Linear Algebra with Applications (2-Download)
Linear Algebra with Applications (2-Download)
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780321796974
Author: Otto Bretscher
Publisher: PEARSON
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Chapter 6.3, Problem 3E
To determine

Find the area of the triangle using given data.

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Chapter 6 Solutions

Linear Algebra with Applications (2-Download)

Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 11 through 22, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 23 through 30, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 23 through 30, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 23 through 30, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 23 through 30, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 23 through 30, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 23 through 30, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 23 through 30, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 23 through 30, use the determinant to...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinants of the matrices A in...Ch. 6.1 - If A is an nn matrix, what is the relationship bet...Ch. 6.1 - If A is an nn matrix and k is an arbitrary...Ch. 6.1 - If A is a 22 matrix, what is the relationship...Ch. 6.1 - If A is an invertible 22 matrix, what is the...Ch. 6.1 - Find nonzero numbers a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h such...Ch. 6.1 - Find 22 matrices A, B, C, D such that...Ch. 6.1 - For two nonparallel vectors v and w in 3 ,...Ch. 6.1 - Prob. 50ECh. 6.1 - Explain why any pattern P in a matrix A, other...Ch. 6.1 - Consider two vectors v and w in 3 . Form the...Ch. 6.1 - Find the determinant of the (2n)(2n) matrix A=[0 I...Ch. 6.1 - Is the determinant of the matrix...Ch. 6.1 - Does the following matrix have an LU...Ch. 6.1 - Let Mn be the nn matrix with all 1‘s along “the...Ch. 6.1 - A square matrix is called a permutation matrix if...Ch. 6.1 - a. Find a noninvertible 22 matrix whose entries...Ch. 6.1 - Consider the function F(A)=F[vw]=vw from 22 to ,...Ch. 6.1 - Which of the following functions F of A=[abcd] are...Ch. 6.1 - Show that the function F[abcdefghj]=bfg is linear...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 62 through 64, consider a function D...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 62 through 64, consider a function D...Ch. 6.1 - In Exercises 62 through 64, consider a function D...Ch. 6.1 - Consider a function D from 33 to that is linearin...Ch. 6.1 - a. Let V be the linear space of all functions F...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a 44matrix A with rows v1,v2,v3,v4. If...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a 44matrix A with rows v1,v2,v3,v4. If...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a 44matrix A with rows v1,v2,v3,v4. If...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a 44matrix A with rows v1,v2,v3,v4. If...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a 44matrix A with rows v1,v2,v3,v4. If...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a 44matrix A with rows v1,v2,v3,v4. If...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinants of the linear...Ch. 6.2 - Let Pn be the nn matrix whose entries are all...Ch. 6.2 - Consider two distinct real numbers, a and b. We...Ch. 6.2 - Vandermonde determinants (introduced by...Ch. 6.2 - Use Exercise 31 to find...Ch. 6.2 - Prob. 33ECh. 6.2 - Prob. 34ECh. 6.2 - Consider two distinct points [a1a2] and [b1b2] in...Ch. 6.2 - Prob. 36ECh. 6.2 - Prob. 37ECh. 6.2 - Prob. 38ECh. 6.2 - If A is an invertible matrix, what can you say...Ch. 6.2 - If A is an orthogonal matrix, what are the...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a skew-symmetric nn matrix A. where nis...Ch. 6.2 - Consider an nm matrix A=QR ,where Q is an nm...Ch. 6.2 - Consider two vectors v and w in n . Form the...Ch. 6.2 - The cross product in n . Consider the vectors...Ch. 6.2 - Find the derivative of the function...Ch. 6.2 - Given some numbers a, b, c, d, e, and f such that...Ch. 6.2 - Is the function T[abcd]=ad+bc linear in the rows...Ch. 6.2 - Consider the linear transformation T(x)=det[ v 1...Ch. 6.2 - Give an example of a 33 matrix A with all nonzero...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinant of the matrix...Ch. 6.2 - Find the determinant of the (2n)(2n) matrix A=[0 I...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a 22 matrix A=[abcd] with column vectors...Ch. 6.2 - Consider an invertible 22 matrix A with...Ch. 6.2 - Let A and B be 22 matrices with integer entries...Ch. 6.2 - For a fixed positive integer n, let D be a...Ch. 6.2 - Use the characterization of the determinant given...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a linear transformation T from m+n to m...Ch. 6.2 - Find the matrix M introduced in Exercise 57for the...Ch. 6.2 - If the equation detA=detB holds for two nn...Ch. 6.2 - Consider an nn matrix A. Show that swapping the...Ch. 6.2 - Consider nn matrices A. B. C, and D, where A...Ch. 6.2 - Consider nn matrices A, B , C, and D such that...Ch. 6.2 - Show that more than n!