Program Plan:
- Include the required import statement.
- Define the main class.
- Define the main method using public static main.
- Allocate memory to the class “Test”.
- Define the “Test” class.
- Declare the object for the AVLTree2.
- Get the input integers from the user.
- Get the “k” value from the user.
- Display the results.
- Define the “AVLTree2” class.
- Create a default constructor and constructor.
- The “createNewNode” method is used to return the “AVLTree2” value.
- The “rootSize” method is used to return the size of the root.
- The “find” method is used to return searching element.
- The “find” method is used to search the given element in the AVL tree and then return that element.
- Define “insert” method.
- Override the “insert” method in the program.
- Check if the element is already in the tree or not.
- The element is not in the tree balance from element to the root.
- Return the inserted element.
- Define “updateHeight” method.
- If the leaf node is null, set the height of the tree is 0.
- If the left subtree is null, calculate the height and set it into the variable.
- If the right subtree is null, calculate the height and set it into the variable.
- Otherwise, calculate the total height of the tree and set it into the variable.
- Define “updateSize” method.
- If the leaf node is null, set the size of the tree is 1.
- If the left subtree is null, calculate the size and set it into the variable.
- If the right subtree is null, calculate the size and set it into the variable.
- Otherwise, calculate the total size of the tree and set it into the variable.
- Define “balancePath” method.
- Declare the array list.
- Check the size.
- Call the “updateHeight” and “updateSize” methods.
- Balance the nodes in the path from the specified node to the root is necessary.
- Define “balanceFactor” method.
- If the node has no right subtree, return the height.
- If the node has no left subtree, return the height.
- Otherwise return full height.
- Define “balanceLL” method.
- Here “A” is left heavy and “B” is right heavy.
- If “A” is equal to “root”, then assign “B” to “root”.
- Otherwise, if the “parentOfA.left” is equal to “A”, then assign “B” to “parentOfA.left”.
- Otherwise, assign “B” to “parentOfA.right”.
- Make “T1” as left subtree of A and make “A” the left child of “B”.
- Call the methods.
- Define “balanceLR” method.
- Here “A” is left heavy and “B” is right heavy.
- If “A” is equal to “root”, then assign “C” to “root”.
- Otherwise, if the “parentOfA.left” is equal to “A”, then assign “C” to “parentOfA.left”.
- Otherwise, assign “C” to “parentOfA.right”.
- Make “T3” as left subtree of A and make “T2” the left child of “B”.
- Call the methods.
- Define “balanceRR” method.
- Here “A” is left heavy and “B” is right heavy.
- If “A” is equal to “root”, then assign “B” to “root”.
- Otherwise, if the “parentOfA.left” is equal to “A”, then assign “B” to “parentOfA.left”.
- Otherwise, assign “B” to “parentOfA.right”.
- Make “T2” as right subtree of “A”.
- Call the methods.
- Define “balanceRL” method.
- Here “A” is left heavy and “B” is right heavy.
- If “A” is equal to “root”, then assign “C” to “root”.
- Otherwise, if the “parentOfA.left” is equal to “A”, then assign “C” to “parentOfA.left”.
- Otherwise, assign “C” to “parentOfA.right”.
- Make “T3” as left subtree of A and make “T2” the right subtree of “B”.
- Call the methods.
- Define “delete” method.
- If the “root” is null, the element is not in the tree.
- Locate the node to be deleted and also allocate its parent node.
- If the “current” value is null, then the element is not in the tree.
- The “current” has no left children, then connect the parent with the right child of the current node.
- The “current” has a left children, then locate the rightmost node in the left subtree of the current node and also its parent.
- Replace the element in current by the element in rightmost.
- Balance the tree if necessary.
- Return the inserted element.
- Define “AVLTree2Node” method.
- Declare the variable.
- Override the method.
- Define the “BST2” class.
- Declare the required variables.
- Create a default BST2 class.
- Create a binary tree from an array of objects.
- The “height” method will return the height of the tree.
- Define the “search” method.
- Start the traverse from the root of the tree.
- If the search element is in the left subtree set that value in “current” variable otherwise set the “current” variable as right subtree value.
- Define the “insert” method.
- If the root is null create the tree otherwise insert the value into left or right subtree.
- Define the “createNewNode”
- Return the result of new node creations.
- Define the “inorder”
- Inorder traverse from the root.
- Define the protected “inorder” method
- Traverse the tree according to the inorder traversal concept.
- Define the “postorder”
- Postorder traverse from the root.
- Define the protected “postorder” method
- Traverse the tree according to the postorder traversal concept.
- Define the “preorder”
- Preorder traverse from the root.
- Define the protected “preorder” method
- Traverse the tree according to the preorder traversal concept.
- Define the “TreeNode” class
- Declare the required variables.
- Define the constructor.
- Define the “getSize” method.
- Return the size.
- Define the “getRoot” method
- Return the root.
- Define the “java.util.ArrayList” method.
- Create an object for the array list.
- If the “current” is not equal to null, add the value to the list.
- If the “current” is less than 0, set the “current” as left subtree element otherwise set the “current” as right subtree element.
- Return the list.
- Define the “delete” method.
- If the “current” is not equal to null, add the value to the list.
- If the “current” is less than 0, delete the “current” as left subtree element otherwise delete the “current” as right subtree element.
- Return the list.
- Define the “iterator” method.
- Call the “inorderIterator” and return the value.
- Define the “inorderIterator”
- Create an object for that method and return the value
- Define the “inorderIterator” class.
- Declare the variables.
- Define the constructor.
- Call the “inorder” method.
- Define the “inorder” method.
- Call the inner “inorder” method with the argument.
- Define the TreeNode “inorder” method.
- If the root value is null return the value, otherwise add the value into the list.
- Define the “hasNext” method
- If the “current” value is less than size of the list return true otherwise return false.
- Define the “next” method
- Return the list.
- Define the “remove” method.
- Call the delete method.
- Clear the list then call the “inorder” method.
- Define the “clear” method
- Set the values to the variables
- Define the main method using public static main.
- Include the required import statement
- Define the interface in “Tree” class.
- Declare the required methods.
- Define the required methods.
The below program will get the input integers from the user and find the kth minimum value in the list as follows:
Explanation of Solution
“” is referred in Listing 25.3 from chapter 25 (Page No.:958).
//import statement
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Scanner;
//class Test
public class Test
// main method
public static void main(String[] args)
//create the objects
AVLTree2<Double> tree = new AVLTree2<>();
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
/* prompt the user to enter 15 integers and store them in the tree*/
System.out.print("Enter 15 numbers: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
//insert into the tree
//get the "k" number from the user
System.out.print("Enter k: ");
double k = input.nextDouble();
//display the output
System.out.println("The " + (int)k + "th smallest number is " + tree.find(k));
//definition of "AVLTree2" class
class AVLTree2<E extends Comparable<E>> extends BST2<E>
//create a default constructor
public AVLTree2()
//create a constructor
public AVLTree2(E[] objects)
//rebuild the objects
//definition of "createNewNode" method
protected AVLTree2Node<E> createNewNode(E e)
//return statement
return new AVLTree2Node<E>(e);
//definition of "rootSize" method
public int rootSize()
//return statement
return ((AVLTree2Node<E>) this.root).size;
//definition of "find" method
public E find(double k)
//return statement
return find(k, (AVLTree2Node<E>) this.root);
//definition of "find" method
public E find(double k, AVLTree2Node<E> node)
//check the condition
if (k < 0 || k > this.size)
//return statement
return null;
//check the condition
else if (node.left == null && k == 1)
//return statement
return node.element;
//check the condition
else if (node.left == null && k == 2)
//return statement
return node.right.element;
//check the condition
else if (k <= ((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left).size)
//return statement
return find(k, (AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left);
//check the condition
else if (k == (((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left).size) + 1)
//return statement
return node.element;
//return statement
return find(k - (((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left).size) - 1,(AVLTree2Node<E>) node.right);
//definition of "insert" method
public boolean insert(E e)
//declare the variable
boolean successful = super.insert(e);
//check the condition
if (!successful)
//return statement
return false;
//call the method
//return statement
return true;
//definition of "updateHeight" method
private void updateHeight(AVLTree2Node<E> node)
//check the condition
if (node.left == null && node.right == null)
//assign the value
node.height = 0;
//check the condition
else if (node.left == null)
// calculate and assign the value
node.height = 1 + ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.right)).height;
//check the condition
else if (node.right == null)
//calculate and assign the value
node.height = 1 + ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.left)).height;
//calculate and assign the value
node.height = 1 + Math.max(((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.right)).height, ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.left)).height);
//definition of "updateSize" method
private void updateSize(AVLTree2Node<E> node)
//check the condition
if (node.left == null && node.right == null)
//assign the value
node.size = 1;
//check the condition
else if (node.left == null)
//calculate and assign the value
node.size = 1 + ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.right)).size;
//check the condition
else if (node.right == null)
//calculate and assign the value
node.size = 1 + ((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.left)).size;
//calculate and assign the value
node.size = 1 + (((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.right)).size) + (((AVLTree2Node<E>) (node.left)).size);
//definition of "balancePath" method
private void balancePath(E e)
//set the path
java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> path = path(e);
//check the condition
for (int i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
//set the path
AVLTree2Node<E> A = (AVLTree2Node<E>) (path.get(i));
//call the method
/*check the condition and set it into the "parentOFA" variable*/
AVLTree2Node<E> parentOfA = (A == root) ? null : (AVLTree2Node<E>) (path
.get(i - 1));
//check the condition
switch (balanceFactor(A))
case -2:
//check the condition
if (balanceFactor((AVLTree2Node<E>) A.left) <= 0)
// perform LL rotation
balanceLL(A, parentOfA);
// perform LR rotation
balanceLR(A, parentOfA);
case +2:
//check the condition
if (balanceFactor((AVLTree2Node<E>) A.right) >= 0)
// perform RR rotation
balanceRR(A, parentOfA);
// perform RL rotation
balanceRL(A, parentOfA);
//definition of "balanceFactor" method
private int balanceFactor(AVLTree2Node<E> node)
//check the condition
if (node.right == null)
//return statement
return -node.height;
//check the condition
else if (node.left == null)
//return statement
return +node.height;
//return statement
return ((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.right).height
- ((AVLTree2Node<E>) node.left).height;
//defintion of "balanceLL" method
private void balanceLL(TreeNode<E> A, TreeNode<E> parentOfA)
//set the value
TreeNode<E> B = A.left;
//check the condition
if (A == root)
//set the value
root = B;
//check the condition
if (parentOfA.left == A)
//set the value
parentOfA.left = B;
//set the value
parentOfA.right = B;
//set the value
A.left = B.right;
B.right = A;
// call the method and adjust heights
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);
//definition of "balanceLR" method
private void balanceLR(TreeNode<E> A, TreeNode<E> parentOfA)
//set the value
TreeNode<E> B = A.left;
TreeNode<E> C = B.right;
//check the condition
if (A == root)
//set the value
root = C;
//check the condition
if (parentOfA.left == A)
//set the value
parentOfA.left = C;
//set the value
parentOfA.right = C;
//set the values
A.left = C.right;
B.right = C.left;
C.left = B;
C.right = A;
// call the method and adjust heights
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) C);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) C);
//definition of "balanceRR" method
private void balanceRR(TreeNode<E> A, TreeNode<E> parentOfA)
//set the value
TreeNode<E> B = A.right;
//check the condition
if (A == root)
//set the value
root = B;
//check the condition
if (parentOfA.left == A)
//set the value
parentOfA.left = B;
//set the value
parentOfA.right = B;
//set the value
A.right = B.left;
B.left = A;
//call the methods
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);
//definition of "balanceRL" method
private void balanceRL(TreeNode<E> A, TreeNode<E> parentOfA)
//set the value
TreeNode<E> B = A.right;
TreeNode<E> C = B.left;
//check the condition
if (A == root)
//set the value
root = C;
//check the condition
if (parentOfA.left == A)
//set the value
parentOfA.left = C;
//set the value
parentOfA.right = C;
//set the values
A.right = C.left;
B.left = C.right;
C.left = A;
C.right = B;
// call the methods and adjust heights
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);
updateHeight((AVLTree2Node<E>) C);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) A);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) B);
updateSize((AVLTree2Node<E>) C);
//definition of "delete" method
public boolean delete(E element)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
return false;
// declare the variables
TreeNode<E> parent = null;
TreeNode<E> current = root;
//check the condition
while (current != null)
//check the condition
if (element.compareTo(current.element) < 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.left;
//check the condition
else if (element.compareTo(current.element) > 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.right;
//break statement
//check the condition
if (current == null)
//return statement
return false;
//check the condition
if (current.left == null)
//check the condition
if (parent == null)
//set the value
root = current.right;
//check the condition
if (element.compareTo(parent.element) < 0)
//set the value
parent.left = current.right;
//set the value
parent.right = current.right;
//set the value
//set the value
TreeNode<E> parentOfRightMost = current;
TreeNode<E> rightMost = current.left;
//check the condition
while (rightMost.right != null)
//set the value
parentOfRightMost = rightMost;
rightMost = rightMost.right;
//set the value
current.element = rightMost.element;
//check the condition
if (parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost)
//set the value
parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left;
//set the value
parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left;
// balance the tree if necessary
//decrement the "size"
//return statement
return true;
//definition of "AVLTree2Node" class
protected static class AVLTree2Node<E extends Comparable<E>> extends
//declare the required variables
protected int height = 0;
protected int size = 0;
public AVLTree2Node(E o)
//override the method
//definition of "BST" class
class BST2<E extends Comparable<E>> implements Tree<E>
//declare the variables
protected TreeNode<E> root;
protected int size = 0;
//create a default binary tree
public BST2()
//create a binary tree from an array of objects
public BST2(E[] objects)
//check the condition
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
//insert the values
//definition of "search" method
public boolean search(E e)
//start from the root
TreeNode<E> current = root;
//check the condition
while (current != null)
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)
//set the value
current = current.left;
//check the condition
else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)
//set the value
current = current.right;
//return statement
return true;
//return statement
return false;
//definition of "insert" method
public boolean insert(E e)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//create a new root
root = createNewNode(e);
// locate the parent node
TreeNode<E> parent = null;
TreeNode<E> current = root;
//check the condition
while (current != null)
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.left;
//check the condition
else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.right;
//return statement
return false;
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(parent.element) < 0)
//create a new node
parent.left = createNewNode(e);
//create a new node
parent.right = createNewNode(e);
//increment the size
//return statement
return true;
//definition of "createNewNode"
protected TreeNode<E> createNewNode(E e)
//return the statement
return new TreeNode<E>(e);
//definition of "inorder"
public void inorder()
//inorder traverse from the root
//definition of inorder
protected void inorder(TreeNode<E> root)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
// inorder traversal from a subtree
//display the element
System.out.print(root.element + " ");
// inorder traversal from a subtree
// definition of "postoder"
public void postorder()
// postorder traversal from the root
// definition of "postorder"
protected void postorder(TreeNode<E> root)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
//postorder traversal from a subtree
//display the element
System.out.print(root.element + " ");
//definition of "preorder"
public void preorder()
// preorder traversal from the root
//definition of "preorder"
protected void preorder(TreeNode<E> root)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
//display the value
System.out.print(root.element + " ");
// preorder traversal from a subtree
//definition of "TreeNode" class
public static class TreeNode<E extends Comparable<E>>
//declare the variables
protected E element;
protected TreeNode<E> left;
protected TreeNode<E> right;
//definition of constructor
public TreeNode(E e)
//set the value
element = e;
// definition of "getSize" method
public int getSize()
//return statement
return size;
// definition of "getRoot" method
public TreeNode getRoot()
//return statement
return root;
// definition of method
public java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> path(E e)
//create an object
java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> list = new java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>();
// start from the root
TreeNode<E> current = root;
//check the condition
while (current != null)
//add the node to the list
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)
//set the value
current = current.left;
//check the condition
else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)
//set the value
current = current.right;
//break statement
//return statement
return list;
//definition of "delete" method
public boolean delete(E e)
// declare the variables
TreeNode<E> parent = null;
TreeNode<E> current = root;
//check the condition
while (current != null)
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.left;
//check the condition
else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.right;
//break statement
//check the condition
if (current == null)
return false;
//check the condition
if (current.left == null)
//check the condition
if (parent == null)
//set the value
root = current.right;
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(parent.element) < 0)
//set the value
parent.left = current.right;
//set the value
parent.right = current.right;
//set the value
TreeNode<E> parentOfRightMost = current;
TreeNode<E> rightMost = current.left;
//check the condition
while (rightMost.right != null)
//set the value
parentOfRightMost = rightMost;
rightMost = rightMost.right;
//set the value
current.element = rightMost.element;
//check the condition
if (parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost)
//set the value
parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left;
//set the value
parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left;
//decrement the "size"
//return statement
return true;
//definition of "inorderIterator"
public java.util.Iterator<E> iterator()
//return statement
return new InorderIterator();
// definition of class "InorderIterator"
class InorderIterator implements java.util.Iterator
// store the elements in a list
private java.util.ArrayList<E> list = new java.util.ArrayList<E>();
//declare the variable
private int current = 0;
public InorderIterator()
//call the method
//definition of inorder traversal from the root
private void inorder()
//call the method
/*definition of inorder traversal from a subtree */
private void inorder(TreeNode<E> root)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
//call the method
//add the value to the list
//call the method
//definition of "hasNext"
public boolean hasNext()
//check the condition
if (current < list.size())
//return statement
return true;
//return statement
return false;
//definition of "next" method
public Object next()
//return statement
return list.get(current++);
// definition of "remove" method
public void remove()
//delete the current element
// clear the list
// rebuild the list
// definition of "clear" method
public void clear()
//set the values
root = null;
size = 0;
Enter 15 numbers: 3
Enter k: 4
The 4th smallest number is 3.0
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Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures Comprehensive Version (11th Edition)
- 2. UNIX Shell and History Feature [20 points] This question consists of designing a C program to serve as a shell interface that accepts user commands and then executes each command in a separate process. A shell interface gives the user a prompt, after which the next command is entered. The example below illustrates the prompt osh> and the user's next command: cat prog.c. The UNIX/Linux cat command displays the contents of the file prog.c on the terminal using the UNIX/Linux cat command and your program needs to do the same. osh> cat prog.c The above can be achieved by running your shell interface as a parent process. Every time a command is entered, you create a child process by using fork(), which then executes the user's command using one of the system calls in the exec() family (as described in Chapter 3). A C program that provides the general operations of a command-line shell can be seen below. #include #include #define MAX LINE 80 /* The maximum length command */ { int…arrow_forwardQuestion#2: Design and implement a Java program using Abstract Factory and Singleton design patterns. The program displays date and time in one of the following two formats: Format 1: Date: MM/DD/YYYY Time: HH:MM:SS Format 2: Date: DD-MM-YYYY Time: SS,MM,HH The following is how the program works. In the beginning, the program asks the user what display format that she wants. Then the program continuously asks the user to give one of the following commands, and performs the corresponding task. Note that the program gets the current date and time from the system clock (use the appropriate Java date and time operations for this). 'd' display current date 't': display current time 'q': quit the program. • In the program, there should be 2 product hierarchies: "DateObject” and “TimeObject”. Each hierarchy should have format and format2 described above. • Implement the factories as singletons. • Run your code and attach screenshots of the results. • Draw a UML class diagram for the program.arrow_forward#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> // part 2 #include <linux/sched.h> // part 2 extra #include <linux/hash.h> #include <linux/gcd.h> #include <asm/param.h> #include <linux/jiffies.h> void print_init_PCB(void) { printk(KERN_INFO "init_task pid:%d\n",; printk(KERN_INFO "init_task state:%lu\n", init_task.state); printk(KERN_INFO "init_task flags:%d\n", init_task.flags); printk(KERN_INFO "init_task runtime priority:%d\n", init_task.rt_priority); printk(KERN_INFO "init_task process policy:%d\n", init_task.policy); printk(KERN_INFO "init_task task group id:%d\n", init_task.tgid); } /* This function is called when the module is loaded. */ int simple_init(void) { printk(KERN_INFO "Loading Module\n"); print_init_PCB(); printk(KERN_INFO "Golden Ration Prime = %lu\n", GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME); printk(KERN_INFO "HZ = %d\n", HZ); printk(KERN_INFO "enter jiffies = %lu\n", jiffies); return 0; } /* This function is called when the…arrow_forward
- List at least five Operating Systems you know. What is the difference between the kernel mode and the user mode for the Linux? What is the system-call? Give an example of API in OS that use the system-call. What is cache? Why the CPU has cache? What is the difference between the Static Linking and Dynamic Linking when compiling the code.arrow_forwardIn the GoF book, List interface is defined as follows: interface List { int count(); //return the current number of elements in the list Object get(int index); //return the object at the index in the list Object first(); //return the first object in the list Object last(); //return the last object in the list boolean include(Object obj); //return true is the object in the list void append(Object obj); //append the object to the end of the list void prepend(Object obj); //insert the object to the front of the list void delete(Object obj); //remove the object from the list void deleteLast(); //remove