Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures  Comprehensive Version (11th Edition)
Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures Comprehensive Version (11th Edition)
11th Edition
ISBN: 9780134700144
Author: Liang
Publisher: PEARSON
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Chapter 26, Problem 26.5PE
Program Plan Intro

Program Plan:

  • Include the required import statement.
  • Define the main class.
    • Define the main method using public static main.
      • Allocate memory to the class “Test”.
      • Define the “Test” class.
      • Declare the object for the AVLTree2.
      • Get the input integers from the user.
      • Get the “k” value from the user.
      • Display the results.
    • Define the “AVLTree2” class.
      • Create a default constructor and constructor.
      • The “createNewNode” method is used to return the “AVLTree2” value.
      • The “rootSize” method is used to return the size of the root.
      • The “find” method is used to return searching element.
      • The “find” method is used to search the given element in the AVL tree and then return that element.
      • Define “insert” method.
        • Override the “insert” method in the program.
        • Check if the element is already in the tree or not.
        • The element is not in the tree balance from element to the root.
        • Return the inserted element.
      • Define “updateHeight” method.
        • If the leaf node is null, set the height of the tree is 0.
        • If the left subtree is null, calculate the height and set it into the variable.
        • If the right subtree is null, calculate the height and set it into the variable.
        • Otherwise, calculate the total height of the tree and set it into the variable.
      • Define “updateSize” method.
        • If the leaf node is null, set the size of the tree is 1.
        • If the left subtree is null, calculate the size and set it into the variable.
        • If the right subtree is null, calculate the size and set it into the variable.
        • Otherwise, calculate the total size of the tree and set it into the variable.
      • Define “balancePath” method.
        • Declare the array list.
        • Check the size.
        • Call the “updateHeight” and “updateSize” methods.
        • Balance the nodes in the path from the specified node to the root is necessary.
      • Define “balanceFactor” method.
        • If the node has no right subtree, return the height.
        • If the node has no left subtree, return the height.
        • Otherwise return full height.
      • Define “balanceLL” method.
        • Here “A” is left heavy and “B” is right heavy.
        • If “A” is equal to “root”, then assign “B” to “root”.
        • Otherwise, if the “parentOfA.left” is equal to “A”, then assign “B” to “parentOfA.left”.
          • Otherwise, assign “B” to “parentOfA.right”.
        • Make “T1” as left subtree of A and make “A” the left child of “B”.
        • Call the methods.
      • Define “balanceLR” method.
        • Here “A” is left heavy and “B” is right heavy.
        • If “A” is equal to “root”, then assign “C” to “root”.
        • Otherwise, if the “parentOfA.left” is equal to “A”, then assign “C” to “parentOfA.left”.
          • Otherwise, assign “C” to “parentOfA.right”.
        • Make “T3” as left subtree of A and make “T2” the left child of “B”.
      • Call the methods.
      • Define “balanceRR” method.
        • Here “A” is left heavy and “B” is right heavy.
        • If “A” is equal to “root”, then assign “B” to “root”.
        • Otherwise, if the “parentOfA.left” is equal to “A”, then assign “B” to “parentOfA.left”.
          • Otherwise, assign “B” to “parentOfA.right”.
        • Make “T2” as right subtree of “A”.
        • Call the methods.
      • Define “balanceRL” method.
        • Here “A” is left heavy and “B” is right heavy.
        • If “A” is equal to “root”, then assign “C” to “root”.
        • Otherwise, if the “parentOfA.left” is equal to “A”, then assign “C” to “parentOfA.left”.
          • Otherwise, assign “C” to “parentOfA.right”.
        • Make “T3” as left subtree of A and make “T2” the right subtree of “B”.
        • Call the methods.
      • Define “delete” method.
        • If the “root” is null, the element is not in the tree.
        • Locate the node to be deleted and also allocate its parent node.
        • If the “current” value is null, then the element is not in the tree.
        • The “current” has no left children, then connect the parent with the right child of the current node.
        • The “current” has a left children, then locate the rightmost node in the left subtree of the current node and also its parent.
        • Replace the element in current by the element in rightmost.
        • Balance the tree if necessary.
        • Return the inserted element.
      • Define “AVLTree2Node” method.
        • Declare the variable.
        • Override the method.
    • Define the “BST2” class.
      • Declare the required variables.
      • Create a default BST2 class.
      • Create a binary tree from an array of objects.
      • The “height” method will return the height of the tree.
      • Define the “search” method.
        • Start the traverse from the root of the tree.
        • If the search element is in the left subtree set that value in “current” variable otherwise set the “current” variable as right subtree value.
      • Define the “insert” method.
        • If the root is null create the tree otherwise insert the value into left or right subtree.
      • Define the “createNewNode”
        • Return the result of new node creations.
      • Define the “inorder”
        • Inorder traverse from the root.
      • Define the protected “inorder” method
        • Traverse the tree according to the inorder traversal concept.
      • Define the “postorder”
        • Postorder traverse from the root.
      • Define the protected “postorder” method
        • Traverse the tree according to the postorder traversal concept.
      • Define the “preorder”
        • Preorder traverse from the root.
      • Define the protected “preorder” method
        • Traverse the tree according to the preorder traversal concept.
      • Define the “TreeNode” class
        • Declare the required variables.
        • Define the constructor.
      • Define the “getSize” method.
        • Return the size.
      • Define the “getRoot” method
        • Return the root.
      • Define the “java.util.ArrayList” method.
        • Create an object for the array list.
        • If the “current” is not equal to null, add the value to the list.
        • If the “current” is less than 0, set the “current” as left subtree element otherwise set the “current” as right subtree element.
        • Return the list.
      • Define the “delete” method.
        • If the “current” is not equal to null, add the value to the list.
        • If the “current” is less than 0, delete the “current” as left subtree element otherwise delete the “current” as right subtree element.
        • Return the list.
      • Define the “iterator” method.
        • Call the “inorderIterator” and return the value.
      • Define the “inorderIterator”
        • Create an object for that method and return the value
      • Define the “inorderIterator” class.
        • Declare the variables.
        • Define the constructor.
          • Call the “inorder” method.
        • Define the “inorder” method.
          • Call the inner “inorder” method with the argument.
        • Define the TreeNode “inorder” method.
          • If the root value is null return the value, otherwise add the value into the list.
        • Define the “hasNext” method
          • If the “current” value is less than size of the list return true otherwise return false.
        • Define the “next” method
          • Return the list.
        • Define the “remove” method.
          • Call the delete method.
          • Clear the list then call the “inorder” method.
      • Define the “clear” method
        • Set the values to the variables

