Solutions for Applied Fluid Mechanics: Global Edition
Problem 6.1PP:
Convert a volume flow rate of 3.0 gal/min to rrP/s.Problem 6.2PP:
Convert 459 gal/min to rrP/s.Problem 6.3PP:
Convert 3720 gal/min to mJ/sProblem 6.4PP:
Convert 34.3 gal/min to mJ/sProblem 6.5PP:
Convert a volume flow rate of 125 L/min to m3/s.Problem 6.6PP:
Convert 4500 L/min to m5/s.Problem 6.7PP:
Convert 15 000 L/minto m3/s.Problem 6.8PP:
Convert 459 gal/min to L/mninProblem 6.9PP:
Convert 3720 gal/min to L/minProblem 6.10PP:
Convert 23.5cm2/stom3/s.Problem 6.11PP:
'6.11 Convert 0.296cm5/stom3/s.Problem 6.12PP:
Convert 0.105 cm3/s to L/minProblem 6.13PP:
Convert 3.53103m3/s to L/min.Problem 6.14PP:
Convert 5.26106m3stoL/min.Problem 6.16PP:
Convert 20 gal/min to ft'/s.Problem 6.17PP:
Convert 2500 gal/min to ft5/s.Problem 6.18PP:
Convert 2.50 gal/min to ft3/s.Problem 6.19PP:
Convert 125 ft3/s to gal/minProblem 6.20PP:
Convert 0.060 ft3/s to gal/min.Problem 6.21PP:
Convert 0.03 ft5/s to gal/minProblem 6.22PP:
Convert ft5/s sto gal/minProblem 6.23PP:
Table 6.21 lists the range of typical volume flow rates for centrifugal fire-fighting pumps to be...Problem 6.24PP:
Table 6.2 lists the range of typical volume flow rates for pumps in industrial oil hydraulic systems...Problem 6.25PP:
A certain deep-well pump for a residence is rated to deliver 745 gal/h of water. Express thisProblem 6.26PP:
A small pump delivers 0.85 gal/h of liquid fertilizer. Express this flow rate in ft3/s.Problem 6.27PP:
A small metering pump delivers 11.4 gal of a water treatment chemical per 24 h. Express this flow...Problem 6.28PP:
A small metering pump delivers 19.5 mL/min of water to dilute a waste stream. Express this flow rate...Problem 6.29PP:
Water at 10 C is flowing at 0.075 m3/s Calculate the wseight flow rate and the mass flow rateProblem 6.30PP:
Oil for a hydraulic system (sg =0.90 ) is flowing at 2.35103m3/s. Calculate the weight flow rate and...Problem 6.31PP:
A liquid refrigerant (sg = 1.08) is flowing at a weight flow rate of 28.5 N/h. Calculate the volume...Problem 6.32PP:
After the refrigerant from Problem 6.31 flashes into a vapor, its specific weight is 12.50N/m3. If...Problem 6.33PP:
A fan delivers 640ft3/min (CFM) of air. If the density of the air is 1.20kg/m3 scompute the mass...Problem 6.34PP:
A large blower for a furnace delivers 47000ft3/min (CFM) of air having a specific weight of...Problem 6.35PP:
A furnace requires 1200 Ib/h of air for efficient combustion. If the air has a specific weight of...Problem 6.36PP:
If a pump removes 1.65 gal/min of water from a tank, how long will it take to empty the tank if it...Problem 6.37PP:
Calculate the diameter of a pipe that would carry 75.0ft3/s of a liquid at an average velocity of...Problem 6.38PP:
If the velocity of a liquid is 1.65 ft/s in a special pipe with an inside diameter of 12 in, what is...Problem 6.39PP:
When 2000 L/min of water flows through a circular section with an inside diameter of 300 mm that...Problem 6.40PP:
Water flows at 1.20 m/s in a circular section with a 150 mm inside diameter. Calculate the velocity...Problem 6.41PP:
Figure 6.16 shows a fabricated assembly made from three different sizes of standard steel tubing...Problem 6.42PP:
A standard Schedule 40 steel pipe is to be selected to carry 10 gal/min of water with a maximum...Problem 6.43PP:
If water at 180 F is flowing with a velocity of 4.50 ft/s in a standard 6-in Schedule 40 pipe,...Problem 6.44PP:
A standard steel tube, 1.5 25-mm OD 3 1,5-mm wall (Appendix G.2), is carrying 19.7 Umin of oil....Problem 6.45PP:
The recommended velocity of flow in the discharge line of an oil hydraulic system is in the range of...Problem 6.46PP:
Repeat Problem 6.45, except specify suitable sizes for the suction lines to maintain the velocity...Problem 6.47PP:
Table 6.2 shows the typical volume flow rate for centrifugal fire-fighting pumps is in the range of...Problem 6.48PP:
Repeat Problem 6.47 but use Schedule 80 DM pipeProblem 6.49PP:
