Solutions for Calculus
Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Function And GraphsChapter 1.1 - What Is CalculusChapter 1.2 - PreliminariesChapter 1.3 - Lines In The Plane; Parametric FunctionsChapter 1.4 - Functions And GraphsChapter 1.5 - Inverse Functions; Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 2 - Limits And ContinuityChapter 2.1 - The Limits Of A FunctionChapter 2.2 - Algebraic Computation Of LimitsChapter 2.3 - Continuity
Chapter 2.4 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 3 - DifferentiationChapter 3.1 - An Introduction Ro The Derivative: TangentsChapter 3.2 - Techniques Of DifferentiationChapter 3.3 - Derivatives Of Trigonometic, Exponential, And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 3.4 - Rates Of Change: Modeling Rectilinear MotionChapter 3.5 - The Chain RuleChapter 3.6 - Implicit DifferentiationChapter 3.7 - Related Rates And ApplicationsChapter 3.8 - Linear Approximation And DifferentialsChapter 4 - Additional Applications Of The DerivativeChapter 4.1 - Extreme Values Of A Continuous FunctionChapter 4.2 - The Mean Value TheoremChapter 4.3 - Using Derivatives To Sketch The Graph Of A FunctionChapter 4.4 - Curve Skeching With Asymptotes: Limits Involving InfinityChapter 4.5 - I'hopital's RuleChapter 4.6 - Optimization In The Physical Sciences And EngineeringChapter 4.7 - Optimization In Business, Economics, And The Life SciencesChapter 5 - IntegrationChapter 5.1 - AntidifferentiationChapter 5.2 - Area As The Limit Of A SumChapter 5.3 - Rieman Sums And The Definite IntegralChapter 5.4 - The Fundamental Theorems Of CalculasChapter 5.5 - Integration By SubstitutionChapter 5.6 - Introduction To Differential EquationsChapter 5.7 - The Mean Value Theorem For Integrals; Average ValueChapter 5.8 - Numerical Integration: The Trapezoidal Rule And Simpson's RuleChapter 5.9 - An Alternative Approach: The Logarithm As An IntegralChapter 6 - Additional Applications Of The IntegralChapter 6.1 - Area Between Two CurvesChapter 6.2 - VolumeChapter 6.3 - Polar Forms And AreaChapter 6.4 - Arc Length And Surface AreaChapter 6.5 - Physical Application: Work, Liquid Force, And CentriodsChapter 6.6 - Applications To Business, Economics, And Life SciencesChapter 7 - Methods Of IntegrationChapter 7.1 - Review Of Substitution And Integration By TableChapter 7.2 - Integration By PartsChapter 7.3 - Trigonometric MethodsChapter 7.4 - Methods Of Partial FractionsChapter 7.5 - Summary Of Integration TechniquesChapter 7.6 - First-order Differential EquationsChapter 7.7 - Improper IntegralsChapter 7.8 - Hyperbolic And Inverse Hyperbolic FunctionsChapter 8 - Infinite SeriesChapter 8.1 - Sequences And Their LimitsChapter 8.2 - Introduction To Infinite Series; Geometric SeriesChapter 8.3 - The Integral Test; P SeriesChapter 8.4 - Comparison TestsChapter 8.5 - The Ratio Test And The Root TestChapter 8.6 - Alternating Series; Absolute And Conditional ConvergenceChapter 8.7 - Power SeriesChapter 8.8 - Taylor And Maclaurin SeriesChapter 9 - Vectors In The Plane And In SpaceChapter 9.1 - Vectors In R2Chapter 9.2 - Coordinates And Vectors In R3Chapter 9.3 - The Dot ProductChapter 9.4 - The Cross ProductChapter 9.5 - Lines In R3Chapter 9.6 - Planes In R3Chapter 9.7 - Quadric SurfacesChapter 10 - Vector-valued FunctionsChapter 10.1 - Introduction To Vector FunctionsChapter 10.2 - Differentiation And Integration Of Vector FunctionsChapter 10.3 - Modeling Ballistics And Planetary MotionChapter 10.4 - Unit Tangent And Principal Unit Normal Vectors; CurvatureChapter 10.5 - Tangential And Normal Componenets Of AccelerationChapter 11 - Partial DifferentiationChapter 11.1 - Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 11.2 - Limits And ContinuityChapter 11.3 - Partial DerivativesChapter 11.4 - Tangent Planes, Approxiamtions, And DifferentiabilityChapter 11.5 - Chain RulesChapter 11.6 - Directional Derivatives And The GradientChapter 11.7 - Extrema Of Functions Of Two VariabelsChapter 11.8 - Lagrange MultipliersChapter 12 - Multiple IntegrationChapter 12.1 - Double Integration Over Rectangular RegionsChapter 12.2 - Double Integration Over Nonrectangular RegionsChapter 12.3 - Double Integrals In Polar CoordinatesChapter 12.4 - Surface AreaChapter 12.5 - Triple IntegralsChapter 12.6 - Mass, Moments, And Probability Density FunctionsChapter 12.7 - Cylindrical And Spherical CoordinatesChapter 12.8 - Jacobians: Change Of VariablesChapter 13 - Vector AnalysisChapter 13.1 - Properties Of A Vector Field: Divergence And CurlChapter 13.2 - Line IntegralsChapter 13.3 - The Fundamental Theorem And Path IndependenceChapter 13.4 - Green's TheoremChapter 13.5 - Surface IntegralsChapter 13.6 - Stokes' Theorem And ApplicationsChapter 13.7 - Divergence Theorem And ApplicationsChapter 14 - Introduction To Differential EquationsChapter 14.1 - First-order Differential EquationsChapter 14.2 - Second-order Homogeneous Linear Differential EquationsChapter 14.3 - Second-order Nonhomogeneous Linear Differential Equations
