Problem 2PE:
Classify each of the data elements in the Sales Transactions database as categorical, ordinal,...Problem 3PE:
Identify each of the variables in the Excel file Credit Approval Decisions as categorical, ordinal,...Problem 5PE:
Classify each of the variables in the Excel file Wed-dings as categorical, ordinal, interval, or...Problem 6PE:
Use the COUNTIF function to construct a frequency distribution of the types of loans in the Excel...Problem 8PE:
A community health status survey obtained the following demographic information from the...Problem 10PE:
Construct frequency distributions and histograms using the Excel Histogram tool for the gross sales...Problem 11PE:
Use the Histogram tool to develop a frequency distribution and histogram for the number of months as...Problem 13PE:
Use a PivotTable to construct a frequency distribution and histogram of lunch sales amounts in the...Problem 16PE:
Find the 20thand80th percentiles of home prices in the Excel file Home Market Value. Use formula...Problem 17PE:
Find the 10thand90th percentiles and the first and third quartiles for the time difference between...Problem 19PE:
Find the first, second, and third quartiles for the sales amounts in the Sales Transactions database...Problem 24PE:
Find the mean, median, and midrange for the data in the Excel file Automobile Quality using the...Problem 25PE:
In the Excel file Facebook Survey, find the mean, median, and midrange for hours online/week and...Problem 27PE:
Considering the data in the Excel file Home Market Value as a population of homeowners on this...Problem 28PE:
Considering the data in the Excel file Home Market Value as a sample of homeowners on this street,...Problem 29PE:
In the Excel file Facebook Survey, find the range, variance, standard deviation, and interquartile...Problem 31PE:
For the Excel file Tablet Computer Sales, find the mean, standard deviation, and interquartile range...Problem 32PE:
The Excel file Atlanta Airline Data provides arrival and taxi-in time statistics for one day at...Problem 34PE:
Compute the coefficient of variation for each variable in the Excel file Home Market Value. Which...Problem 35PE:
Find 30 days of stock prices for three companies in different industries. The average stock prices...Problem 36PE:
Apply the Descriptive Statistics tool for subsets of liberal arts colleges and research universities...Problem 37PE:
Use the Descriptive Statistics tool to summarize the percent gross profit, gross sales, and gross...Problem 46PE:
In the Excel file Bicycle Inventory, find the proportion of bicycle models that sell for less than...Problem 60PE:
In the Excel file Weddings, determine the correlation between the wedding costs and attendance.Problem 63PE:
For the Presidents Inn Guest Database, find the mean length of stay and mean number of guests per...Problem 65PE:
For the Excel file Credit Risk Data, compute the correlation between age and months employed, age...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Introduction To Business AnalyticsChapter A1 - Appendix A1: Basic Excel SkillsChapter 2 - Database AnalyticsChapter 3 - Data VisualizationChapter A3 - Appendix A3: Additional Tools For Data VisualizationChapter 4 - Descriptive StatisticsChapter A4 - Appendix A4: Additional Charts For Descriptive Statistics In Excel For WindowsChapter 5 - Probability Distributions And Data ModelingChapter 8 - Trendlines And Regression AnalysisChapter 13 - Linear Optimization
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for EBK BUSINESS ANALYTICS homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1PEChapter A1, Problem 1PEChapter 2, Problem 2PEGiven: The Consumer price index excel file data is as follows: Consumer Price Index - All Urban...Chapter A3, Problem 1PEGiven: Gender Age Ethnicity Overall satisfaction with city services Quality of schools Gender data...Chapter A4, Problem 2PEChapter 5, Problem 1PEGiven information: The data set is: PriceDemand$112180$132020$171980$191900 Graph: The scatterplot...
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