EquivalenceChapter 11.5 - Valid ArgumentChapter 11.6 - Predicate CalculusChapter 11.7 - Logic CircuitsChapter 12 - Difference Equations And Mathematical ModelsChapter 12.1 - Introduction To Difference EquationsChapter 12.2 - Difference Equations And InterestChapter 12.3 - Graphing Difference EquationsChapter 12.4 - Mathematics Of Personal FinanceChapter 12.5 - Modeling With Difference Equations
Book Details
For Finite Math courses for students majoring in business, economics, life science, or social sciences The most relevant choice Finite Mathematics is a comprehensive yet flexible text for students majoring in business, economics, life science, or social
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