Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - What Is Economics?Chapter 1.1 - Definition Of EconomicsChapter 1.2 - Two Big Economic QuestionChapter 1.3 - The Economic Way Of ThinkingChapter 1.4 - Economics As Social Science And Policy ToolsChapter 1.A - Graphing DataChapter 2 - The Economic ProblemChapter 2.1 - Production Possibilities And Opportunity CostChapter 2.2 - Using Resources EfficientlyChapter 2.3 - Economic Growth
Chapter 2.4 - Gains From TradeChapter 2.5 - Economic CoordinationChapter 3 - Demand And SupplyChapter 3.1 - Markets And PricesChapter 3.2 - DemandChapter 3.3 - SupplyChapter 3.4 - Market EquilibriumChapter 3.5 - Predicting Changes In PriceChapter 4 - ElasticityChapter 4.1 - Price Elasticity Of DemandChapter 4.2 - More Elasticities Of DemandChapter 4.3 - Elasticity Of SupplyChapter 5 - Efficiency And EquityChapter 5.1 - Resource Allocation MethodsChapter 5.2 - Benefit , Cost, And SurplusChapter 5.3 - Is The Competitive Market Efficient?Chapter 5.4 - Is The Competitive Market Fair?Chapter 6 - Government Actions In MarketsChapter 6.1 - A Housing Market With A Rent CeilingChapter 6.2 - A Labor Market With A Minimum WageChapter 6.3 - TaxesChapter 6.4 - Production Quotas And SubsidiesChapter 6.5 - Markets For Illegal GoodsChapter 7 - Global Markets In ActionChapter 7.1 - How Global Markets WorkChapter 7.2 - Winners, Losers, And The Net Gain From TradeChapter 7.3 - International Trade RestrictionsChapter 7.4 - The Case Against ProtectionChapter 8 - Utility And DemandChapter 8.1 - Consumption ChoicesChapter 8.2 - Utility-maximizing ChoiceChapter 8.3 - Predictions Of Marginal Utility TheoryChapter 8.4 - New Ways Of Explaining Consumer ChoicesChapter 9 - Possibilities, Preferences And ChoicesChapter 9.1 - Consumption PossibilitiesChapter 9.2 - Preferences And Indifference CurvesChapter 9.3 - Predicting Consumer ChoicesChapter 10 - Organizing ProductionChapter 10.1 - The Firm And Its Economic ProblemChapter 10.2 - Technological And Economic EfficiencyChapter 10.3 - Information And OrganizationChapter 10.4 - Markets And The Competitive EnvironmentChapter 10.5 - Produce Or Outsource? Firms And MarketsChapter 11 - Output And CostsChapter 11.1 - Decision Time FramesChapter 11.2 - Short-run Technology ConstraintChapter 11.3 - Short-run CostChapter 11.4 - Long-run CostChapter 12 - Perfect CompetitionChapter 12.1 - What Is Perfect Competition?Chapter 12.2 - The Firm's Output DecisionChapter 12.3 - Output, Price, And Profit In The Short RunChapter 12.4 - Output, Price, And Profit In The Long RunChapter 12.5 - Changes In Demand And Supply As Technology AdvancesChapter 12.6 - Competition And EfficiencyChapter 13 - MonopolyChapter 13.1 - Monopoly And How It ArisesChapter 13.2 - A Single-price Monopoly's Output And Price DecisionChapter 13.3 - A Single-price Monopoly And Competition ComparedChapter 13.4 - Price DiscriminationChapter 13.5 - Monopoly RegulationChapter 14 - Monopolistic CompetitionChapter 14.1 - What Is Monopolistic CompetitionChapter 14.2 - Price And Output In Monopolistic CompetitionChapter 14.3 - Product Development And MarketingChapter 15 - OligopolyChapter 15.1 - What Is OligopolyChapter 15.2 - Oligopoly GamesChapter 15.3 - Repeated Games And Sequential GamesChapter 15.4 - Antitrust LawChapter 16 - Public Choices, Public Goods And HealthcareChapter 16.1 - Public ChoicesChapter 16.2 - Providing Public GoodsChapter 16.3 - The Economics Of HealthcareChapter 17 - ExternalitiesChapter 17.1 - Externalities In Our LivesChapter 17.2 - Negative Externality: PollutionChapter 17.3 - Negative Externality: The Tragedy Of CommonsChapter 17.4 - Positive Externality: KnowledgeChapter 18 - Markets For Factors Of ProductionChapter 18.1 - The Anatomy Of Factor MarketsChapter 18.2 - The Demand For A Factor Of ProductionChapter 18.3 - Labor MarketsChapter 18.4 - Capital And Natural Resource MarketsChapter 19 - Economic InequalityChapter 19.1 - Economic Inequality In The United StatesChapter 19.2 - Inequality In The World EconomyChapter 19.3 - The Sources Of Economic InequalityChapter 19.4 - Income RedistributionChapter 20 - Uncertainty And InformationChapter 20.1 - Decisions In The Face Of UncertaintyChapter 20.2 - Buying And Selling RiskChapter 20.3 - Private InformationChapter 20.4 - Uncertainty, Information And The Invisible Hand
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Apple’s decision about the iTunes increases the customer’s incentive to buy an iPad because the free...Figure 1 illustrates the PPF of Company B. In Figure 1, the x-axis shows food crops and the y-axis...Given information: It is given that the money price of a carton of milk is $2.01 and a gallon of...Chapter 4, Problem 1SPAThere are different methods for the allocation of scarce resources. In this case, these three...The equilibrium is attained at the point where demand equals the supply. By the figure, the...The international trade helps the nation to clear off the excess products produced by the country or...It is given that the total income of J is $12. The price of Yogurt is $2 and the price of Berries is...The given income of S is $12, the price of popcorn is $3 per bag, and the price of a smoothie is $3....
The opportunity cost of a firm includes the cost of the resources owned by the firm, the cost of...Sbucks opening 75 more stores can be seen as a long run decision because all the factors of...The market where there are many buyers and sellers of the uniform commodities and each one with the...The monopoly market is a single seller market where the output and price decisions are taken by the...Monopolistic competition is an imperfect market situation, wherein, many sellers produce...Figure-1 illustrates the market demand curve and cost curve of PC chips producers, Intel, and AMD...A Big Mac: It is a good whose consumption by one reduces its availability to others (rival) and from...Externality is the spillover effect of an activity; it may be benefit or cost. If it is benefit, it...Mr. T operates in both labor market and capital market. Mr. T’s decision to hire two new workers at...There are mainly four factors of production which are required to make the production possible. They...In the given case, there is a 50% chance to make $4,000 in a month and another 50% chance to make...
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