  • Include the required import statement
  • Define the interface in “Tree” class.
    • Declare the required methods.
    • Define the required methods.

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Program Description Answer

The below program will get the input integers from the user and find the kth minimum value in the list as follows:

Explanation of Solution


“” is referred in Listing 25.3 from chapter 25 (Page No.:958).


//import statement

import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.Scanner;

//class Test

public class Test


// main method

public static void main(String[] args)


//create the objects

AVLTree2<Double> tree = new AVLTree2<>();

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

/* prompt the user to enter 15 integers and store them in the tree*/

System.out.print("Enter 15 numbers: ");

for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)


//insert into the tree



//get the "k" number from the user

System.out.print("Enter k: ");

double k = input.nextDouble();

//display the output

System.out.println("The " + (int)k + "th smallest number is " + tree.find(k));



//definition of "AVLTree2" class

class AVLTree2<E extends Comparable<E>> extends BST2<E>


//create a default constructor

public AVLTree2()



//create a constructor

public AVLTree2(E[] objects)


//rebuild the objects




//definition of "createNewNode" method

protected AVLTree2Node<E> createNewNode(E e)


//return statement

return new AVLTree2Node<E>(e);


//definition of "rootSize" method

public int rootSize()


//return statement

return ((AVLTree2Node<E>) this.root).size;


