C++ for Engineers and Scientists
C++ for Engineers and Scientists
4th Edition
ISBN: 9781133187844
Author: Bronson, Gary J.
Publisher: Course Technology Ptr
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Chapter 8.5, Problem 5E


Program Plan Intro

Program Plan:

  • Include library files for various operations.
  • Declare object of ofstream.
  • Create a file named “gradeUpdate.dat” to write contents.
  • Use if statement with fail() method to check that the entered file name is available or not.
  • Read data from the program and write data to the file.
  • int main() function is used to perform all the task.
  • Display the calculated results to the user.

Program Description: The main purpose of this program is to create the “gradeUpdate.dat” file and to store the given data in the file.


Program Plan Intro

Program Plan:

  • Include library files for various operations.
  • Declare twoobjects ofofstream and ifstream.
  • Open both the given file “grades.dat” and “gradeUpdate.dat”.
  • Use if statement with fail() method to check that the file name is available or not.
  • Use arrays, for retrieving the data per row from the file to generate the student record.
  • Convert the string values from the arrays to the integer values for manipulations.
  • Calculate the total credits and GPA obtained by each student.
  • int main() function is used to perform all the task.
  • Display the calculated results to the user.

Program Description: The main purpose of this program is toupdate the “gradeUpdate.dat” file created in part (a ) by using the “gardes.dat” file created in the previous question.

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