Solutions for CALCULUS,VOLUME 1 (OER)
Problem 311E:
For the following exercises, answer by proof, counterexample, or explanation. 311. When you find the...Problem 312E:
For the following exercises, answer by proof, counterexample, or explanation. 312. Why do you need...Problem 313E:
For the following exercises, answer by proof, counterexample, or explanation. 313. True or False....Problem 314E:
For the following exercises, answer by proof, counterexample, or explanation. 314. True or False....Problem 315E:
For the following exercises, set up and evaluate each optimization problem. 315. To carry a suitcase...Problem 316E:
For the following exercises, set up and evaluate each optimization problem. 316. You are...Problem 317E:
For the following exercises, set up and evaluate each optimization problem. 317. Find the positive...Problem 318E:
For the following exercises, set up and evaluate each optimization problem. 318. Find two positive...Problem 319E:
For the following exercises, consider the construction of a pen to enclose an area. 319. You have...Problem 320E:
For the following exercises, consider the construction of a pen to enclose an area. 320. You have...Problem 321E:
For the following exercises, consider the construction of a pen to enclose an area. 321. You need to...Problem 322E:
Two poles are connected by a wire that is also connected to the ground. The first pole is 20 ft tall...Problem 323E:
You are moving into a new apartment and notice there is a comer where the hallway narrows from 8 ft...Problem 324E:
A patient’s pulse measures 70 bpm, 80 bpm. then 120 bpm. To determine an accurate measurement of...Problem 325E:
In the previous problem, assume the patient was nervous during the third measurement, so we only...Problem 326E:
You can inn at a speed of 6 mph and swim at a speed of 3 mph and are located on the shore, 4 miles...Problem 327E:
Find a function that measures the total amount of time it takes to reach the drowning person as a...Problem 328E:
Find at what angle the lifeguard should swim to reach the drowning person in the least amount of...Problem 329E:
A truck uses gas as g(v)=av+bv , where v represents the speed of the truck and g represents the...Problem 330E:
Find die cost per mile at speed v.Problem 331E:
Find the cheapest driving speed. pizzas for a revenue of R(x)=ax and costs C(x)=b+cx+dx2 , where x...Problem 332E:
Find the profit function for the number of pizzas How many pizzas gives the largest profit per...Problem 334E:
Assume that R(x)=15x , and C(x)=60+3x+12x2 . How many pizzas sold maximizes the profit?Problem 335E:
For the following exercises, consider a wire 4 ft long cut into two pieces. One piece forms a circle...Problem 336E:
For the following exercises, consider a wire 4 ft long cur into two pieces. One piece forms a circle...Problem 337E:
For the following exercises, consider two nonnegative numbers x and y such that x+y=10 . Maximize...Problem 338E:
For the following exercises, consider two nonnegative numbers x and y such that x+y=10 . Maximize...Problem 339E:
For the following exercises, consider two nonnegative numbers x and y such that x+y=10 . Maximize...Problem 340E:
For the following exercises, consider two nonnegative numbers x and y such that x+y=10 . Maximize...Problem 341E:
For the following exercises, draw the given optimization problem and solve. 341. Find the volume of...Problem 342E:
For the following exercises, draw the given optimization problem and solve. 342. Find the volume of...Problem 343E:
For the following exercises, draw the given optimization problem and solve. 343. Find the area of...Problem 344E:
For the following exercises, draw the given optimization problem and solve. 344. Find the largest...Problem 345E:
For the following exercises, draw the given optimization problem and solve. 345. Find the dimensions...Problem 346E:
For the following exercises, draw the given optimization problem and solve. 346. Find the dimensions...Problem 347E:
For the following exercises, consider the points on the given graphs. Use a calculator to graph the...Problem 348E:
For the following exercises, consider the points on the given graphs. Use a calculator to graph the...Problem 349E:
For the following exercises, consider the points on the given graphs. Use a calculator to graph the...Problem 350E:
For the following exercises, consider the points on the given graphs. Use a calculator to graph the...Problem 351E:
A window is composed of a semicircle placed on top of a rectangle. If you have 20 ft of...Problem 352E:
You have a garden row of 20 watermelon plants that produce an average of 30 watermelons apiece. For...Problem 353E:
You are constructing a box for your cat to sleep in. The plush material for the square bottom of the...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Functions And GraphsChapter 1.1 - Review Of FunctionsChapter 1.2 - Basic Classes Of FunctionsChapter 1.3 - Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 1.4 - Inverse FunctionsChapter 1.5 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 2 - LimitsChapter 2.1 - A Preview Of CalculusChapter 2.2 - The Limit Of A FunctionChapter 2.3 - The Limit Laws
Chapter 2.4 - ContinuityChapter 2.5 - The Precise Definition Of A LimitChapter 3 - DerivativesChapter 3.1 - Defining The DerivativeChapter 3.2 - The Derivative As A FunctionChapter 3.3 - Differentiation RulesChapter 3.4 - Derivatives As Rates Of ChangeChapter 3.5 - Derivatives Of Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 3.6 - The Chain RuleChapter 3.7 - Derivatives Of Inverse FunctionsChapter 3.8 - Implicit DifferentiationChapter 3.9 - Derivatives Of Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 4 - Applications Of DerivativesChapter 4.1 - Related RatesChapter 4.2 - Linear Approximations And DifferentialsChapter 4.3 - Maxima And MinimaChapter 4.4 - The Mean Value TheoremChapter 4.5 - Derivatives And The Shape Of A GraphChapter 4.6 - Limits At Infinity And AsymptotesChapter 4.7 - Applied Optimization ProblemsChapter 4.8 - L'hopitars RuleChapter 4.9 - Newton's MethodChapter 4.10 - AntiderivativesChapter 5 - IntegrationChapter 5.1 - Approximating AreasChapter 5.2 - The Definite IntegralChapter 5.3 - The Fundamental Theorem Of CalculusChapter 5.4 - Integration Formulas And The Net Change TheoremChapter 5.5 - SubstitutionChapter 5.6 - Integrals Involving Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 5.7 - Integrals Resulting In Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 6 - Applications Of IntegrationChapter 6.1 - Areas Between CurvesChapter 6.2 - Determining Volumes By SlicingChapter 6.3 - Volumes Of Revolution: Cylindrical ShellsChapter 6.4 - Arc Length Of A Curve And Surface AreaChapter 6.5 - Physical ApplicationsChapter 6.6 - Moments And Centers Of MassChapter 6.7 - Integrals, Exponential Functions, And LogarithmsChapter 6.8 - Exponential Growth And DecayChapter 6.9 - Calculus Of The Hyperbolic Functions
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