College Physics - 3rd Edition - by Knight,  Randall Dewey, Jones,  Brian, Field,  Stuart - ISBN 9780134143323

College Physics
3rd Edition
Knight, Randall Dewey, Jones, Brian, Field, Stuart
Publisher: Pearson,
ISBN: 9780134143323

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Chapter 2.4 - AccelerationChapter 2.5 - Motion With Constant AccelerationChapter 2.7 - Free FallChapter 3 - Vectors And Motion In Two DimensionsChapter 3.1 - Using VectorsChapter 3.2 - Using Vectors On Motion DiagramsChapter 3.3 - Coordinate Systems And Vector ComponentsChapter 3.4 - Motion On A RampChapter 3.5 - Relative MotionChapter 3.6 - Motion In Two Dimensions: Projectile MotionChapter 3.7 - Projectile Motion: Solving ProblemsChapter 3.8 - Motion In Two Dimensions: Circular MotionChapter 4 - Forces And Newton's Laws Of MotionChapter 4.1 - Motion And ForcesChapter 4.2 - A Short Catalog Of ForcesChapter 4.3 - Identifying ForcesChapter 4.4 - What Do Forces Do?Chapter 4.5 - Newton's Second LawChapter 4.6 - Free-body DiagramsChapter 4.7 - Newton's Third LawChapter 5 - Applying Newton's LawsChapter 5.1 - EquilibriumChapter 5.2 - Dynamics And Newton's Second LawChapter 5.3 - Mass And WeightChapter 5.4 - Normal ForcesChapter 5.5 - FrictionChapter 5.6 - DragChapter 5.7 - Interacting ObjectsChapter 5.8 - Ropes And PulleysChapter 6 - Circular Motion, Orbits, And GravityChapter 6.1 - Uniform Circular MotionChapter 6.2 - Dynamics Of Uniform Circular MotionChapter 6.3 - Apparent Forces In Circular MotionChapter 6.4 - Circular Orbits And WeightlessnessChapter 6.5 - Newton's Law Of GravityChapter 6.6 - Gravity And OrbitsChapter 7 - Rotational MotionChapter 7.1 - Describing Circular And Rotational MotionChapter 7.2 - The Rotation Of A Rigid BodyChapter 7.3 - TorqueChapter 7.4 - Gravitational Torque And The Center Of GravityChapter 7.5 - Rotational Dynamics And Moment Of InertiaChapter 7.7 - Rolling MotionChapter 8 - Equilibrium And ElasticityChapter 8.1 - Torque And Static EquilibriumChapter 8.2 - Stability And BalanceChapter 8.3 - Springs And Hooke's LawChapter 8.4 - Stretching And Compressing MaterialsChapter 9 - MomentumChapter 9.1 - ImpulseChapter 9.2 - Momentum And The Impulsemomentum TheoremChapter 9.3 - Solving Impulse And Momentum ProblemsChapter 9.4 - Conservation Of MomentumChapter 9.5 - Inelastic CollisionsChapter 9.6 - Momentum And Collisions In Two DimensionsChapter 10 - Energy And WorkChapter 10.1 - The Basic Energy ModelChapter 10.2 - WorkChapter 10.3 - Kinetic EnergyChapter 10.4 - Potential EnergyChapter 10.5 - Thermal EnergyChapter 10.6 - Using The Law Of Conservation Of EnergyChapter 10.7 - Energy In CollisionsChapter 10.8 - PowerChapter 11 - Using EnergyChapter 11.1 - Transforming EnergyChapter 11.2 - Energy In The BodyChapter 11.3 - Temperature, Thermal Energy And HeatChapter 11.4 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 11.5 - Heat EnginesChapter 11.6 - Heat Pumps, Refrigerators, And Air ConditionersChapter 11.7 - Entropy And The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 12 - Thermal Properties Of MatterChapter 12.1 - The Atomic Model Of MatterChapter 12.2 - The Atomic Model Of An Ideal GasChapter 12.3 - Ideal-gases ProcessesChapter 12.4 - Thermal ExpansionChapter 12.5 - Specific Heat And Heat Of TransformationChapter 12.6 - CalorimetryChapter 12.8 - Heat TransferChapter 13 - FluidsChapter 13.1 - Fluids And DensityChapter 13.2 - PressureChapter 13.3 - Measuring And Using PressureChapter 13.4 - BuoyancyChapter 13.5 - Fluids In MotionChapter 13.6 - Fluid DynamicsChapter 13.7 - Viscosity And Poiseuille's EquationChapter 14 - OscillationsChapter 14.1 - Equilibrium And OscillationChapter 14.2 - Linear Restoring Forces And Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 14.3 - Describing Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 14.4 - Energy In Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 14.5 - Pendulum MotionChapter 14.6 - Damped OscillationsChapter 15 - Traveling Waves And SoundChapter 15.1 - The Wave ModelChapter 15.2 - Traveling WavesChapter 15.3 - Graphical And Mathematical Descriptions OfwavesChapter 15.4 - Sound And Light WavesChapter 15.5 - Energy And IntensityChapter 15.6 - Loudness Of SoundChapter 15.7 - The Doppler Effect And Shock WavesChapter 16 - Superposition And Standing WavesChapter 16.1 - The Principle Of SuperpositionChapter 16.2 - Standing WavesChapter 16.3 - Standing Waves On A StringChapter 16.4 - Standing Sound WavesChapter 16.5 - Speech And HearingChapter 16.6 - The Interference Of Waves From Two SourcesChapter 16.7 - BeatsChapter 17 - Wave OpticsChapter 17.1 - What Is Light?Chapter 17.2 - The Interference Of LightChapter 17.3 - The Diffraction GratingChapter 17.4 - Thin-film InterferenceChapter 17.5 - Single-slit DiffractionChapter 18 - Ray OpticsChapter 18.1 - The Ray Model Of LightChapter 18.2 - ReflectionChapter 18.3 - RefractionChapter 18.5 - Thin Lenses: Ray TracingChapter 18.6 - Image Formation With Spherical MirrorsChapter 18.7 - The Thin-lens EquationChapter 19 - Optical InstrumentsChapter 19.1 - The CameraChapter 19.2 - The Human EyeChapter 19.3 - The MagnifierChapter 19.4 - The MicroscopeChapter 19.6 - Color And DispersionChapter 19.7 - Resolution Of Optical InstrumentsChapter 20 - Electric Fields And ForcesChapter 20.1 - Charges And ForcesChapter 20.2 - Charges, Atoms, And MoleculesChapter 20.3 - Coulomb's LawChapter 20.4 - The Concept Of The Electric FieldChapter 20.5 - Applications Of The Electric FieldChapter 20.6 - Conductors And Electric FieldsChapter 21 - Electrical PotentialChapter 21.1 - Electric Potential Energy And The Electric PotentialChapter 21.3 - Electric Potential And Conservation Of EnergyChapter 21.4 - Calculating The Electric PotentialChapter 21.5 - Connecting Potential And FieldChapter 21.7 - Capacitance And CapacitorsChapter 21.8 - Energy And CapacitorsChapter 22 - Current And ResistanceChapter 22.2 - Defining And Describing CurrentChapter 22.3 - Batteries And EmfChapter 22.4 - Connecting Potential And CurrentChapter 22.5 - Ohm's Law And Resistor CircuitsChapter 22.6 - Energy And PowerChapter 23 - CircuitsChapter 23.1 - Circuit Elements And DiagramsChapter 23.2 - Kirchhoff's LawsChapter 23.3 - Series And Parallel CircuitsChapter 23.4 - Measuring Voltage And CurrentChapter 23.5 - More Complex CircuitsChapter 23.6 - Capacitors In Parallel And SeriesChapter 23.7 - Rc CircuitsChapter 23.8 - Electricity In The Nervous SystemChapter 24 - Magnetic Fields And ForcesChapter 24.1 - MagnetismChapter 24.2 - The Magnetic FieldChapter 24.3 - Electric Currents Also Create Magnetic FieldsChapter 24.4 - Calculating The Magnetic Field Due To A CurrentChapter 24.5 - Magnetic Fields Exert Forces On Moving ChargesChapter 24.6 - Magnetic Fields Exert Forces On CurrentsChapter 24.7 - Magnetic Fields Exert Torques On DipolesChapter 24.8 - Magnets And Magnetic MaterialsChapter 25 - Electromagnetic Induction And Electromagnetic WavesChapter 25.2 - Motional EmfChapter 25.3 - Magnetic FluxChapter 25.4 - Faraday's LawChapter 25.5 - Electromagnetic WavesChapter 25.6 - The Photon Model Of Electromagnetic WavesChapter 25.7 - The Electromagnetic SpectrumChapter 26 - Ac ElectricityChapter 26.1 - Alternating CurrentChapter 26.2 - Ac Electricity And