Compute the resulting velocity of flow if 400 L/min of fluid flows through a DN 50 Schedule 40 pipe.Problem 6.50PP:
Repeat Problem 6.49 for a DN 50 Schedule 30 pipe.Problem 6.51PP:
Compute the resulting velocity of flow if 400 gal/min of fluid flows through a 4-in Schedule 40...Problem 6.52PP:
Repeat Problem 6.51 for a 4-in Schedule 30 pipe.Problem 6.53PP:
From the list of standard hydraulic steel tubing in Appendix Gs, select the smallest size that would...Problem 6.54PP:
A standard 6-in Schedule 40 steel pipe is carrying 95 gal/min of water. The pipe then branches into...Problem 6.55PP:
For Problems 6.55-6.57, use Fig. 6.3 O to specify suitable Schedule 40 pipe sizes for carrying the...Problem 6.56PP:
For Problems 6.55-6.57, use Fig. 6.3 to specify suitable Schedule 40 pipe sizes for carrying the...Problem 6.57PP:
For Problems 6.55-6.57, use Fig. 6.3 O to specify suitable Schedule 40 pipe sizes for carrying the...Problem 6.58PP:
A venturi meter is a device that uses a constriction in a flow system to measure the velocity of...Problem 6.59PP:
A flow nozzle, shown in Fig. 6.18 is used to measure the velocity of flow. If the nozzle is...Problem 6.60PP:
Gasoline (sg = 0.67) is flowing at 0.11 m3/s in the fabricated tube shown in Fig. 6.19 If the...Problem 6.61PP:
Water at 10 C is flowing from point A to point B through the fabricated section shown in Fig. 6.20...Problem 6.62PP:
Calculate the volume flow rate of water at 5 C through the system shown in Fig. 6.21Problem 6.63PP:
Calculate the pressure required in the larger section just ahead of the nozzle in Fig. 6.22 ito...Problem 6.64PP:
Kerosene with a specific weight of 50.0 lb/ft3 is flowing at 10 gal/min from a standard 1 -in...Problem 6.65PP:
For the system shown in Fig. 6.23 ; calculate (a) the volume flow rate of water from the nozzle and...Problem 6.66PP:
For the system shown in Fig. 6.24ss, calculate (a) the volume flow rate of oil from the nozzle and...Problem 6.67PP:
For the tank shown in Fig. 6.25lO, calculate the volume flow rate of water from the nozzle The tank...Problem 6.68PP:
Calculate the pressure of the air in the sealed tank shown in Fig. 6.25 that would cause the...Problem 6.69PP:
For the siphon in Fig. 6.26, calculate (a) the volume flow rate of water through the nozzle and (b)...Problem 6.70PP:
For the siphon in Fig. 6.26 , calculate the distance X required to obtain a volume flow rate of 7.1 ...Problem 6.71PP:
For the siphon in Fig. 6.26 , assume that the volume flow rate is 5.6103m3/s. Determine the maximum...Problem 6.72PP:
For the siphon shown in Fig. 6.27, calculate (a) the volume flow rate of oil from the tank and (b)...Problem 6.73PP:
For the special fabricated reducer shown in Fig. 6.28. the pressure at A is 50.0 psig and the...Problem 6.74PP:
In the fabricated enlargement shown in Fig. 6.29, the pressure at A is 25.6 psig and the pressure at...Problem 6.75PP:
Figure 6.30 shows a manometer being used to indicate the pressure difference between two points in a...Problem 6.76PP:
For the venturi meter shown in Fig. 6.30, calculate the manometer deflection h if the velocity of...Problem 6.77PP:
Oil with a specific weight of 8.64 kN/m3 flows from A to B through the special fabricated system...Problem 6.78PP:
The venturi meter shown in Fig. 6.32 iP carries oil (sg = 0.90). The specific gravity of the gage...Problem 6.79PP:
Oil with a specific gravity of 0.90 is flowing downward through the venturi meter shown in Fig. 6...Problem 6.80PP:
Oil with a specific gravity of 0.90 is flowing downward through the venturi meter shown in Fig. 6...Problem 6.81PP:
Gasoline (sg = 0.67) is flowing at 4.0 ft3/s in the fabricated reducer shown in Fig. 6.34If the...Problem 6.82PP:
Oil with a specific weight of 55.0lb/ft3 flows from A to B through the system shown in Fig 6.35....Problem 6.83PP:
Draw a plot of elevation head, pressure head, velocity head, and total head for the siphon system...Problem 6.85PP:
