Solutions for College Physics
Problem 2CQ:
Many figures in the text show streamlines. Explain why fluid velocity is greatest where streamlines...Problem 4CQ:
You can squirt water a considerably greater distance by placing your thumb over the end of a garden...Problem 5CQ:
Water is shot nearly vertically upward in a decorative fountain and the stream is observed to...Problem 6CQ:
Look back to Figure 12.4. Answer the following two questions. Why is POless than atmospheric? Why is...Problem 8CQ:
Many entrainment devices have a constriction, called a Venturi, such as shown in Figure 12.24. How...Problem 9CQ:
Some chimney pipes have a T-shape, with a crosspiece on top that helps draw up gases whenever there...Problem 10CQ:
Is there a limit to the height to which an entrainment device can raise a fluid? Explain your...Problem 11CQ:
Why is it preferable for airplanes to take off into the wind rather than with the wind?Problem 12CQ:
Roofs are sometimes pushed off vertically during a tropical cyclone, and buildings sometimes explode...Problem 13CQ:
Why does a sailboat need a keel?Problem 14CQ:
It is dangerous to stand close to railroad tracks when a rapidly moving commuter train passes....Problem 15CQ:
Water pressure inside a hose nozzle can be less than atmospheric pressure due to the Bernoulli...Problem 16CQ:
A perfume bottle or atomizer sprays a fluid that is in the bottle. (Figure 12.25.) How does the...Problem 17CQ:
If you lower the window on a car while moving, an empty plastic bag can sometimes fly out the...Problem 18CQ:
Based on Bernoulli's equation, what are three forms of energy in a fluid? (Note that these forms are...Problem 19CQ:
Water that has emerged from a hose into the atmosphere has a gauge pressure of zero. Why? When you...Problem 20CQ:
The old rubber boot shown in Figure 12.26 has two leaks. To what maximum height can the water squirt...Problem 21CQ:
Water pressure inside a hose nozzle can be less than atmospheric pressure due to the Bernoulli...Problem 22CQ:
Explain why the viscosity of a liquid decreases with temperature—that is, how might increased...Problem 23CQ:
When paddling a canoe upstream, it is wisest to travel as near to the shore as possible. When...Problem 25CQ:
Plumbing usually includes air-filled tubes near water faucets, as shown in Figure 12.27. Explain why...Problem 26CQ:
Doppler ultrasound can be used to the speed of blood in the body. If there is a partial constriction...Problem 27CQ:
Sink drains often have a device such as that shown in Figure 12.28 to help speed the flow of water....Problem 28CQ:
Some ceiling fans have decorative wicker reeds on their blades. Discuss whether these fans are as...Problem 29CQ:
What direction will a helium balloon move inside a car that is slowing down—toward the front or...Problem 30CQ:
Will identical raindrops fall more rapidly in 5° C air or 25° C air, neglecting any differences in...Problem 31CQ:
If you took two marbles of different sizes, what would you expect to observe about the relative...Problem 32CQ:
Why would you expect the rate of diffusion to increase with temperature? Can you give an example,...Problem 1PE:
What is the average flow rate in cm3/S of gasoline to the engine of a car traveling at 100 km/h if...Problem 2PE:
The heart of a resting adult pumps blood at a rate of 5.00 L/min. (a) Convert this to cm3/s. (b)...Problem 3PE:
Blood is pumped from the heart at a rate of 5.0 L/min into the aorta (of radius 1.0 cm). Determine...Problem 4PE:
Blood is flowing through an artery of radius 2 mm at a rate of 40 cm/s. Determine the flow rate and...Problem 5PE:
The Huka Falls on the Waikato River is one of New Zealand's most visited natural tourist attractions...Problem 6PE:
A major artery with a cross-sectional area of 1.00 cm2 branches into 18 smaller arteries, each with...Problem 7PE:
(a) As blood passes through the capillary bed in an organ, the capillaries join to form venules...Problem 8PE:
The human circulation system has approximately 1109 capillary vessels. Each vessel has a diameter of...Problem 9PE:
(a) Estimate the time it would take to fill a private swimming pool with a capacity of 80,000 L...Problem 10PE:
The flow rate of blood through 2.00106 -m-radius capillary is 3.80109 cm3/s. (a) What is the speed...Problem 11PE:
