Inventory Turnover Ratio: Inventory Turnover Ratio measures the efficiency of the company in converting its inventory into sales. It is calculated by dividing the Cost of goods sold by the Average inventory. The formula of the Inventory Turnover Ratio is as follows: I n v e n t o r y T u r n o v e r R a t i o = C o s t o f g o o d s s o l d A v e r a g e i n v e n t o r y Note: Average inventory is calculated with the help of following formula: A v e r a g e i n v e n t o r y = ( B e g i n n i n g i n v e n t o r y + E n d i n g i n v e n t o r y ) 2 Day's sales in inventory: Days sales in inventory represent the number of days the inventory waits for the sale. It is calculated using the following formula: D a y S a l e s i n I n v e n t o r y = I n v e n t o r y * 365 C o s t o f G o o d s S o l d To Choose: The measure useful in evaluating efficiency in the management of inventories.
Inventory Turnover Ratio: Inventory Turnover Ratio measures the efficiency of the company in converting its inventory into sales. It is calculated by dividing the Cost of goods sold by the Average inventory. The formula of the Inventory Turnover Ratio is as follows: I n v e n t o r y T u r n o v e r R a t i o = C o s t o f g o o d s s o l d A v e r a g e i n v e n t o r y Note: Average inventory is calculated with the help of following formula: A v e r a g e i n v e n t o r y = ( B e g i n n i n g i n v e n t o r y + E n d i n g i n v e n t o r y ) 2 Day's sales in inventory: Days sales in inventory represent the number of days the inventory waits for the sale. It is calculated using the following formula: D a y S a l e s i n I n v e n t o r y = I n v e n t o r y * 365 C o s t o f G o o d s S o l d To Choose: The measure useful in evaluating efficiency in the management of inventories.
Solution Summary: The author explains that Inventory Turnover Ratio measures the efficiency of the company in converting its inventory into sales.
Inventory Turnover Ratio measures the efficiency of the company in converting its inventory into sales. It is calculated by dividing the Cost of goods sold by the Average inventory. The formula of the Inventory Turnover Ratio is as follows:
During April, the production department of a process operations system completed and transferred to finished goods a total of 65,000 units of product. At the end of March, 15,000 additional units were in process in the production department and were 80% complete with respect to materials. The beginning inventory included a materials cost of $57,500 and the production department incurred a direct materials cost of $183,000 during April. Compute the direct materials cost per equivalent unit for the department using the weighted-average method. Question