Solutions for Calculus Volume 2
Problem 207E:
Use basic integration formulas to compute the following antiderivatives. 207. (x1 x )dxProblem 208E:
Use basic integration formulas to compute the following antiderivatives. 208. (e 2x12e x/2)dxProblem 211E:
Use basic integration formulas to compute the following antiderivatives. 211. 0(sinxcosx)dxProblem 212E:
Use basic integration formulas to compute the following antiderivatives. 212. 0/2(xsinx)dxProblem 213E:
Write an integral that expresses the increase in the perimeter P(s} of a square when its side length...Problem 214E:
Write an integral that quantifies the change in the area A(s) = s2 of a square when the side length...Problem 215E:
A regular N—gon (an N—sided polygon with sides that have equal length 5, such as a pentagon or...Problem 216E:
The area of a regular pentagon with Side length a > 0 is pa2 with p=145+5+25 . The Pentagon in...Problem 217E:
A dodecahedron is a Platonic solid with a surface that consists of 12 pentagons, each of equal area....Problem 218E:
An icosahedron is a Platonic solid with a surface that consists of 20 equilateral triangles. By how...Problem 219E:
Write an integral that quantifies the change in the area of the surface of a cube when its side...Problem 220E:
Write an integral that quantifies the increase in the volume of a cube when the side length doubles...Problem 221E:
Write an integral that quantifies the increase in the surface area of a sphere as its radius doubles...Problem 222E:
Write an integral that quantifies the increase in the volume of a sphere as its radius doubles from...Problem 223E:
Suppose that a particle moves along a straight line with velocity v(t)=42t , where 0t2 (in meters...Problem 224E:
Suppose that a particle moves along a straight line with velocity defined by v(t)=t23t18 , where 0t6...Problem 225E:
Suppose that a particle moves along a straight line with velocity defined by v(t)=|2t6| , where 0t6...Problem 226E:
Suppose that a particle moves along a straight line with acceleration defined by a(t)=t3 , where 0t6...Problem 227E:
A ball is thrown upward from a height of 1.5 m at an initial speed of 40 m/sec. Acceleration...Problem 228E:
A ball is thrown upward from a height of 3 m at an initial speed of 60 m/sec. Acceleration resulting...Problem 229E:
The area A(t) DE a circular shape is growing at a constant rate. If the area increases from 4 units...Problem 230E:
A spherical balloon is being in?ated at a constant rate. If the volume of the balloon changes from...Problem 231E:
Water flows into a conical tank with cross—sectional area (x2 at height x and volume x33 up to...Problem 232E:
A horizontal cylindrical tank has cross-sectional area A(x)=4(6xx2)m2 at height x meters above the...Problem 233E:
The following table lists the electrical power in gigawatts—the rate at which energy is...Problem 234E:
The average residential electrical power use (in hundreds of watts) per hour is given in the...Problem 235E:
The data in the following table are used to estimate the average power output produced by Peter...Problem 236E:
Minutes Watts Minutes Watts 15 200 165 170 30 180 180 220 45 190 195 140 60 230 210 225 75 240 225...Problem 237E:
The distribution of incomes as of 2012 in the United States in $5000 increments is given in the...Problem 238E:
Newton’s law of gravity states that the gravitational force exerted by an object of mass M and one...Problem 239E:
For a given motor vehicle, the maximum achievable deceleration from braking is approximately 7...Problem 240E:
John is a 25—year 01d man who weighs 160 1b. He burns 50050t calories/hr while riding his bike for t...Problem 241E:
Sandra is a 25—year old woman who weighs 120 lb. She burns 30050t cal/hr while walking on her...Problem 242E:
A motor vehicle has a maximum efficiency of 33 mpg at a cruising speed of 40 mph. The efficiency...Problem 243E:
Although some engines are more efficient at given a horsepower than others, on average, fuel...Problem 244E:
[T] The following table lists the 2013 schedule of federal income tax versus taxable income. Taxable...Problem 245E:
[T] The following table provides hypothetical data regarding the level of service for a certain...Problem 246E:
For the next two exercises use the data in the following table, which displays bald eagle...Problem 247E:
For the next two exercises use the data in the following table, which displays bald eagle...Problem 248E:
[T] Suppose you go on a road trip and record your speed at every half hour, as compiled in the...Problem 249E:
As a car accelerates, it does not accelerate at a constant rate; rather, the acceleration is...Problem 250E:
As a car accelerates, it does not accelerate at a constant rate; rather, the acceleration is...Problem 251E:
As a car accelerates, it does not accelerate at a constant rate; rather, the acceleration is...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - IntegrationChapter 1.1 - Approximating AreasChapter 1.2 - The Definite IntegralChapter 1.3 - The Fundamental Theorem Of CalculusChapter 1.4 - Integration Formulas And The Net Change TheoremChapter 1.5 - SubstitutionChapter 1.6 - Integrals Involving Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 1.7 - Integrals Resulting In Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 2 - Applications Of IntegrationChapter 2.1 - Areas Between Curves
Chapter 2.2 - Determining Volumes By SlicingChapter 2.3 - Volumes Of Revolution: Cylindrical ShellsChapter 2.4 - Am Length Of A Curve And Surface AreaChapter 2.5 - Physical ApplicationsChapter 2.6 - Moments And Centers Of MassChapter 2.7 - Integrals, Exponential Functions, And LogarithmsChapter 2.8 - Exponential Growth And DecayChapter 2.9 - Calculus Of The Hyperbolic FunctionsChapter 3 - Techniques Of IntegrationChapter 3.1 - Integration By PartsChapter 3.2 - Trigonometric IntegralsChapter 3.3 - Trigonometric SubstitutionChapter 3.4 - Partial FractionsChapter 3.5 - Other Strategies For IntegrationChapter 3.6 - Numerical IntegrationChapter 3.7 - Improper IntegralsChapter 4 - Introduction To Differential EquationsChapter 4.1 - Basics Of Differential EquationsChapter 4.2 - Direction Fields And Numerical MethodsChapter 4.3 - Separable EquationsChapter 4.4 - The Logistic EquationChapter 4.5 - First-order Linear EquationsChapter 5 - Sequences And SeriesChapter 5.1 - SequencesChapter 5.2 - Infinite SeriesChapter 5.3 - The Divergence And Integral TestsChapter 5.4 - Comparison TestsChapter 5.5 - Alternating SeriesChapter 5.6 - Ratio And Root TestsChapter 6 - Power SeriesChapter 6.1 - Power Series And FunctionsChapter 6.2 - Properties Of Power SeriesChapter 6.3 - Taylor And Maclaurin SeriesChapter 6.4 - Working With Taylor SeriesChapter 7 - Parametric Equations And Polar CoordinatesChapter 7.1 - Parametric EquationsChapter 7.2 - Calculus Of Parametric CurvesChapter 7.3 - Polar CoordinatesChapter 7.4 - Area And Arc Length In Polar CoordinatesChapter 7.5 - Conic Sections
Book Details
Calculus is designed for the typical two- or three-semester general calculus course, incorporating innovative features to enhance student learning. The book guides students through the core concepts of calculus and helps them understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them. Due to the comprehensive nature of the material, we are offering the book in three volumes for flexibility and efficiency. Volume 2 covers integration, differential equations, sequences and series, and parametric equations and polar coordinates.
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More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
Calculus Volume 2 by OpenStax
17th Edition
ISBN: 9781506698076
Calculus Volume 2
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781630182021
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