Book Details
The NEW 6th edition of Calculus blends the best aspects of calculus reform along with the goals and methodology of traditional calculus. The format of this text is enhanced, but is not dominated by new technology. Its innovative presentation includes: Conceptual Understanding through Verbalization Mathematical Communication Cooperative Learning Group Research Projects Integration of Technology Greater Text Visualization Supplementary Materials Calculus features: Interactive art -Many pieces of art in the book link online to dynamic art to illustrate such topics as limits, slopes, areas, and direction fields An early presentation of transcendental functions: Logarithms, exponential functions, and trigonometric functions Differential equations in a natural and reasonable way Utilization of the humanness of mathematics Precalculus mathematics being taught at most colleges and universities correctly reflected Think Tank problems to prove the proposition true or to find a counterexample to disprove the proposition Exploration Problems that go beyond the category of counterexample problem to provide opportunities for innovative thinking Journal Problems have been reprinted from leading mathematics journals in an effort to show that "mathematicians work problems too" Modeling Problems requires the reader to make assumptions about the real world in order to come up with the necessary formula or information to answer the question A student solutions manual, instructor's manual, and accompanying website
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Calculus homework problems. See examples below:
Explantion: Natural Numbers: All positive integers (other than zero) are said to be natural numbers....Calculation: Let the function f(x) . The limit of a function f(x) is L and L∈R , as x approaches c,...A tangent to a function f(x) at the point x =a is a line that just touches the graph of the function...Given information: The absolute and relative extrema of a function. Relative extrema is the extreme...Given:The antiderivative. The reverese order of derivative is called antideriavtive. g...The process for finding the area between two curves: Suppose f and g are functions such that...The method of integration by substitution or change of variables is based on the chain rule for...A sequence is a function whose domain is the set of natural numbers or some subset of it. For...A Vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. A vector PQ is represented as a...
A vector valued function F of a real variable with domain D assigns each number t∈D with a unique...Function of two variables is a function whose inputs are points (x,y) in the xy plane and whose...Double integrals are a methods to integrate over a two-dimensional area. Consider a function of two...In vector calculus and physics, a vector field is an assignment of a vector to each point in a...A separable differential equation is one that can be broken into a set of separate equations of...
More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
Calculus: Special Edition: Chapters 1-5 (w/ WebAssign)
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781524908102
Calculus: Special Edition: Chapters 1-5
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781524971359
Student's Solution Manual and Survival Manual for Calculus
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781465241658
7th Edition
ISBN: 9781524971434
Calculus: Special Edition Chapters 5-8, 11, 12, 14 (w/ Webassign)
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781524908119
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780073383118
7th Edition
ISBN: 9781524973803
7th Edition
ISBN: 9781524916817
Student's Solution and Survival Manual for Calculus
7th Edition
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