=123n multiplications are...Ch. 6.2 - Show that fewer than en! algebraic operations...Ch. 6.2 - Let Mn be the nn matrix with 1‘s on the main...Ch. 6.2 - Let Mn be the matrix with all 1‘s along the main...Ch. 6.2 - Consider a pattern P in an nn matrix, and choose...Ch. 6.2 - Using the terminology introduced in the proof of...Ch. 6.2 - Let G be the set of all integers x that can be...Ch. 6.2 - Throughout this exercise, consider the Fibonacci...Ch. 6.3 - Find the area of the parallelogram defined by [37]...Ch. 6.3 - Find the area of the triangle defined by [37] and...Ch. 6.3 - Prob. 3ECh. 6.3 - Consider the area A of the triangle with vertices...Ch. 6.3 - The tetrahedron defined by three vectors v1,v2,v3...Ch. 6.3 - What is the relationship between the volume of...Ch. 6.3 - Find the area of the following region:Ch. 6.3 - Demonstrate the equation |detA|=v1v2vn for a...Ch. 6.3 - If v1 and v2 are linearly independent vectors in 2...Ch. 6.3 - Consider an nn matrix A=[v1v2vn] .What is the...Ch. 6.3 - Consider a linear transformation T(x)=Ax from 2 to...Ch. 6.3 - Consider those 44 matrices whose entries are all...Ch. 6.3 - Prob. 13ECh. 6.3 - Find the 3-volume of the 3-parallelepiped defined...Ch. 6.3 - Demonstrate Theorem 6.3.6 for linearly dependent...Ch. 6.3 - True orfalse? If is a parallelogram in 3 and...Ch. 6.3 - (For some background on the cross product in n ,...Ch. 6.3 - If T(x)=Ax is an invertible linear transformation...Ch. 6.3 - A basis v1,v2,v3 of 3 is called positively...Ch. 6.3 - We say that a linear transformation T from 3 to 3...Ch. 6.3 - Arguing geometrically, determine whether the...Ch. 6.3 - Use Cramer’s rule to solve the systems in...Ch. 6.3 - Use Cramer’s rule to solve the systems in...Ch. 6.3 - Use Cramer’s rule to solve the systems in...Ch. 6.3 - Find the classical adjoint of the matrix...Ch. 6.3 - Consider an nn matrix A with integer entries such...Ch. 6.3 - Consider two positive numbers a and b. Solve the...Ch. 6.3 - In an economics text,10 we find the following...Ch. 6.3 - In an economics text11 we find the following...Ch. 6.3 - Find the classical adjointof A=[100230456] .Ch. 6.3 - Find the classical adjointof A=[111123166] .Ch. 6.3 - Find the classical adjointof A=[0001010000101000]...Ch. 6.3 - Find the classical adjointof A=[1000020000300004]...Ch. 6.3 - For an invertible nn matrix A, find the product...Ch. 6.3 - For an invertible nn matrix A, what is the...Ch. 6.3 - For an invertible nn matrix A, what is adj(adj A)?Ch. 6.3 - For an invertible nn matrix A, what is the...Ch. 6.3 - For two invertible nn matrices A and B, what is...Ch. 6.3 - If A and B are invertible nn matrices, and if A...Ch. 6.3 - For an invertible nn matrix A. consider the...Ch. 6.3 - Show that an nn matrix A has at least one...Ch. 6.3 - Even if an nn matrix A fails to be invertible, we...Ch. 6.3 - Show that A(adjA)=0(adjA)A for all noninvertible...Ch. 6.3 - If A isan nn matrixo frank n1 , what is the rank...Ch. 6.3 - Find all 22 matrices A such that adj(A)=AT .Ch. 6.3 - (For those who have studied multivariable...Ch. 6.3 - Consider the quadrilateral in the accompanying...Ch. 6.3 - What is the area of the largest ellipse you can...Ch. 6.3 - What are the lengths of the semi axes of the...Ch. 6 - If B is obtained be multiplying a column of A by...Ch. 6 - det(A10)=(detA)10 for all 1010 matrices A.Ch. 6 - The determinant of any diagonal nn matrix is the...Ch. 6 - If matrix B is obtained by swapping two rows of an...Ch. 6 - If A=[uvw] is any 33 matrix, then detA=u(vw) .Ch. 6 - det(4A)=4detA for all 44 matrices A.Ch. 6 - det(A+B)=4detA+detB for all 55 matrices A and B.Ch. 6 - The equation det(A)=detA holds for all 66...Ch. 6 - If all the entries of a 77 matrix A are 7, then...Ch. 6 - An 88 matrix fails to be invertible if (and only...Ch. 6 - Prob. 11ECh. 6 - Prob. 12ECh. 6 - Prob. 13ECh. 6 - Prob. 14ECh. 6 - Prob. 15ECh. 6 - Prob. 16ECh. 6 - Prob. 17ECh. 6 - Prob. 18ECh. 6 - Prob. 19ECh. 6 - Prob. 20ECh. 6 - If all the entries of a square matrix are 1 or 0,...Ch. 6 - If all the entries of a square matrix A are...Ch. 6 - If all the columns of a square matrix A are unit...Ch. 6 - If A is any noninvertible square matrix, then...Ch. 6 - If the determinant of a square matrix is 1 , then...Ch. 6 - If all the entries of an invertible matrix A are...Ch. 6 - There exists a 44 matrix A whose entries are all 1...Ch. 6 - If the determinant of a 22 matrix A is 4, then the...Ch. 6 - If A=[uvw] is a 33 matrix, then the formula...Ch. 6 - There exist invertible 22 matrices A and B such...Ch. 6 - There exist real invertible 33 matrices A and S...Ch. 6 - There exist real invertible 33 matrices A and S...Ch. 6 - If A is any symmetric matrix, then detA=1 or...Ch. 6 - If A is any skew-symmetric 44 matrix, then detA=0...Ch. 6 - If detA=detB for two nn matrices A and B, thenA...Ch. 6 - Suppose A is an nn matrix and B is obtained fromA...Ch. 6 - If an nn matrix A is invertible, then there must...Ch. 6 - If all the entries of matrices A and A1 are...Ch. 6 - If a square matrix A is invertible, then its...Ch. 6 - There exists a real 33 matrix A such that A2=I3 .Ch. 6 - If all the diagonal entries of an nn matrix A are...Ch. 6 - If all the diagonal entries of nn matrix A are...Ch. 6 - For every nonzero 22 matrix A there exists a 22...Ch. 6 - If A is a 44 matrix whose entries are all 1 or 1 ,...Ch. 6 - If A is an invertible nn matrix, then A must...Ch. 6 - There exists a real number k such that the matrix...Ch. 6 - If A and B are orthogonal nn matrices such that...
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