Figure 6.36 shows a system in which water flows from a tank through a pipe system having several...Problem 6.86PP:
Figure 6.37 shows a venturi meter with a U-tube manometer to measure the velocity of flow. When no...Problem 6.87PP:
For the tank shown in Fig. 6.38, compute the velocity of flow from the outlet nozzle at varying...Problem 6.88PP:
What depth of fluid above the outlet nozzle is required to deliver 200 gal/min of water from the...Problem 6.89PP:
Derive Torricelli's theorem for the velocity of flow from a tank through an orifice opening into the...Problem 6.93PP:
What pressure is required above the water in Fig. 6.12 to cause the jet to rise to 28.0 ft? The...Problem 6.94PP:
What pressure is required above the water in Fig. 6.13 to cause the jet to rise to 9.50 m? The water...Problem 6.95PP:
Compute the time required to empty the tank shown in Fig. 6.14 if the original depth is 2.68 m. The...Problem 6.96PP:
Compute the time required to empty the tank shown in Fig. 6.14 if the original depth is 55 mm. The...Problem 6.97PP:
Compute the time required to empty the tank shown in Fig. 6.14 if the original depth is 15 ft. The...Problem 6.98PP:
Compute the time required to empty the tank shown in Fig. 6.14 if the original depth is 18.5 in. The...Problem 6.99PP:
Compute the time required to reduce the depth in the tank shown in Fig. 6.1415 by 1.50 m if the...Problem 6.100PP:
Compute the time required to reduce the depth in the tank shown in Fig. 6.14 by 225 mm if the...Problem 6.101PP:
Compute the time required to reduce the depth in the tank shown in Fig. 6.14 by 12.5 in if the...Problem 6.102PP:
Compute the time required to reduce the depth in the tank shown in Fig. 6.14 by 21.0 ft if the...Problem 6.104PP:
Repeat Problem 6.101 if the tank is sealed and a pressure of 2.8 psig is above the water in the...Problem 6.105PP:
Repeat Problem 6.96 if the tank is sealed and a pressure of 20 kPa(gage) is above the water in the...Problem 6.106PP:
Repeat Problem 6.100 if the tank is sealed and a pressure of 35 kPa(gage) is above the water in the...Problem 6.107PP:
A village currently carries water by hand from a lake that is 1200 m from the village center, It is...Problem 6.108PP:
A "spa tub" is to be designed to replace bath tubs in renovations. There are to be 6 outlet nozzles,...Problem 6.109PP:
A simple soft drink system relies on pressurized CO2 to force the soft drink (sg = 1.08 ) from its...Problem 6.110PP:
A concept team for a toy company is considering a new squirt gun. They have an idea for one that...Problem 6.111PP:
6.111 Bernoulli's principle applies to Venturi tubes that are used in many practical devices such as...Problem 6.113PP:
You are to develop a mixing valve for use in a dairy processing facility. The rated output of the...Problem 6.115PP:
You would like to empty the in-ground pool in the back yard but the drain at the bottom of the pool...Problem 1AP:
Create a spreadsheet for computing the values of the pressure head, the velocity head, the elevation...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Nature Of Fluids And The Study Of Fluid MechanicsChapter 2 - Viscosity Of FluidsChapter 3 - Pressure MeasurementChapter 4 - Forces Due To Static FluidsChapter 5 - Buoyancy And StabilityChapter 6 - Flow Of Fluids And Bernoulli’s EquationChapter 7 - General Energy EquationChapter 8 - Reynolds Number, Laminar Flow, Turbulent Flow, And Energy Losses Due To FrictionChapter 9 - Velocity Profiles For Circular Sections And Flow In Noncircular SectionsChapter 10 - Minor Losses
Chapter 11 - Series Pipeline SystemsChapter 12 - Parallel And Branching Pipeline SystemsChapter 13 - Pump Selection And ApplicationChapter 14 - Open-channel FlowChapter 15 - Flow MeasurementChapter 16 - Forces Due To Fluids In MotionChapter 17 - Drag And LiftChapter 18 - Fans, Blowers, Compressors, And The Flow Of GasesChapter 19 - Flow Of Air In Ducts
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