(a) What is the fluid speed in a fire hose with a 9.00-cm diameter carrying 80.0 L of water per...Problem 12PE:
The main uptake air duct of a forced air gas heater is 0.300 m in diameter. What is the average...Problem 13PE:
Water is moving at a velocity of 2.00 m/s through a hose with an internal diameter of 1.60 cm. (a)...Problem 14PE:
Prove that the speed of an incompressible fluid through a constriction, such as in a Venturi tube,...Problem 15PE:
Water emerges straight down from a faucet with a 1.80-cm diameter at a speed of 0.500 m/s. (Because...Problem 16PE:
Unreasonable Results A mountain stream is 10.0 m wide and averages 2.00 m in depth. During the...Problem 18PE:
Suppose you have a wind speed gauge like the pitot tube shown in Example 12.2(b). By what factor...Problem 19PE:
If the pressure reading of your pitot tube is 15.0 mm Hg at a speed of 200 km/h, what will it be at...Problem 20PE:
Calculate the maximum height to which water could be squirted with the hose in Example 12.2 example...Problem 21PE:
Every few years, winds in Boulder, Colorado, attain sustained speeds of 45.0 m/s (about 100 mi/h)...Problem 22PE:
(a) Calculate the approximate force on a square meter of sail, given the horizontal velocity of the...Problem 23PE:
(a) What is the pressure drop due to the Bernoulli effect as water goes into a 3.00-cm-diameter...Problem 24PE:
(a) Using Bernoulli's equation, show that the measured fluid speed v for a pitot tube, like the one...Problem 25PE:
Hoover Dam on the Colorado River is the highest dam in the United States at 221 m, with an output of...Problem 26PE:
A frequently quoted rule of thumb in aircraft design is that wings should produce about 1000 N of...Problem 27PE:
The left ventricle of a resting adult's heart pumps blood at a flow rate of 83.0 cm3/s, increasing...Problem 28PE:
A sump pump (used to drain water from the basement of houses built below the water table) is...Problem 29PE:
(a) Calculate the retarding force due to the viscosity of the air layer between a cart and a level...Problem 30PE:
What force is needed to pull one microscope slide over another at a speed of 1.00 cm/s, if there is...Problem 31PE:
A glucose solution being administered with an IV has a flow rate of 4.00 cm3/min. What will the new...Problem 32PE:
The pressure drop along a length of artery is 100 Pa, the radius is 10 mm, and the flow is laminar....Problem 33PE:
A small artery has a length of 1.1103 m and a radius of 2.5105 m. If the pressure drop across the...Problem 34PE:
Fluid originally flows through a tube at a rate of 100 cm3/s. To illustrate the sensitivity of flow...Problem 35PE:
The arterioles (small arteries) leading to an organ, constrict in order to decrease flow to the...Problem 36PE:
Angioplasty is a technique in which arteries partially blocked with plaque are dilated to increase...Problem 37PE:
(a) Suppose a blood vessel's radius is decreased to 90.0% of its original value by plaque deposits...Problem 38PE:
A spherical particle falling at a terminal speed in a liquid must have the gravitational force...Problem 39PE:
Using the equation of the previous problem, find the viscosity of motor oil in which a steel ball of...Problem 40PE:
A skydiver will reach a terminal velocity when the air drag equals their weight. For a skydiver with...Problem 41PE:
A layer of oil 1.50 mm thick is placed between two microscope slides. Researchers find that a force...Problem 42PE:
(a) Verify that a 19.0% decrease in laminar flow through a tube is caused by a 5.00% decrease in...Problem 43PE:
Example 12.8 dealt with the flow of saline solution in an IV system. (a) Verify that a pressure of...Problem 44PE:
When physicians diagnose arterial blockages, they quote the reduction in flow rate. If the flow rate...Problem 45PE:
During a marathon race, a runner's blood flow increases to 10.0 times her resting rate. Her blood's...Problem 46PE:
Water supplied to a house by a water main has a pressure of 3.00105 N/m2 early on a summer day when...Problem 47PE:
An oil gusher shoots crude oil 25.0 m into the air through a pipe with a 0.100-m diameter....Problem 48PE:
Concrete is pumped from a cement mixer to the place it is being laid, instead of being carried in...Problem 49PE:
Construct Your Own Problem Consider a coronary artery constricted by arteriosclerosis. Construct a...Problem 50PE:
Consider a river that spreads out in a delta region on its way to the sea. Construct a problem in...Problem 51PE:
Verify that the flow of oil is laminar (barely) for an oil gusher that shoots crude oil 25.0 m into...Problem 52PE:
Show that the Reynolds number NRis unitless by substituting units for all the quantities in its...Problem 53PE:
Calculate the Reynolds numbers for the flow of water through (a) a nozzle with a radius of 0.250 cm...Problem 54PE:
A fire hose has an inside diameter of 6.40 cm. Suppose such a hose carries a flow of 40.0 LIS...Problem 55PE:
Concrete is pumped from a cement mixer to the place it is being laid, instead of being carried in...Problem 56PE:
At what flow rate might turbulence begin to develop in a water main with a 0.200-m diameter? Assume...Problem 57PE:
What is the greatest average speed of blood flow at 37° C in an artery of radius 2.00 mm if the flow...Problem 58PE:
In Take-Home Experiment: Inhalation, we measured the average flow rate Q of air traveling through...Problem 59PE:
Gasoline is piped underground from refineries to major users. The flow rate is 3.00102 m3/s (about...Problem 60PE:
Assuming that blood is an ideal fluid, calculate the critical flow rate at which turbulence is a...Problem 61PE:
Unreasonable Results A fairly large garden hose has an internal radius of 0.600 cm and a length of...Problem 62PE:
You can smell perfume very shortly after opening the bottle. To show that it is not reaching your...Problem 63PE:
What is the ratio of the average distances that oxygen will diffuse in a given time in air and...Problem 64PE:
Oxygen reaches the veinless cornea of the eye by diffusing through its tear layer, which is 0.500-mm...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Introduction: The Nature Of Science And PhysicsChapter 2 - KinematicsChapter 3 - Two-dimensional KinematicsChapter 4 - Dynamics: Force And Newton's Laws Of MotionChapter 5 - Further Applications Of Newton's Laws: Friction, Drag, And ElasticityChapter 6 - Uniform Circular Motion And GravitationChapter 7 - Work, Energy, And Energy ResourcesChapter 8 - Linear Momentum And CollisionsChapter 9 - Statics And TorqueChapter 10 - Rotational Motion And Angular Momentum
Chapter 11 - Fluid StaticsChapter 12 - Fluid Dynamics And Its Biological And Medical ApplicationsChapter 13 - Temperature, Kinetic Theory, And The Gas LawsChapter 14 - Heat And Heat Transfer MethodsChapter 15 - ThermodynamicsChapter 16 - Oscillatory Motion And WavesChapter 17 - Physics Of HearingChapter 18 - Electric Charge And Electric FieldChapter 19 - Electric Potential And Electric FieldChapter 20 - Electric Current, Resistance, And Ohm's LawChapter 21 - Circuits And Dc InstrumentsChapter 22 - MagnetismChapter 23 - Electromagnetic Induction, Ac Circuits, And Electrical TechnologiesChapter 24 - Electromagnetic WavesChapter 25 - Geometric OpticsChapter 26 - Vision And Optical InstrumentsChapter 27 - Wave OpticsChapter 28 - Special RelativityChapter 29 - Introduction To Quantum PhysicsChapter 30 - Atomic PhysicsChapter 31 - Radioactivity And Nuclear PhysicsChapter 32 - Medical Applications Of Nuclear PhysicsChapter 33 - Particle PhysicsChapter 34 - Frontiers Of Physics
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
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Chapter 1, Problem 1CQChapter 2, Problem 1CQChapter 3, Problem 1CQChapter 4, Problem 1CQChapter 5, Problem 1CQChapter 6, Problem 1CQChapter 7, Problem 1CQChapter 8, Problem 1CQChapter 9, Problem 1CQ
Chapter 10, Problem 1CQChapter 11, Problem 1CQChapter 12, Problem 1CQChapter 13, Problem 1CQChapter 14, Problem 1CQChapter 15, Problem 1CQChapter 16, Problem 1CQChapter 17, Problem 1CQChapter 18, Problem 1CQChapter 19, Problem 1CQChapter 20, Problem 1CQChapter 21, Problem 1CQChapter 22, Problem 1CQChapter 23, Problem 1CQChapter 24, Problem 1CQChapter 25, Problem 1CQChapter 26, Problem 1CQChapter 27, Problem 1CQChapter 28, Problem 1CQChapter 29, Problem 1CQChapter 30, Problem 1CQChapter 31, Problem 1CQChapter 32, Problem 1CQChapter 33, Problem 1CQChapter 34, Problem 1CQ
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College Physics for AP Courses
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ISBN: 9781630181871
College Physics For Ap® Courses
16th Edition
ISBN: 9781938168932
College Physics
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