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Stewart's CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Fifth Edition, Volume Two has the mathematical precision, accuracy, clarity of exposition and outstanding examples and problem sets that have characterized the first four editions. In this Fifth Edition, Stewart retains the focus on problem solving and the pedagogical system that has worked so well for students in a wide variety of colleges and universities throughout the world. He has made refinements to the exposition and examples to ensure that students have the best materials available. Further support for students and instructors is now available through a vast array of supplementary material. This new one-term version of the text provides more options for choosing a text to fit the course needs, along with the flexibility to select the resources that you want with the text.
- NEW! More than 25 percent of the exercises are new. Many of the new exercises make use of current data so students gain a better appreciation for the use of calculus as they learn to solve problems
- NEW!, an enriching Web site, provides a wealth of additional resources for students and instructors. The renovated site has a collection of exercises, with solutions, that existed in previous editions of the texts; downloadable versions of CalcLab manuals for the TI graphing calculators and Derive; algebra review and tutorials; additional topics; review quizzes, and much more.
- NEW! Instructor's Resource CD-ROM--a world of resources at your fingertips. This CD contains CalcLink 3.0 (a Microsoft PowerPoint collection of figures from the text, with animations and narration), iLrn 2.0 Testing, the Instructor's Guide, Complete Electronic Solutions, and a Resource Integration Guide that makes it easy to incorporate the extensive supplements package into your teaching.
- NEW! WebTutor for WebCT or Blackboard is available with this edition of CALCULUS.
- Stewart's writing style speaks clearly and directly to the student, guiding them through key ideas, theorems, and problem solving steps. He encourages students to think as they read and learn calculus.
- Every concept is supported by thoughtfully worked examples - many with step-by-step explanations - and carefully chosen exercises. The quality of this pedagogical system is what sets Stewart's texts above others.
- A clean, user-friendly design provides a clear presentation of calculus. The art program and its functional and consistent use of color helps students identify and review mathematical concepts more easily.
- The topic of Differential Equations is unified by the theme of modeling. Qualitative, numerical, and analytic approaches are given equal consideration.
- Examples are not only models for problem solving or a means of demonstrating techniques--they also encourage students to develop an analytic view of the subject. Many of these detailed examples display solutions that are presented graphically, analytically, and/or numerically to provide further insight into mathematical concepts. Margin notes expand on and clarify the steps of the solution.
- Stewart draws on physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, medicine, and social science to motivate students and demonstrate the power of calculus as a problem-solving tool.
- Stewart's text has an extensive collection of more than 8,000 quality exercises. Each exercise set is carefully graded, progressing from skill-development problems to more challenging problems involving applications and proofs. The wide variety of types of exercises includes many technology-oriented, thought-provoking, real, and engaging problems.
- NEW! New writing, laboratory, applied, and discovery projects foster greater understanding of concepts and encourage students to apply their problem solving skills to practical situations.
- Conceptual exercises encourage the development of communication skills by explicitly requesting descriptions, conjectures, and explanations. These exercises stimulate critical thinking and reinforce the concepts of calculus.
- Projects include: 'Writing Projects' that ask students to compare present-day methods with those of the founders of calculus; 'Laboratory Projects' featuring content that engages student interest; 'Applied Projects' that capture students' imagination and demonstrate the real-world use of mathematics; and 'Discovery Projects' that anticipate results to be discussed later.
- Use of technology is optional--appropriate use is recommended as a powerful stimulus to enhance mathematical discovery. Students are encouraged to use a graphing utility or computer algebra system as a tool for exploration, discovery, and problem-solving. Many opportunities to execute complicated computations, and to verify the results of other solution methods using technology are presented.
- In addition to describing the benefits of using technology, the text also pays special attention to its possible misuse or misinterpretation. Notable section: Graphing with Calculus and Calculators (Section 4.6).
- Many exercises in the text can be solved using technology--icons identify exercises where a graphing utility or a computer algebra system are recommended.
- Comprehensive review sections follow each chapter. A 'Concept Check' and 'True/False Quiz' allow the student to prepare for upcoming tests through ideas and skill-building. These are included to further support the idea of conceptual understanding.
- 'Strategies' sections (based on George Polya's problem-solving methodology) help students select what techniques they'll need to solve problems in situations where the choice is not obvious. These sections also help them develop true problem-solving skills and intuition.
- "Problems Plus" are collections of more challenging exercises, found at the end of every chapter. These exercises reinforce concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. 'Problems Plus' sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem.
- Historical and biographical margin notes enliven the course and show students that mathematics was developed to help explain and represent natural phenomena
- NEW! Stewart has made literally hundreds of small improvements: new examples, additional steps in existing examples, new phrases and margin notes to clarify the exposition, references to other sources and web sites, and redrawn art.
- NEW! Sections 10.2 and 10.3 have been combined into a single section called "Calculus with Parametric Curves."
- NEW! In addition to the already expansive set of ancillary materials, there are many new supplements for the Fifth Edition. New package items include an Instructor's Resource CD-ROM, videotapes, and BCA Testing and Tutorials, and much more. See the supplements section for a complete and descriptive list. Technology oriented supplements were developed with guidance from a "Teaching Calculus with Technology" focus group. All ancillaries are developed under the direction of Jim Stewart.
- NEW! A "Tools for Enriching Calculus" CD-ROM is available for packaging with the text. References to "Tools for Enriching Calculus (TEC)," a tutorial CD-ROM,are indicated throughout the text by the use of a marginal icon. These icons direct students to a specific interactive JAVA applet that helps students visualize the concept being learned. In addition, problems numbered in red correspond with "Homework Hints" on the CD-ROM. These hints guide students through the problem solving process, allowing students to find their own solution. TEC is also a useful classroom presentation tool for instructors.
- NEW! An INTERACTIVE VIDEO SKILLBUILDER CD-ROM, is also available to help your students review and learn key concepts.
- NEW! The text is now supported by iLrn. Available online or on CD-ROM, browser-based iLrn is fully integrated testing, tutorial, and course management software. iLrn offers algorithmically generated problem values and machine-graded free response mathematics.
- NEW! iLrn's online system also contains guided step-wise solutions to problems with context specific feedback.
More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below: