Inventory Turnover Ratio: Inventory Turnover Ratio measures the efficiency of the company in converting its inventory into sales. It is calculated by dividing the Cost of goods sold by Average inventory. The formula of the Inventory Turnover Ratio is as follows: I n v e n t o r y T u r n o v e r R a t i o = C o s t o f g o o d s s o l d A v e r a g e i n v e n t o r y Note: Average inventory is calculated with the help of following formula: A v e r a g e i n v e n t o r y = ( B e g i n n i n g i n v e n t o r y + E n d i n g i n v e n t o r y ) 2 Day's sales in inventory: Days sales in inventory represent the number of days the inventory waits for the sale. It is calculated using the following formula: D a y S a l e s i n I n v e n t o r y = I n v e n t o r y * 365 C o s t o f G o o d s S o l d To Calculate: The Days Sales in Inventory.
Inventory Turnover Ratio: Inventory Turnover Ratio measures the efficiency of the company in converting its inventory into sales. It is calculated by dividing the Cost of goods sold by Average inventory. The formula of the Inventory Turnover Ratio is as follows: I n v e n t o r y T u r n o v e r R a t i o = C o s t o f g o o d s s o l d A v e r a g e i n v e n t o r y Note: Average inventory is calculated with the help of following formula: A v e r a g e i n v e n t o r y = ( B e g i n n i n g i n v e n t o r y + E n d i n g i n v e n t o r y ) 2 Day's sales in inventory: Days sales in inventory represent the number of days the inventory waits for the sale. It is calculated using the following formula: D a y S a l e s i n I n v e n t o r y = I n v e n t o r y * 365 C o s t o f G o o d s S o l d To Calculate: The Days Sales in Inventory.
Inventory Turnover Ratio measures the efficiency of the company in converting its inventory into sales. It is calculated by dividing the Cost of goods sold by Average inventory. The formula of the Inventory Turnover Ratio is as follows:
Calm Ltd has the following data relating tò two investment projects, only one of which mayb e s e l e c t e d :The cost of capital is 10 per cent, and depreciation is calculated using straight line method.a . Calculate for each of the project:i. Average annual accounting rate of return on average capital investedi i . Net Present Valuei l l . I n t e r n a l R a t e o f Returnb. Discuss the relative merits of the methods of evaluation mentioned above in (a).Q.4a . In the context of process costing, discuss the following concepts briefly, i . Equivalent unitsNormal lossill. Abnormal lossi v. Joint productsV . By productsb . Discuss the different types of standard costing and objectives of standard costing.