the last element of the list void deleteFirst(); //remove the first element of the list void deleteAll(); //remove all elements of the list (a) Write a class adapter to adapt Java ArrayList to GoF List interface. (b) Write a main program to test your adapters through List interface. (c) Same requirement as (a) and (b), but write an object adapter to adapt Java ArrayList to GoF List…arrow_forwardIn modern packet-switched networks, including the Internet, the source host segments long, application-layer messages (for example, an image or a music file) into smaller packets and sends the packets into the network. The receiver then reassembles the packets back into the original message. We refer to this process as message segmentation. Figure 1.27 (attached) illustrates the end-to-end transport of a message with and without message segmentation. Consider a message that is 106 bits long that is to be sent from source to destination in Figure 1.27. Suppose each link in the figure is 5 Mbps. Ignore propagation, queuing, and processing delays. a. Consider sending the message from source to destination without message segmentation. How long does it take to move the message from the source host to the first packet switch? Keeping in mind that each switch uses store-and-forward packet switching, what is the total time to move the message from source host to destination host? b. Now…arrow_forward
- Consider a packet of length L that begins at end system A and travels over three links to a destination end system. These three links are connected by two packet switches. Let di, si, and Ri denote the length, propagation speed, and the transmission rate of link i, for i = 1, 2, 3. The packet switch delays each packet by dproc. Assuming no queuing delays, in terms of di, si, Ri, (i = 1, 2, 3), and L, what is the total end-to-end delay for the packet? Suppose now the packet is 1,500 bytes, the propagation speed on all three links is 2.5 * 10^8 m/s, the transmission rates of all three links are 2.5 Mbps, the packet switch processing delay is 3 msec, the length of the first link is 5,000 km, the length of the second link is 4,000 km, and the length of the last link is 1,000 km. For these values, what is the end-to-end delay?arrow_forwardhow to know the weight to data and data to weight also weight by infomraion gain in rapid miner , between this flow diagram retrieve then selecte attrbuite then set role and split data and decision tree and apply model and peformance ,please show how the operators should be connected:arrow_forwardusing rapid miner how to creat decison trea for all attribute and another one with delete one or more of them also how i know the weight of each attribute and what that mean in impact the resultarrow_forward
- Q.1. Architecture performance [10 marks] Answer A certain microprocessor requires either 2, 4, or 6 machine cycles to perform various operations. ⚫ (40+g+f)% require 2 machine cycles, ⚫ (30-g) % require 4 machine cycles, and ⚫ (30-f)% require 6 machine cycles. (a) What is the average number of machine cycles per instruction for this microprocessor? Answer (b) What is the clock rate (machine cycles per second) required for this microprocessor to be a "1000 MIPS" processor? Answer (c) Suppose that 35% of the instructions require retrieving an operand from memory which needs an extra 8 machine cycles. What is the average number of machine cycles per instruction, including the instructions that fetch operands from memory?arrow_forwardQ.2. Architecture performance [25 marks] Consider two different implementations, M1 and M2, of the same instruction set. M1 has a clock rate of 2 GHz and M2 has a clock rate of 3.3 GHz. There are two classes of instructions with the following CPIs: Class A CPI for M1 CPI for M2 2.f 1.g B 5 3 C 6 4 Note that the dots in 2 fand 1.g indicate decimal points and not multiplication. a) What are the peak MIPS performances for both machines? b) Which implementation is faster, if half the instructions executed in a certain program are from class A, while the rest are divided equally among classes B and C. c) What speedup factor for the execution of class-A instructions would lead to 20% overall speedup? d) What is the maximum possible speedup that can be achieved by only improving the execution of class-A instructions? Explain why. e) What is the clock rate required for microprocessor M1 to be a "1000 MIPS" (not peak MIPS) processor?arrow_forwardPLEASE SOLVE STEP BY STEP WITHOUT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OR CHATGPT I don't understand why you use chatgpt, if I wanted to I would do it myself, I need to learn from you, not from being a d amn robot. SOLVE STEP BY STEP I WANT THE DIAGRAM PERFECTLY IN SIMULINKarrow_forward
- New Perspectives on HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScriptComputer ScienceISBN:9781305503922Author:Patrick M. CareyPublisher:Cengage LearningC++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program...Computer ScienceISBN:9781337102087Author:D. S. MalikPublisher:Cengage LearningSystems ArchitectureComputer ScienceISBN:9781305080195Author:Stephen D. BurdPublisher:Cengage Learning
- Programming Logic & Design ComprehensiveComputer ScienceISBN:9781337669405Author:FARRELLPublisher:CengageEBK JAVA PROGRAMMINGComputer ScienceISBN:9781337671385Author:FARRELLPublisher:CENGAGE LEARNING - CONSIGNMENT