TransformersChapter 26.3 - Household ElectricityChapter 26.4 - Biological Effects And Electrical SafetyChapter 26.5 - Capacitor CircuitsChapter 26.6 - Inductors And Inductor CircuitsChapter 26.7 - Oscillation CircuitsChapter 27 - RelativityChapter 27.2 - Galilean RelativityChapter 27.4 - Events And MeasurementsChapter 27.5 - The Relativity Of SimultaneityChapter 27.6 - Time DilationChapter 27.7 - Length ContractionChapter 27.8 - Velocities Of Objects In Special RelativityChapter 27.9 - Relativistic MomentumChapter 27.10 - Relativistic EnergyChapter 28 - Quantum PhysicsChapter 28.1 - X Rays And X-ray DiffractionChapter 28.2 - The Photoelectric EffectChapter 28.3 - PhotonsChapter 28.4 - Matter WavesChapter 28.5 - Energy Is QuantizedChapter 28.6 - Energy Levels And Quantum JumpsChapter 28.7 - The Uncertainty PrincipleChapter 29 - Atoms And MoleculesChapter 29.1 - SpectroscopyChapter 29.2 - AtomsChapter 29.3 - Bohr's Model Of Atomic QuantizationChapter 29.4 - The Bohr Hydrogen AtomChapter 29.5 - The Quantum-mechanical Hydrogen AtomChapter 29.6 - Multielectron AtomsChapter 29.7 - Excited States And SpectraChapter 30 - Nuclear PhysicsChapter 30.1 - Nuclear StructureChapter 30.2 - Nuclear StabilityChapter 30.3 - Forces And Energy In The NucleusChapter 30.4 - Radiation And RadioactivityChapter 30.5 - Nuclear Decay And Half-livesChapter 30.6 - Medical Applications Of Nuclear Physics

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The work of the brakes in the car mostly is to stop or slow down the speed of the vehicle, and this...When one hand is rubbed against another vigorously, then, due to the movement of one surface against...The mass number for Neon (Ne) is 20 and the mass number for nitrogen (N2) is 14 and is determined...Write the expression to calculate the density of the object. ρ=mV (I) Here, V is the volume, m is...A motion is said to be oscillatory motion if it repeats itself about a fixed equilibrium position...Waves can be categorized in two types namely:- Transverse Waves Longitudinal waves In both these...Write the expression for speed of light in another medium. v=cμ (I) Here, v is the velocity of light...Frequency is defined as number of oscillations per second. The solution can be understood from the...During a solar eclipse the sun acts as a small but extended source and it casts a shadow of the moon...The shape of image on the screen also depends upon the distance of the screen from the point where...When a plastic rod is rubbed with wool, the plastic rod acquires negative charge on it because from...Electric potential at a point is defined as the work done in moving a point charge from infinity to...One of the simple method is to place a compass needle near to the circuit, if the circuit is...From the given figure, the connection of the outer metal case of the light bulb should connect to...If magnet on the right is fixed and magnet on the left is free to move, the second magnet rotates....According to Lenz’s law, if the magnetic flux changes, a current in a loop will be induced. As the...Write the expression for average power in ac circuit. PR=Vrms2R (I) Here, PR is the average power,...A reference frame can be considered as a coordinate system in which experiments equipped with any...Write the Bragg’s condition for the constructive interference of first order x-ray diffraction....In the discharge tube the neon emits red and orange spectrum, this is due to the transition from the...According to general trend an atom have larger atomic mass correspond to larger atomic number. But...

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