//definition of "find" method

public E find(double k)


//return statement

return find(k, (AVLTree2Node<E>) this.root);


//definition of "find" method

public E find(double k, AVLTree2Node<E> node)


//check the condition

if (k < 0 || k > this.size)


//return statement

return null;


//check the condition

else if (node.left == null && k == 1)


//return statement

return node.element;


//check the condition

else if (node.left == null && k == 2)


//return statement

return node.right.element;


//check the condition

else if (k <= ((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left).size)


//return statement

return find(k, (AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left);


//check the condition

else if (k == (((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left).size) + 1)


//return statement

return node.element;





//return statement

return find(k - (((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left).size) - 1,(AVLTree2Node<E>) node.right);




//definition of "insert" method 

public boolean insert(E e)


//declare the variable

boolean successful = super.insert(e);

//check the condition

if (!successful)


//return statement

return false;




//call the method



//return statement

return true;


//definition of "updateHeight" method

private void updateHeight(AVLTree2Node<E> node)


//check the condition

if (node.left == null && node.right == null)


//assign the value

node.height = 0;


//check the condition

else if (node.left == null)


// calculate and assign the value

node.height = 1 + ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.right)).height;


//check the condition

else if (node.right == null)


//calculate and assign the value

node.height = 1 + ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.left)).height;




//calculate and assign the value

node.height = 1 + Math.max(((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.right)).height, ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.left)).height);



//definition of "updateSize" method

private void updateSize(AVLTree2Node<E> node)


//check the condition

if (node.left == null && node.right == null)


//assign the value

node.size = 1;


//check the condition

else if (node.left == null)


//calculate and assign the value

node.size = 1 + ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.right)).size;


//check the condition

else if (node.right == null)


//calculate and assign the value

node.size = 1 + ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.left)).size;




//calculate and assign the value

node.size = 1 + (((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.right)).size) + (((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.left)).size);



//definition of "balancePath" method

private void balancePath(E e)


//set the path

java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> path = path(e);

//check the condition

for (int i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)


//set the path

AVLTree2Node<E> A = (AVLTree2Node<E>) (path.get(i));

//call the method



/*check the condition and set it into the "parentOFA" variable*/

AVLTree2Node<E> parentOfA = (A == root) ? null : (AVLTree2Node<E>) (path

.get(i - 1));

//check the condition

switch (balanceFactor(A))


case -2:

//check the condition

if (balanceFactor((AVLTree2Node<E>) A.left) <= 0)


// perform LL rotation

balanceLL(A, parentOfA);




// perform LR rotation

balanceLR(A, parentOfA);



case +2:

//check the condition

if (balanceFactor((AVLTree2Node<E>) A.right) >= 0)


// perform RR rotation

balanceRR(A, parentOfA);




// perform RL rotation

balanceRL(A, parentOfA);





//definition of "balanceFactor" method

private int balanceFactor(AVLTree2Node<E> node)


//check the condition

if (node.right == null)


//return statement

return -node.height;


//check the condition

else if (node.left == null)


//return statement

return +node.height;




//return statement

return ((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.right).height

- ((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left).height;



//defintion of "balanceLL" method

private void balanceLL(TreeNode<E> A, TreeNode<E> parentOfA)


//set the value

TreeNode<E> B = A.left;

//check the condition

if (A == root)


//set the value

root = B;




//check the condition

if (parentOfA.left == A)


//set the value

parentOfA.left = B;




//set the value

parentOfA.right = B;



//set the value

A.left = B.right;

B.right = A;

// call the method and adjust heights

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);


//definition of "balanceLR" method

private void balanceLR(TreeNode<E> A, TreeNode<E> parentOfA)


//set the value

TreeNode<E> B = A.left;

TreeNode<E> C = B.right;

//check the condition

if (A == root)


//set the value

root = C;




//check the condition

if (parentOfA.left == A)


//set the value

parentOfA.left = C;




//set the value

parentOfA.right = C;



//set the values

A.left = C.right;

B.right = C.left;

C.left = B;

C.right = A;

// call the method and adjust heights

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) C);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) C);


//definition of "balanceRR" method

private void balanceRR(TreeNode<E> A, TreeNode<E> parentOfA)


//set the value

TreeNode<E> B = A.right;

//check the condition

if (A == root)


//set the value

root = B;




//check the condition

if (parentOfA.left == A)


//set the value

parentOfA.left = B;




//set the value

parentOfA.right = B;



//set the value

A.right = B.left;

B.left = A;

//call the methods

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);


//definition of "balanceRL" method

private void balanceRL(TreeNode<E> A, TreeNode<E> parentOfA)


//set the value

TreeNode<E> B = A.right;

TreeNode<E> C = B.left;

//check the condition

if (A == root)


//set the value

root = C;




//check the condition

if (parentOfA.left == A)


//set the value

parentOfA.left = C;




//set the value

parentOfA.right = C;



//set the values

A.right = C.left;

B.left = C.right;

C.left = A;

C.right = B;

// call the methods and adjust heights

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);

updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) C);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);

updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) C);



//definition of "delete" method

public boolean delete(E element)


//check the condition

if (root == null)


//return statement

return false;


// declare the variables

TreeNode<E> parent = null;

TreeNode<E> current = root;

//check the condition

while (current != null)


//check the condition

if (element.compareTo(current.element) < 0)


//set the value

parent = current;

current = current.left;


//check the condition

else if (element.compareTo(current.element) > 0)


//set the value

parent = current;

current = current.right;




//break statement




//check the condition

if (current == null)


//return statement

return false;


//check the condition

if (current.left == null)


//check the condition

if (parent == null)


//set the value

root = current.right;




//check the condition

if (element.compareTo(parent.element) < 0)


//set the value

parent.left = current.right;




//set the value

parent.right = current.right;


//set the value






//set the value

TreeNode<E> parentOfRightMost = current;

TreeNode<E> rightMost = current.left;

//check the condition

while (rightMost.right != null)


//set the value

parentOfRightMost = rightMost;

rightMost = rightMost.right;


//set the value

current.element = rightMost.element;

//check the condition

if (parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost)


//set the value

parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left;




//set the value

parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left;


// balance the tree if necessary



//decrement the "size"


//return statement

return true;


//definition of "AVLTree2Node" class

protected static class AVLTree2Node<E extends Comparable<E>> extends



//declare the required variables

protected int height = 0;

protected int size = 0;


public AVLTree2Node(E o)


//override the method





//definition of "BST" class

class BST2<E extends Comparable<E>> implements Tree<E>


//declare the variables

protected TreeNode<E> root;

protected int size = 0;

//create a default binary tree

public BST2()



//create a binary tree from an array of objects

public BST2(E[] objects)


//check the condition

for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)


//insert the values





//definition of "search" method

public boolean search(E e)


//start from the root

TreeNode<E> current = root;

//check the condition

while (current != null)


//check the condition

if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)


//set the value

current = current.left;


//check the condition

else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)


//set the value

current = current.right;





//return statement

return true;



//return statement

return false;



//definition of "insert" method

public boolean insert(E e)


//check the condition

if (root == null)


//create a new root

root = createNewNode(e);





// locate the parent node

TreeNode<E> parent = null;

TreeNode<E> current = root;

//check the condition

while (current != null)


//check the condition

if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)


//set the value

parent = current;

current = current.left;


//check the condition

else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)


//set the value

parent = current;

current = current.right;




//return statement

return false;



//check the condition

if (e.compareTo(parent.element) < 0)


//create a new node

parent.left = createNewNode(e);




//create a new node

parent.right = createNewNode(e);



//increment the size


//return statement

return true;


//definition of "createNewNode"

protected TreeNode<E> createNewNode(E e)


//return the statement

return new TreeNode<E>(e);



//definition of "inorder"

public void inorder()


//inorder traverse from the root



//definition of inorder

protected void inorder(TreeNode<E> root)


//check the condition

if (root == null)


//return statement



// inorder traversal from a subtree


//display the element

System.out.print(root.element + " ");

// inorder traversal from a subtree




// definition of "postoder"

public void postorder()


// postorder traversal from the root



// definition of "postorder"

protected void postorder(TreeNode<E> root)


//check the condition

if (root == null)


//return statement



//postorder traversal from a subtree



//display the element

System.out.print(root.element + " ");



//definition of "preorder"

public void preorder()


// preorder traversal from the root



//definition of "preorder"

protected void preorder(TreeNode<E> root)


//check the condition

if (root == null)


//return statement



//display the value

System.out.print(root.element + " ");

// preorder traversal from a subtree




//definition of "TreeNode" class

public static class TreeNode<E extends Comparable<E>>


//declare the variables

protected E element;

protected TreeNode<E> left;

protected TreeNode<E> right;

//definition of constructor

public TreeNode(E e)


//set the value

element = e;




// definition of "getSize" method

public int getSize()


//return statement

return size;


// definition of "getRoot" method

public TreeNode getRoot()


//return statement

return root;


// definition of method

public java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> path(E e)


//create an object

java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> list = new java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>();

// start from the root

TreeNode<E> current = root;

//check the condition

while (current != null)


//add the node to the list


//check the condition

if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)


//set the value

current = current.left;


//check the condition

else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)


//set the value

current = current.right;



//break statement



//return statement

return list;



//definition of "delete" method

public boolean delete(E e)


// declare the variables

TreeNode<E> parent = null;

TreeNode<E> current = root;

//check the condition

while (current != null)


//check the condition

if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)


//set the value

parent = current;

current = current.left;


//check the condition

else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)


//set the value

parent = current;

current = current.right;



//break statement



//check the condition

if (current == null)

return false;

//check the condition

if (current.left == null)


//check the condition

if (parent == null)


//set the value

root = current.right;




//check the condition

if (e.compareTo(parent.element) < 0)

//set the value

parent.left = current.right;


//set the value

parent.right = current.right;





//set the value

TreeNode<E> parentOfRightMost = current;

TreeNode<E> rightMost = current.left;

//check the condition

while (rightMost.right != null)


//set the value

parentOfRightMost = rightMost;

rightMost = rightMost.right;


//set the value

current.element = rightMost.element;

//check the condition

if (parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost)

//set the value

parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left;


//set the value

parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left;


//decrement the "size"


//return statement

return true;



//definition of "inorderIterator"

public java.util.Iterator<E> iterator()


//return statement

return new InorderIterator();


// definition of class "InorderIterator"

class InorderIterator implements java.util.Iterator


// store the elements in a list

private java.util.ArrayList<E> list = new java.util.ArrayList<E>();

//declare the variable

private int current = 0;


public InorderIterator()


//call the method



//definition of inorder traversal from the root

private void inorder()


//call the method



/*definition of inorder traversal from a subtree */

private void inorder(TreeNode<E> root)


//check the condition

if (root == null)

//return statement


//call the method


//add the value to the list


//call the method



//definition of "hasNext"

public boolean hasNext()


//check the condition

if (current < list.size())

//return statement

return true;

//return statement

return false;


//definition of "next" method

public Object next()


//return statement

return list.get(current++);


// definition of "remove" method

public void remove()


//delete the current element


// clear the list


// rebuild the list




// definition of "clear" method

public void clear()


//set the values

root = null;

size = 0;



Sample Output

Enter 15 numbers: 3















Enter k: 4

The 4th smallest number is 3.0

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Author:D. S. Malik
Publisher:Cengage Learning
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Systems Architecture
Computer Science
Author:Stephen D. Burd
Publisher:Cengage Learning
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Programming Logic & Design Comprehensive
Computer Science
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Computer Science
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Oracle 12c: SQL
Computer Science
Author:Joan Casteel
Publisher:Cengage Learning