12 Kinematics Of A Particle 13 Kinetics Of A Particle: Force And Acceleation 14 Kinetics Of A Particle: Work And Energy 15 Kinetics Of A Particle: Impulse And Momentum 16 Planar Kinematics Of A Rigid Body 17 Planar Kinetics Of A Rigid Body: Force And Acceleration 18 Planar Kinetics Of A Rigid Body: Work And Energy 19 Planar Kinetics Of A Rigid Body: Impulse And Momentum 20 Three-Dimensional Kinematics Of A Rigid Body 21 Three-Dimensional Kinetics Of A Rigid Body 22 Vibrations expand_more
12.1 Introduction 12.2 Rectilinear kinematics: Continuous Motion 12.3 Rectilinear kinematics: Erratic Motion 12.4 General Curvilinear Motion 12.5 Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components 12.6 Motion Of A Projectile 12.7 Curvilinear Motion: Normal And Tangential Components 12.8 Curvilinear Motion: Cylindrical Components 12.9 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis Of Two Particles 12.10 Relative-Motion Of Two Particles Using Translating Axes expand_more
Problem 7PP: a. Determine the acceleration at the instant shown. b. Determine the increase in speed and the... Problem 27FP: Determine the magnitude of its acceleration when t = 10 s. Problem 28FP: Determine the magnitude of its acceleration when s = 10 m. Problem 29FP: If the car decelerates uniformly along the curved road from 25 m/s at A to 15 m/s at C, determine... Problem 30FP: Determine the direction of the crates velocity, and the magnitude of the crates acceleration at this... Problem 31FP: If the motorcycle has a deceleration of at = (0.001s) m/s2 and its speed at position A is 25 m/s,... Problem 32FP: The car travels up the hill with a speed of v = (0.28) m/s, where s is in meters, measured from A.... Problem 110P: If the acceleration of the automobile is 5 ft/s2, determine the constant speed at which the... Problem 111P: Determine the maximum constant speed a race car can have if the acceleration of the car cannot... Problem 112P: If it then increases its speed along a circular path of radius =80 ft at the rate of v = (1.5s)... Problem 113P: Determine the speed of the particle and its normal and tangential components of acceleration when t... Problem 114P: Determine the radius of curvature of the path at point A and the tangential component of... Problem 115P: If its speed is increased by v = (0.05t2) ft/s2, where t is in seconds, determine the magnitudes of... Problem 116P: If it then starts to increase its speed at v = (0.05t2) ft/s2, where t is in seconds, determine the... Problem 117P: If they are at the positions shown when t = 0, determine the time when the cars are side by side,... Problem 118P: At the instant shown, A has a speed of 60ft/sand is increasing its speed at the rate of 15 ft/s2... Problem 119P: If the acceleration is 2.5 m/s2, determine the altitude h. Assume the earths diameter to be 12 713... Problem 120P: Determine the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration after the car has traveled s = 18 m... Problem 121P: Determine the magnitude of the cars acceleration when It reaches point B, where s = 51.5 m and x =... Problem 122P: If the car passes point A with a speed of 20m/s and begins to increase its speed at a constant rate... Problem 123P: The motorcycle is traveling at 1 m/s when it is at A. If the speed is then increased at v = 0.1... Problem 124P: Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the box at this instant. Problem 125P: Determine the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration when it has traveled one-third the way... Problem 126P: Determine the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration when it has travelled three-fourths the... Problem 127P: Determine the rate of increase in the train's speed and the radius of curvature of the path. Problem 128P: If it increases its speed along the circular track at s = 0, at = (0.8s) m/s2, where s is in meters,... Problem 129P: Determine the time when the magnitude of acceleration becomes 20 m/s2. At what position s does this... Problem 130P: If its speed at t = 0 is 15 ft/s and is increasing at v= (0.8t) ft/s2, determine the magnitude of... Problem 131P: Determine the magnitude of the boat's acceleration when the speed is v = 5 m/s and the rate of... Problem 132P: Determine the magnitudes of his velocity and acceleration when he has traveled s = 3 m. Problem 133P: If it is initially traveling with a speed of 10 m/s and its speed then increases at a rate of v =... Problem 134P: Determine the magnitude of its acceleration when it is at point A Problem 135P: Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the engine when it reaches point A, at t = 20 s. Here... Problem 136P: Determine the rate of increase in the planes speed, and also the radius of curvature of the path. Problem 137P: Find the equation of the path, y = f (x), and then find the balls velocity and the normal and... Problem 138P: The motorcycle is traveling at 40 m/s when it is at A If the speed is then decreased at = (0.05s)... Problem 139P: If the speed limit is posted at 60 km/h, determine the minimum acceleration experienced by the... Problem 140P Problem 141P: Determine the normal and tangential components of acceleration and the radius of curvature of the... Problem 142P: Take =150 m. Problem 143P: The motorcycle travels along the elliptical track at a constant speed v. Determine its greatest... Problem 144P: The motorcycle travels along the elliptical track at a constant speed v. Determine its smallest... Problem 145P: If at the instant shown the speed of A begins to increase by (at)A = (0.4sA) m/s2, where sA is n... Problem 146P: If the speed of B is increasing by (at)B = 4m/s2, and at the same instant A has an increase in speed... Problem 147P: Also, specify the direction of flight, measured from the x axis. Problem 148P: Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the plane at the instant it reaches Point A(y = 0). Problem 149P: The train passes point B with a speed of 20 m/s which is decreasing at at = 0.5 m/s2 Determine the... Problem 150P: Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the train when it reaches point B, where sAB = 412 m. Problem 151P: Determine the particles acceleration when it is located at point (200 mm, 100 mm) and sketch this... Problem 152P: When t = 8 s, determine the coordinate direction angles , , and , which the binormal axis to the... Problem 153P Problem 154P: If the speed of the crate at A is 15 ft/s, which is increasing at a rate v = 3 ft/s2, determine the... format_list_bulleted